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Aye Boughs n' Gels...

Been 'way fer a lang time... h'n't found a prop'r berth ta get m'back 'ere til now....

oooo... lotsa new physionimies 'ere an' aboot....

Come now, 'ave a drink on me coin!

Ray! ol' Bough, ya still 'ere?! Fancy tha'! Here be some gold, serve all 'round!

Life's a bowl a roses!!!


A. Lasseter

Wot's ya mean I's gotta check me Pistols n' Cutlass at th' door?!?


Capin'? Nay, tis nil d'capin' a'tall! Tis too roguish a lad with a devious twinkel in is eye! Weel laddie,

Silkie sidles up to the lad hooks her arm around his

would det I get t know ye better! :o

I could use a bit o rhum punch lad ifin y'wod.



Dai Duit, Lassey!!!

Oh, 'ave a care I donna accident'ly step on yer wit m'wooden leg 'ere....

Aye! Drink Up, Drink Up!!!

Soooo... ye seen me brudder aboot?

A. Lasseter

Wot's ya mean I's gotta check me Pistols n' Cutlass at th' door?!?


Yer broder bae Capin' Dorian Lasseter?

Tis clear ooh wuz blessd with d good looks in d'family!

Silkie winks at the lad beside her

Aye, I seen im, all work n'no play det un.



Relat'd I be ta... Wot's 'isss? Captain Dorian Lasseter?

Hermmm... So he dun moved up in th' world since we last seen each ot'er...

Aye, twins, more 'r less identical, cept fer me leg... an... well... (ahem) ne'er ye mind...

Ohh this be nice... th' place be swarmin' wit da woman-folk...

An' Ill be buyin' th' drynk fair lassey.... *wink*

Rumba, lass... I thank ye fer the welcome back, to th' pub... been quite a while since I 'ad me foot in this fyne place....

Now... Slainte!

A. Lasseter

Wot's ya mean I's gotta check me Pistols n' Cutlass at th' door?!?


Aye, yet a'nutter capin' eh, oo'needs em? Wot is a ship without n'able bodied crew? Ye'doo ave n'able body don'ye?

Silkie moves in just a bit closer.


Weeeellll... th' Lad musta done sumthin' right ta get such a title, but aye... Agreed... Capt'n ain't much wi'out a goodly crew and fine ship 'neath 'im!

Iffn' Tha' brudder o' mine has done such, my hat's off to 'im! Well, if I had a hat, it would be...

Tis gettin' warm in 'ere is it not?

A. Lasseter

Wot's ya mean I's gotta check me Pistols n' Cutlass at th' door?!?


welcome t' ye lad come and rest yer weary peg ....so ye be twins with that other lasseter eh ....cepting yer the one that's got wood and only one eye for roving .....

ray pour me a flaggon of barbados black rum on this sailors purse ....i'll sit and drynke with ye anytime lad ;););)B) ;

Tis gettin' warm in 'ere is it not?

Let's ope so lad!

Silkie pulls out a silver flask, shoots back a dram without so much as blinking and offers the poocheen to Angus.


Why Thankee Hildekitt'n...

And Miss McDonough! Plyin' m'wit poocheen are ye!

Such fyne compn'y.... fyne indeed!

Master Callenish! Thatnkee kindly wit yer compliments! long as I gots a purse ta 'ave a drynk on, that ye shall 'ave!

A. Lasseter

Wot's ya mean I's gotta check me Pistols n' Cutlass at th' door?!?

Miss McDonough! Plyin' m'wit poocheen are ye!

Now Mester Lasster somtin tells mae det you wod nil need any coxin a'tall!

N'm I forcen ye't'drink o'mae dear ol'granda's recipe? Nay, buot tis sweet as motters milk i'tis.

Silkie takes another dram and licks her lips.

Tis a shame t'waste even a drop!


Moost appy t'oblige.

But Silkie doesn't pass the flask, not when she can use the excuse to get closer to the lad by offering holding it to his lips!



Ah, fer fek sake.

FATHA, give 's one Lasseter an' end 't.

Now I gotta outdrink two o' them boy'o's.

Bastage's th' both o' youze.


Pieter_Claeszoon__Still_Life_with_a.jpg, Skull and Quill Society thWatchDogParchmentBanner-2.jpg, The Watch Dog

"We are 21st Century people who play a game of dress-up and who spend a lot of time pissing and moaning about the rules of the game and whether other people are playing fair."


Oh don' ye gimme tha', lad...

Yer 'appy ta tipple no matter wot th' occasion...

So stop talkin' t' Da and drynk up!

A. Lasseter

Wot's ya mean I's gotta check me Pistols n' Cutlass at th' door?!?


<<wipes mouth on sleeve>>

Wassat again?


Pieter_Claeszoon__Still_Life_with_a.jpg, Skull and Quill Society thWatchDogParchmentBanner-2.jpg, The Watch Dog

"We are 21st Century people who play a game of dress-up and who spend a lot of time pissing and moaning about the rules of the game and whether other people are playing fair."


Tis good t' see ye upon th' Pub, Angus.

Do mill about an' enjoy yerself here with th' locals! :D

~Lady B


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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