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In the original script, Blackbeard, Roberts, etc. were all to be pirate lords, but since the script was being hashed out as we filmed, this all changed.

This statement (thank you BillyBones) solves a lot of the loose ends in the movie for me.

In watching the behind-the-scenes pieces of PotC:DMC, I got the feeling there was an "upmanship" going on between the writers and the director. If this was true for AWE, instead of having a complete, cohesive story we got a mish-mash of "ideas" that sounded good at the time but didn't really move the tale along so that the audience could understand it.

Maybe that's why I like the original, 1977 Star Wars. I could understand the story and it had a beginning, middle, and end.


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

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According to Marty the mystery of what Tia said from the script is as follows:

"Malfaiteur en Tombeau, Crochir l'Esplanade, Dans l'Fond d'l'eau!"


"Across all the seas, find (search out) the path to he who wrongfully entombed me!"

(shrug) Well.... I suppose the internet could know more then the writers.

I asked The guys and that was what they told me.

She said nothing.

Maybe the answer is somewhere half way between..... I'll let them know they are getting old and cannot remeember what they wrote. :lol:

And somewhere along the line, I think they forgot half of the story line from the first and second movies as evidenced in the third movie........... but then again, maybe it's their master plan in the long run and the evil of cutting up half the film to the cutting room floor. Lets just hope that when this comes out on DVD that there is a directors "cut" that is well.. uncut.

So what's the deal with Will?

Is he still cursed?

Or had the curse lifted and is he human again?

And if he's human again, what about his heart? Is it suddenly going to magically pop back into his body or something :lol:

Remember 10 yrs later when Will "comes back" that there is a flash of green just before the ship appears. Remember, when there is a green flash someone comes back from the dead, per say. My only problem with this is when the FD originally disappears with Will at the wheel.. err.. well Bootstrap at the wheel, there is a green flash then also. Soooooooooo who came back to life? Or was it just bad gas from an undead pirate crew who is destined to help the dead to DJ's locker to play with sand crabs that will move yer ship for ya... for free.. as long as ya lick em. They like that!


A friend I haven't heard from in a while emailed me and asked about whether Will was released after 10 years or not. He thinks that because I was interested in Piracy long before the movies came out I will understand the "pirates who do not pirate" as Mr. Redwake put it. ;) (I suppose such debate is good for continuing the series. I recently came across something called "Star Wars: The Force Unleashed" which is another multi-media venture Geo. Lucas is creating to keep that series fresh and alive. (Whatever else you think of him, the man is a marketing genius. He practically created the small scale Action Figure market.))

You all realize that if Will is released from the curse, he could be back in the next film if it takes place at least 10 years later? :lol:

Of course, writing Will out of the films takes the primary character that is in there for the (mainstream) audience to identify with. If you go back and watch the first film, much of what is going on is explained through Will's POV. In fact, in some ways, the diminishing of this POV in the second and third films is what might alienate some audience members. I suppose the hope is that we've been intro'd to the world in the first film and the second and third can just carry on, assuming we understand the make-up of the environment from viewing the first. (Of course, anyone seeing 2 fresh would be confused and 3... *shudder.* That would be nigh impossible to follow.)

(Norrington could have been the POV man if they'd have developed him properly. :P )

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"


A friend I haven't heard from in a while emailed me and asked about whether Will was released after 10 years or not.

No, Will is not released after 10 years. :lol:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


A friend I haven't heard from in a while emailed me and asked about whether Will was released after 10 years or not.

No, Will is not released after 10 years. :lol:

Can we quote you on that? :P

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"


And somewhere along the line, I think they forgot half of the story line from the first and second movies as evidenced in the third movie...........  but then again, maybe it's their master plan in the long run and the evil of cutting up half the film to the cutting room floor.    Lets just hope that when this comes out on DVD that there is a directors "cut" that is well.. uncut.

Well, that is not exactly accurate...

They did have a story that played out well and had all the right ducks in a row. This was all brought to ruin in editing.

Pure and simple.

They have enough film left, still unseen, for nearly another entire flick (mores the pity…)

Will they use all these lovely little things for future use? Hmmmmm... Could be. Could be not. And don’t ask me if it’s going to make it to the DVD. They have so much *Special* stuff for the DVD I have my doubts. Maybe… one day they will do a Lord of the Rings style set. Not a bad idea.

I've read the versions of the scripts and are there holes?? Hell YES! :lol: But not the mammoth ones that have tongues wagging and blaming T&T for bad story telling.

Who do I feel the worst for? Norrington. He had a terrific story in this third filmed and filmed it to. And there it lay’s on the cutting room floor and him reduced to little more then a *Here I am, Oops! I’m Dead!* participation.

That was a really sad loss to lose that storyline.

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


No, Will is not released after 10 years. :lol:

Can we quote you on that? ;)

(Shrug) I don't see why not.

Tia Dalma told them in DMC that Davy Jones could *only come ashore once every ten years*

It's an on going limitation.

However.... if three years form now it suits their purpose to change their minds and resurrect Turner becasue more money beckons or a better actor... I'm not taking the hit for it. :P

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


No, Will is not released after 10 years. :lol:

Really? I'm suprised by that, as they were inspired by the Wagner opera. I guess Liz wasn't all that true :P


No, Will is not released after 10 years.  :P

Really? I'm suprised by that, as they were inspired by the Wagner opera. I guess Liz wasn't all that true ;)

(Shrug) Oh well... maybe Will can't read music. :lol:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



No, Will is not released after 10 years.  :P

Really? I'm suprised by that, as they were inspired by the Wagner opera. I guess Liz wasn't all that true ;)

(Shrug) Oh well... maybe Will can't read music. :lol:

Well, not everyone likes opera ;)

Really? I'm suprised by that, as they were inspired by the Wagner opera. I guess Liz wasn't all that true ;)

(Shrug) Oh well... maybe Will can't read music. :lol:

Well, not everyone likes opera ;)


I can't see Lauritz Melchior as Will anyway. :P

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



This is not so much a question as a desire for a second opinion: When Zao Fang started thinking that Elizabeth was Calypso, did everyone just play along because it was easier for him not to know the truth? That's what I think. But it also could be that it was a ruse in the story to throw you off the right path that Tia was really calypso. It really was confusing at first.


When I first heard the whole Calypso gag, I started thinking about the "There is another..." and "The other he spoke of is your twin sister." lines from the Star Wars series. Hmm...well, let's see...a sister means a girl and we have...Leia...and...Leia...huh. Who could this possibly be? :lol:

When the started talking about Calypso in AWE, I knew it wasn't Elizabeth. We know how she got there, who her father was and where she came from based on info in the first film. Well let's see....there's Tia Dalma...and...Tia Dalma...huh. Who could this possibly be? :P

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"



Is this correct? I found it at Wiki when looking through the production notes. I 'm not trying to doubt you Bess as I would trust you more than Wiki, but...

"One scene cut explained that if Calypso had greeted Davy Jones after his ten years of ferrying dead souls, then he would have been freed of his duty: in turn, Will is freed of his captaincy as Elizabeth remains faithful to him ten years later.[20]

20. Terry Rossio. "Re:Ah, that Davy Jones curse thing...", Wordplay Forums, 2007-05-23. Retrieved on 2007-05-31. [Link: http://www.wordplayer.com/forums/moviesarc....cgi?read=98721 ]

Wiki link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/At_world%27s_end

Even if it is, what became of the captain(s) before Jones? I thought he started the whole "cut out your heart for love" thing.

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"


Is this correct? I found it at Wiki when looking through the production notes. I 'm not trying to doubt you Bess as I would trust you more than Wiki, but...

"One scene cut explained that if Calypso had greeted Davy Jones after his ten years of ferrying dead souls, then he would have been freed of his duty: in turn, Will is freed of his captaincy as Elizabeth remains faithful to him ten years later.[20]

20. Terry Rossio. "Re:Ah, that Davy Jones curse thing...", Wordplay Forums, 2007-05-23. Retrieved on 2007-05-31. [Link: http://www.wordplayer.com/forums/moviesarc....cgi?read=98721 ]

Wiki link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/At_world%27s_end

Even if it is, what became of the captain(s) before Jones? I thought he started the whole "cut out your heart for love" thing.

See my previous statment on the internet saying one

thing.... and the writers being too old to remember what they wrote.

I asked.

I was told.

I shared.

Everyone is free to search your little hearts out for a differnt opinion.

Here endith the tale... for now. :(

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



So Bess how is it that after the movies you are still working with the writers? Some new event?


Now I know there's no historical basis whatsoever....BUT..what the hell were the HEIC soldiers wearing in this one?......In 1 they're referred to as marines....2,same uniform,HEIC......3,different kit,still HEIC...& the guards from no1!!


So Bess how is it that after the movies you are still working with the writers? Some new event?

Well, maybe it's becasue they still work for Disney and have their offices here.

Okay, they practicaly live here.

They are currently doing the next *National Treasure*

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


They are currently doing the next *National Treasure*

I'm waiting anxiously for that one. Loved the first one. :o

Bess, as ever you are a fountain of knowledge and the soul of discretion. You balance youself very well on these boards and I am always grateful for your insight.


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


To add to the confusion, Davy Jones ripped out his heart and put a curse on his heart, and whoever would stab the heart would have to become the capt of the FD. Ten years at sea, one day on land.

As long as Elizabeth is faithful to Will for those ten years, and Will takes care of the dead per his duty , the curse is lifted.

We've been bantering this on Ted and Terry's site since the movie has been released. Check out what T&T have said!

To add to the confusion, Davy Jones ripped out his heart and put a curse on his heart, and whoever would stab the heart would have to become the capt of the FD. Ten years at sea, one day on land.

As long as Elizabeth is faithful to Will for those ten years, and Will takes care of the dead per his duty , the curse is lifted.

We've been bantering this on Ted and Terry's site since the movie has been released. Check out what T&T have said!

The thing is there must always be a Captain of the Flying Dutchman. They made that clear a couple of times thru-out the movie. Davy Jones cut out his own heart because of Calypso, that was his own doing. But yet, when the heart gets stabbed, whoever does the stabbing becomes the next Captain. That person also gets their heart cut out. I don't think it matters if you have a lover or not, remember, Jack wanted to be the Captain, but he doesn't have anyone in his life. There's only one way Wil can get out of being the Captain and that is for someone else to stab his heart and take his place. Which would mean Wil would die. It doesn't matter how faithful Elizabeth is, they only get one day every 10 years. But Wil will stay immortal while Elizabeth will age and eventually die. If Wil starts neglecting his duties, like how Davy Jones did then he'll also start looking like some sea creature. Also, does this mean it's not called Davy Jones's Locker anymore? Is it now called Wil Turner's Locker? Or is Davy Jones the name you get, meaning your real name is replaced by Davy Jones? Kind of like in the Santa Clause movie with Tim Allen. Knock Santa off the roof and you become the next Santa until someone else comes along and kills you off as well.


:o HAHAHA good point about the Santa "Clause"! Also glad I wasn't the only one who found this whole aspect of the movie really confusing.

If the ocean needs someone to ferry souls who die at sea to the afterlife, who did it before Davy, and on what type of ship? Does it go all the way back to the first seagoers of early civilizations?

And since Davy was neglecting his duty, did the souls pile up, leaving Will with a proverbial giant load of paperwork on his desk when he took over?


It sounds to me like this whole thing is curse explanation du jour. Pick the one that the writers explained that you like best and run with it. :ph34r:

Now, wait, wait...wait...according to what captjacksparrowsavvvvvvvvy says, it's Davy Jones curse? At least that would make more sense. The Dutchman has a curse on it and then Davy/Calypso (who is apparently a manifestation of the heathen gods) put a different curse on it. Now Will should get in the act and put his curse on it, too. Then it would be thrice cursed and you would have to sign lengthy legal documents just to take over. "The cursed party of the first part will agree that he and/or she will abide by the original curse on the Flying Dutchman, ex-Captain Davy Jones curse upon the curse of the Flying Dutchman and previous captain Will Turner's curse upon the curse upon the curse..."

Programs! Get your program here! You can't keep track of the players without a program, folks!

As for the Santa Clause, let us not forget a more appropriate reference upon which we can draw...

"Roberts had grown so rich, he wanted to retire. He took me to his cabin and he told me his secret. 'I am not the Dread Pirate Roberts' he said. 'My name is Ryan; I inherited the ship from the previous Dread Pirate Roberts, just as you will inherit it from me. The man I inherited it from is not the real Dread Pirate Roberts either. His name was Cummerbund. The real Roberts has been retired 15 years and living like a king in Patagonia.'"


"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"


If the ocean needs someone to ferry souls who die at sea to the afterlife, who did it before Davy, and on what type of ship? Does it go all the way back to the first seagoers of early civilizations?

Iron Bess mentioned somewhere in one of these threads that the ship is much older than Davy Jones. Although there is some sort of period Dutch ship under all those festoons of sea life, so maybe there was one or several before it that got all old, creaky and leaky through repeated trips between here and the afterworld and the heathen gods decided an upgrade was in order after years of complaints from the various captains. I wonder what the ship salesmen think when a heathen god walks in (or possibly appears) in their showroom? But I digress. The h.g.s probably started out with a dugout canoe. (You know, this will be good fodder for the series of novels that should be written once they've grown tired of making movies while the die-hard fans haven't yet grown tired of the idea. I tell ya' George Lucas is a marketing genius.)

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"


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