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Fort Zachary Taylor update for PIP 2007

William Brand

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Just trying to figure out.... are we going to be inside th' Fort... or out in the trees?

Hey... if were out in the trees..... can I string up a hommoc an' my tarp....?

Or would there be a problem with that ?

The 1720 Mercury Careening Camp will definitely be in the trees outside the fort and you can string up a hammock.

I will ask Harry to specify about the volunteer forms.





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and you can string up a hammock.

Cool.... I'm almost done making it.... I still have all the grommets and the ring, and the rope work for the other end to do, then it will be finished..... I was hoping that I didn't have to just use it as a ground cloth..... :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

These are the latest updates.

Fort funding, repairs and encampments...

The funding which was to provide Fort Zachary Taylor with the means to repair the fort barracks has been siphoned off for other purposes in the state. They will not be receiving the large sum of money for those repairs, so there will be no large scale construction at the fort during the Pirate festival. As a consequence the fort will be occupied by at least one encampment as mentioned by Robb in the thread entitled "1680 Port Royal, Buccaneer Encampment". See below.

We just received word from Harry. We will be inside the fort.

Our store will be where it was last year in the casement. Our encampment will be to the right of it, if you're facing the fort. We will have a tentage extending out from the casement. Our tavern (The Catt & Fiddle - which was there in 1680) will be in the casement itself. We will have benches and tables.

The front will have an awning under which we will be playing period games for kids. The tavern will have period games as well for the grown ups. We will be having lively discussions of upcoming voyages, past adventures and island politics. I will be seeding you all with history and information.

As for camping, we will be in the casement behind our store and Port Royal. The sleeping quarters will only be visible after hours at the fort when it's bed time so no need to be period. All camping gear will be under tarps and crates and in our barrels during the day.

We have period pewter plates and wine goblets we've stolen from those Spanish bastards in Panama. We will be having a listing of provisions soon ----

-- Hurricane

As far as the remaining camps go, the 1720 Mercury Careening Encampment will be in the trees South and East of the fort as we have planned since the beginning. Some of the sutlers have already expressed their desire to remain near the careening encampment outside the fort. Harry would like to place the Red Coat camp inside the fort as a garrison for the fort during battles and the festival, so I need to know if the Archangel crew plans on camping inside the fort.

Volunteer forms...

Volunteer forms must be individually filled out for every person attending for insurance purposes. Sutlers and pirates alike. Couples cannot fill out a solitary form, they must both fill out separate forms.

Small boat repair day...

Harry is more than willing to buy the necessary supplies to fix the small boat. He would like to know who is available. Please send me your name and number if you would like to participate in an upcoming repair day for the boat.

Corporate Funding

It was previously stated that Gieco Insurance was helping as a sponsor for the festival. They have withdrawn their support, citing that we are too small for their consideration.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Harry Smid just sent me these preliminary maps of the fort and surrounding areas which show the setup spots for the festival. As Harry stated in his email to me, "Folks should think of these maps as a guide to how the event will be set up. Things can change at the last minute."







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A great map it is indeed. I added the Port Royal Camp to the one map so others can get the lay of the land for 1680 as well.

-- Hurricane


-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
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"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com

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Where are the priveys to be located within the fort?

Also if anyone has any good pics from the past events and can show where on the map they were taken, it might be easier to picture what we have to work with!!

And if I'm right, there will be firing from the fort at the Wolf?? And a land battle?

If so where??

And most importantly........ is it bad form to simply sleep in the pub, under one of the tappers so as not to waste any grog???

And what about simply pulling up a corner under one of the archs/ casements or on a battlement???


No rest for the wicked! Wait a minute... that's me?!

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Where are the priveys to be located within the fort?

The privys are just a little SE, just outside the Fort...... see that little cresent shaped blotch just above the blotches that are the parking lots....... well thats the privys......

And if I'm right, there will be firing from the fort at the Wolf?? And a land battle?

That's due West.....

s it bad form to simply sleep in the pub, under one of the tappers so as not to waste any grog???

Now Wot Pyrate ever waste rum (grog)...... even if we be camping on the beach.....

ON THE BEACH ...... IN KEY WEST....... AS PYRATES...............Aaaargh... wot more can ye ask fer?........

(Ok.... shut up 'bout th' Swedish bikini team..... they ain't period......)

Nor are the Bud Girls......

OH well........

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As the Crewe of the Archangel will be playing pirate hunters at PiP, we, as the outcast crew would ask permission to camp outside the fort, in the trees between the fort/Brits and the careening camp... if that is possible? (Of course we will only be riff-raff anti social folk for the public...after hours we plan to invade all camps with rum in hand! :huh: )

oh and Rats, are you really planning on getting that tavern down to PiP? If so, can I ask how? I would really like to discuss this off line...thanks!

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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Tavern to PIP???

Dear Captain, I plan to bring and do as little as possible.

If your about, drop me a call since I'm home working on more benches...


No rest for the wicked! Wait a minute... that's me?!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Exactly!! It would be easier for staging the seige if held on that side... Maybe someday??

So where is the public on the ramparts during the seige on the fort??



No rest for the wicked! Wait a minute... that's me?!

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A canoe on the ramparts??? B)

Is there a catapult for slinging livestock at the attackers?? B)

Run away! Run away!! B)

Actually the reason I'm asking, is if there were defenders on the ramparts to fire back at the attackers, it would give the public a ring-side seat of the entire assault. This would also give any medical staff an opportunity to demonstrate their skills and also the ladies an opportunity to help with the wounded... ??


No rest for the wicked! Wait a minute... that's me?!

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Where you been boy? We're already doing that... although you or Maddogge may yet be a pirate for fighting (steel) purposes

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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What is on this side of the fort's battlements???

That area had been modified for a couple of emplacements 20th century heavy coastal artillery guns. The Civil War era cannons were simply pushed over the side, and had concrete poured over them, and became re-inforcement for the walls against more modern weapons. Many of the guns are still visible only half buried in the concrete if you climb the stairs and have a look. At the time this was done, they were only obsolete scrap iron, and too heavy to bother with, but made good wall strengtheners.

>>>>> Cascabel

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