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owls...big uns..little uns...i like the way they have seeming ta notice evrything....sittin there ready ....watchin...just when your sure that hes just gotton lazy, not paying attention...just sittin there mindin his own buisness......WHHHOOOOOSH.....he done gotcha....

kinda like my sense of humour....i might be just sittin back...watchin...until someone lets their guard down....WHHHOOOOSH...i got em! :huh:

'course the ones i hate are those damn little sparrows....how they gang up on the poor owls....you can see one flying everyonse an a awile...with four or five sparrows diving in to pester the passing owl chasing him from his perch....but don't be fooled...hes lettin them...get closer...and closer....then WHHOOOSH....he turns upside down in mid flight....and grabs one or two of the little pesters in his claws....rights himself....drops the two littlw dead things to the ground....not even good enough to be food......while the other sparrows fly off in fear......yessir....i likes dem owls :huh:


For me? The bald eagle.

"Now then, me bullies! Would you rather do the gallows dance, and hang in chains 'til the crows pluck your eyes from your rotten skulls? Or would you feel the roll of a stout ship beneath your feet again?"

---Captain William Kidd---



Of all the soaring and majestic birds of prey, that are a splendorous sight to behold, and there are many I like, I must say..

I had an interesting opportunity as a child to explore and work with,(for a short stint, during a community service project,) a peregrine falcon.

The one I was lucky enough to hold, and got to fly back to me, was the sweetest in temperament. Years later I spoke with some of the falconers at the local Renn faires, and they agreed on the temperament issue.

So, although i do not have one myself, i like the peregrine falcon.

OOps! That was my outside voice;)!

"Big on self-reliance and personal responsibility. Down on culture of victimology. Nobody owes you a thing and life isn't always fair. Spend a little more time being grateful and less time bitching and you just might find a smile replacing that scowl. Being miserable doesn't make you 'deep;' it makes you insufferable."-The Thirsty Celt


~Sail it like you stole it!~

"Silence is Golden; Duct Tape is Silver"


You know, I don't think I personally have enough knowledge to have a favorite bird. I like Eagles because I'm an Eagle scout, but that's a pretty poor reason to choose it as my "favorite." Somewhere in the great avian kingdom is an intelligent, curious, persistent little bird. That one, whatever cognomen we've assigned it, is probably my favorite.

There are some great bird names, however. "Peregrine" is one of them. Roll it off your tongue a couple times...peregrine, peregrine, peregrine...it just sounds interesting and noble. Another interesting bird name is "Tufted Titmouse." All self-consciously generated naughty associations to the word "tit" aside, it's just a funny sounding name. No bird called a Tufted Titmouse could possibly be serious, could it? "Kestrel" has something of a majestic sound, don't you think? In fact, the raptors get a lot of neat sounding labels. A "falcon" sounds like a swift, dangerous, brooding sort of thing, doesn't it? "Goshawk" has a fascinating sound (goss-hawk). The word raptor itself sounds fleet and cutting.

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"


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