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and a certain physical act

Made for a very sweet time.

Why am I sharing my opinion? Because I am a special snowflake who has an opinion of such import that it must be shared and because people really care what I think!


I have such a craving for Necco Wafers and Rolos, that I have gone to their websites and ordered boxes for myself. Just about out of the Rolos, need to make another investment... :(


It is a known fact at my workplace that I can be bribed with Nik-L-Nips...those wax "bottles" filled with syrupy liquid.

Yes, I admit it...when it comes to those, I am both cheap *and* easy...

Damn, thats sharp!


I used to be fairly well addicted to Callard & Bowser Butterscotch candies ....found out they were owned by Wriggley's and have stopped production ;)

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