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Female minimum garb standards


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From Paynetown Pirate Festival, these various images show folks in Basic Kit (many with the appropriate Apron, which I neglected to include originally). It was close to 100 hot and steamy degrees each day with heat index, so many of us were wearing Bare Minimum

:P (Gee, got to find a picture of me 'WITHOUT' that thumping device!)

In all honesty, the majority of women folk at the Paynetown event were dressed in 1700s or later. I even saw a lady dressed in Federal/Empire attire on Sunday. Therefore, we did have a little leeway in the timeline for this event.

I did bring my rust coloured Mantua, but didn’t wear it. Due to the high temperatures as Mary stated, we minimized our dress for safety/health. All the ladies I saw that day did wear shifts, skirts, (perhaps an apron), stockings, stays, and hat/cap (if they would stay on) – the basics.

Some reenacting groups may be lucky enough to have one woman acting as Chatelaine - supplying period correct clothing for new comers, which really does help out in a pinch, yet the point of this thread is to get the basics done as inexpensively as possible, but still be correct. It can be done - education and time is what it takes.

As for the lovely shot Iron Bess threw up – you can’t get more ‘period correct’ than that, can you?! :lol:

Member of "The Forsaken"

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Would have been a refreshing alternative at Paynetown, to be sure!

A lovely shot, indeed.

(Chuckle) ...

And a few years past to be sure! :P

(sigh) Gravity is a dreadful thing :lol:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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In a discussion about female reenactors on the Pirate Brethren forum I once used this quote, supposedly from a period account of Port Royal.

The 'common women' of Port Royal, who "in their smockes ore linnen peticotes, bare-footed without shoes or stockins, with a straw hatt and a red tobacco pipe in their mouths, [would] trampouse about their streets in this their warlike posture, and thus arrayed will booze a cupp of punch cumly with anyone."

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In a discussion about female reenactors on the Pirate Brethren forum I once used this quote, supposedly from a period account of Port Royal.
The 'common women' of Port Royal, who "in their smockes ore linnen peticotes, bare-footed without shoes or stockins, with a straw hatt and a red tobacco pipe in their mouths, [would] trampouse about their streets in this their warlike posture, and thus arrayed will booze a cupp of punch cumly with anyone."

Sounds like the Team Disney Building.....

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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i was just wondering how does a person "have more presence than a turnip" at faires,but without the phony accent.when i go to faires i dont do the silly fake british accent because so few people can pull it off.but what other manner could you adopt to act the part?

also its no wonder im confused about the boards.this thread seems very much about accuracy but is in plunder <_<

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Salty wipes of a bit o mud and chuckles..........aye tis a fyne thought there iron bess and far more my style perfered but alas most reputable folk would take offense.

blackbonnie................the forums here do tend to crawl over accuracy and fantasy as posts and opinion, sometimes crossing the borders leads to the most fun. <_<

In reading through and thinking on what hoped to accomplish before pip well i hope the discourse helps more then just me.....wanted to agian say many thianks for imput from those who know better.


ye ship's potter,


Mud Slinging Pyromanic , Errrrrr Ship's Potter at ye service

Vagabond's Rogue Potter Wench

First Mate of the Fairge Iolaire

Me weapons o choice be lots o mud, sharp pointy sticks, an string

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also its no wonder im confused about the boards.this thread seems very much about accuracy but is in plunder <_<

Twill is for academic talk only (meaning have good or at least reasonable proof to back up your points if you post in there).

There are what 6 or other "channels" or "sub-forums" in the pub?

Talk of accuracy is NOT limited to twill, but is *generally* kept there. Unfotunately there is no ALL hollywood or faire pirate channels.

But there is what 6 other "channels" or "sub-forums" in the pub that hollywood or faire-oriented piratical chatter is more than welcome?

This particular thread is about setting a guideline for authentic"ish" garb, and not a 100% academic discussion on garb, it's about discussing how to put together something passable for a beginner of living history or re-enactment. As it isn't 100% academic this thread probably doesn't belong in Twill (I'm not a moderator, so I wouldn't have any real say on that though), so what "channel" does one discuss costuming and what you can make or buy to become "aithentic-ish"? Plunder.

The different channels in the pub are there to keep similar discussions together, but some discussions fall into grey areas, generally a poster will make a judgement call on a "grey area", and it will be fine, or a moderator will move the discussion thread to a "channel" they feel is more appropriate.

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Very politely and respectfully said Mike! Especially when some might have chosen otherwise and caused offense.

That shows not only good form, but also good character.

My compliments to you sir!


No rest for the wicked! Wait a minute... that's me?!

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In a discussion about female reenactors on the Pirate Brethren forum I once used this quote, supposedly from a period account of Port Royal.
The 'common women' of Port Royal, who "in their smockes ore linnen peticotes, bare-footed without shoes or stockins, with a straw hatt and a red tobacco pipe in their mouths, [would] trampouse about their streets in this their warlike posture, and thus arrayed will booze a cupp of punch cumly with anyone."

Sounds like the Team Disney Building.....

Disney... ya gotta love 'em!


My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

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its no wonder im confused about the boards.this thread seems very much about accuracy but is in plunder :rolleyes:

[Moderator mode on]

I may have said this before, or may not have, but as a moderator of Plunder, I see no reason why all threads with historical accuracy in mind have to go under Twill. If a person who starts a thread in Plunder would like it to be kept to the historically accurate, and states so from the start, we should honor the wishes of said forum member and keep to the accurate side of things.

[Moderator mode off]

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Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.

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This particular thread is about setting a guideline for authentic"ish" garb, and not a 100% academic discussion on garb, it's about discussing how to put together something passable for a beginner of living history or re-enactment. As it isn't 100% academic this thread probably doesn't belong in Twill (I'm not a moderator, so I wouldn't have any real say on that though), so what "channel" does one discuss costuming and what you can make or buy to become "aithentic-ish"? Plunder.

michaelsbagley posted it so nicely....

Basicaly I figured that Twill would be for exactly what was worn....

Posting in Plunder the Minimum Standards could be more flexable....

I'm just really glad I'm not a woman or transvestite...... Men's clothing is much simpler....... :rolleyes:

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Putting this thread in PLUNDER also implies that people can link to vendors or ask questions of where to buy said minimum garb items.

I'm enjoying this thread immensely. I hope to upgrade my gear from Hollywood to mostly-authentic in the near future. :ph34r:


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

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Female minimum grab standards= She must be within reach!

- Greydog


Oh, ye said garb, not grab. I be stickin with grab, it be a lot more fun!

Why am I sharing my opinion? Because I am a special snowflake who has an opinion of such import that it must be shared and because people really care what I think!

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i was just wondering how does a person "have more presence than a turnip" at faires,but without the phony accent.when i go to faires i dont do the silly fake british accent because so few people can pull it off but what other manner could you adopt to act the part.... 

I use to work "Ren Faire" back in the day. Those selected would go through a six week class of basic 'education' regarding tone, diction, and english dialects; not only regional, but also class status (remember, we are talking roughly 1580s).

It was quite the task, but it was a well valued experience to say the least. I just recently pulled out these books again and started to listen to them again. Granted, there are a few things that need to be modified, but they are quite helpful.

I have several books and CDs that can help with such things, including Thees, Thous, and such. Anyone interested....please PM me.


Member of "The Forsaken"

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Female minimum grab standards= She must be within reach!

- Greydog


Oh, ye said garb, not grab. I be stickin with grab, it be a lot more fun!

ROTDLMBAO!!! :lol:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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Talk of accuracy is NOT limited to twill, but is *generally* kept there. Unfotunately there is no ALL hollywood or faire pirate channels.

has a board for fantasy/faire topics only ever been discussed? it seems like a great idea.i have talked to many people here thru IMs that are like me and will no longer post any of our garb because it just gets picked apart for accuracy,even tho we are not going for accuracy.there are several of us here who love the fun fantasy aspect of it all but have no place to discuss/show it. none of the boards are really that accepting of it.tolerant at best.

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I think that it was blackJon...i hope I have that right...or something like that sorry if I got it wrong. Anyways he said that the Pirate Pop board pretty much is for that as it is realted to the pop culture image of Pirates, and that makes sense I guess tbh.

Since the fantasy or hollywood view of culture is pop culture. So i would suggest maybe starting a few threads of topics that you think might be related or useful on that board for people that want to be able to discuss their fave aspect of pirate play....it sounds slightly dirty when said like that me thinks.

But yeah it would be hard for anyone to complain or nit pick about the inaccuracy of something on a board that is designed to be the more fashionable, flamboyant, and entertaining side of pyracy.

Also looking in this forum it seems most of the threads are at best a mixture but for the most part mostly places to shop for ren type stuff. but as this is how to get stuff and where to get it it is not the best place for chatting about what Ren groups might be better, or how to get that perfect wench look.

So try out that board, make some threads direct some folks there and have a ball. i will go in and peek myself too if ya do it and see if I spy some fun and goodness to adopt myself.

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Talk of accuracy is NOT limited to twill, but is *generally* kept there. Unfotunately there is no ALL hollywood or faire pirate channels.

has a board for fantasy/faire topics only ever been discussed? it seems like a great idea.i have talked to many people here thru IMs that are like me and will no longer post any of our garb because it just gets picked apart for accuracy,even tho we are not going for accuracy.there are several of us here who love the fun fantasy aspect of it all but have no place to discuss/show it. none of the boards are really that accepting of it.tolerant at best.

If you want to talk purely fantasy garb in Plunder, and state that as your aim, I promise as one of the moderators of Plunder that I will keep anyone from intruding on your fun, and I'm sure Capt Grey will do the same.

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The Pirate Brethren Gallery

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I've seen jumps being mentioned as an alternative to stays in several places around the pub. There was a beautiful picture of embroidered jumps in one thread, but I'll be damned if I can find it again. What would be very helpful to me is more information. For example, what were they made from? I'm assuming linen or wool. Is there a pattern? Patrick, you were making some for your boss, do you have any secrets to share? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

If you're gonna give me a headache, please bring me an aspirin!


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Patrick, you were making some for your boss, do you have any secrets to share? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Nah.. I kinda sorta know guys stuff... so I look at the threads here to figure out how to get my boss kinda sort semi period,,,,,,,,,

heck.. i'm as stuck as you are for womons garb......

I kinda know what men wore..... but I don't know what the women wore.....

That's why I keep looking here..............


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Talk of accuracy is NOT limited to twill, but is *generally* kept there. Unfotunately there is no ALL hollywood or faire pirate channels.

has a board for fantasy/faire topics only ever been discussed? it seems like a great idea.i have talked to many people here thru IMs that are like me and will no longer post any of our garb because it just gets picked apart for accuracy,even tho we are not going for accuracy.there are several of us here who love the fun fantasy aspect of it all but have no place to discuss/show it. none of the boards are really that accepting of it.tolerant at best. 

If you want to talk purely fantasy garb in Plunder, and state that as your aim, I promise as one of the moderators of Plunder that I will keep anyone from intruding on your fun, and I'm sure Capt Grey will do the same.

I will be at the Washington Rennaissance Fantasy Faire today where PC Arguments are not present. If I hear any directed at me ., I will ignore the person as a whole and move along . Probably I will be in the pub drinking Porters ., blowing the froth off a few and listening to sea shanties from people not dressed correctly (But having a good time) Hopefully I will see Females wearing the minimum garb standard.

I am not Lost .,I am Exploring.

"If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night, if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life!"

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