BLACK JACK SHALAQ Posted November 10, 2003 Posted November 10, 2003 ....Hmmmmm....What ta do??? YER ANKLES WILL LOOK LOVELY BEHIND YER EARS LASSIE! HAR! HAR! HAR!
Zephyr Posted November 10, 2003 Posted November 10, 2003 ye got me laugh'n dear in case ther be some seriousity....................................... depends me darl'n on whether ye wants more hair on yer head or less on yer back...some ladies love a furrrrrrry male....more texture..... rogain (it does work..but ye have to keep it regular (like yer bran) and wax'n (fer...fur...yer back....wax'n hurts at bit (done properly, not too awfully) the first times but eventually slows the growth of hair).....if ye want more and less.......ladies been waxing their legs for .....the fullness a' history.........)....or transplant if ye got loads a' plunder to toss around (an if ye me........) just kidding dear..... Personally I've always threatened to stop wax'n me legs and knit it into stockings......but it's thinned out in me might consider it fer the winter............ good fortune! and...........whoaskedmeanyway..............? one white russian.........honest
captweaver65 Posted November 10, 2003 Posted November 10, 2003 I'd be happy ta shave that jungle Capt Weaver "No man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into a jail; for being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned. A man in jail has more room, better food, and commonly better company. " Dr. Samuel Johnson Capt Weaver's Pirate Perversions
Captian Wolfy Wench Posted November 10, 2003 Posted November 10, 2003 HAHA, you an' me brother can 'elp me paint the rest of me house wif that mop o' hair. Captain Wolfy Wench
Capt Grey Posted November 10, 2003 Posted November 10, 2003 Matey, as long as ye can draw yer cutlass and aim yer pistol I don't care where yer hair grows! Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie. Rumors of my death are entirely premature.
Rumba Rue Posted November 10, 2003 Posted November 10, 2003 Bawhaaaaaahaaaaaaa, Capt. Grey! Has it been that loooong without a man? LOL! I'm sure ye could find a nice froggy here somewhere's ye could turn inta a prince, or at least a pauper. <snicker> RumbaRue **Ladies of Tortuga Sewing Circle and Terrorist Society**
Zephyr Posted November 11, 2003 Posted November 11, 2003 Matey, as long as ye can draw yer cutlass and aim yer pistol I don't care where yer hair grows! Aye, ther are limits.
Capt Grey Posted November 11, 2003 Posted November 11, 2003 Bawhaaaaaahaaaaaaa, Capt. Grey! Has it been that loooong without a man? LOL! I'm sure ye could find a nice froggy here somewhere's ye could turn inta a prince, or at least a pauper. <snicker> RumbaRue **Ladies of Tortuga Sewing Circle and Terrorist Society** If only ye knew, lass. If only ye knew. But it be helpin' channel me energies into me piritin'. :) Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie. Rumors of my death are entirely premature.
Rumba Rue Posted November 11, 2003 Posted November 11, 2003 No hairy situation that can't be solved with the proper application of a razor. But on the other hand ye could have it professionally curled in ringlets sos they could tickle the fancy o' a fine woman. LOL! RumbaRue **Pirates! Pirates! Where?**
BLACK JACK SHALAQ Posted November 12, 2003 Author Posted November 12, 2003 Hmmmmm. Look's like Ol' Black Jack is gonna have a clean n' well scratched back. At last look 65% of me cyber mates say I'll make a good mop! That means I kin cut out me Saturday nite bathes! Har har! That's gotta be one BIG bucket though.... Black Jack YER ANKLES WILL LOOK LOVELY BEHIND YER EARS LASSIE! HAR! HAR! HAR!
BLACK JACK SHALAQ Posted November 12, 2003 Author Posted November 12, 2003 No hairy situation that can't be solved with the proper application of a razor.But on the other hand ye could have it professionally curled in ringlets sos they could tickle the fancy o' a fine woman. LOL! RumbaRue **Pirates! Pirates! Where?** Rue, Only me IMPORTANT extrimitie is long enough ta shave me back. But alas, me willie ain't got a hand ta hold da razor. Only one winkin' eye! Black Jack YER ANKLES WILL LOOK LOVELY BEHIND YER EARS LASSIE! HAR! HAR! HAR!
BLACK JACK SHALAQ Posted November 12, 2003 Author Posted November 12, 2003 Matey, as long as ye can draw yer cutlass and aim yer pistol I don't care where yer hair grows! I kin do that proper! Just keep in mind that if we're surrounded n' back to back....I don't wanna hear ya complainin' that I make ya itch! Black Jack YER ANKLES WILL LOOK LOVELY BEHIND YER EARS LASSIE! HAR! HAR! HAR!
BLACK JACK SHALAQ Posted November 12, 2003 Author Posted November 12, 2003 I'd be happy ta shave that jungle Hey puddin'..... You KNOW what I like!!! "I be one of those Bad things that happen ta GOOD people" Black Jack YER ANKLES WILL LOOK LOVELY BEHIND YER EARS LASSIE! HAR! HAR! HAR!
RyannMacGregor Posted November 12, 2003 Posted November 12, 2003 thinkin'....this just might make a rather interesting "make better" episode on Bravo.....could call it...."Queer Eye for the Pyrate Guy".... Try imagin' those Fab 5 runnin' around cryin' "Arrrrrrrr"...and flying a pastel Jolly Roger. Arrrrgh....I think I need sleep. Captain of The Morrighan.
Viperpirate Posted November 12, 2003 Posted November 12, 2003 BLACK JACK SHALAQ, I be in ye corner. Keep all them sharp obects away, Never know when the scurvy crew may try a run for a new port. Seems that there be quite a few restless here. As a feller brethern of fur, I am in the same considerin the same, cept the head of course.
BLACK JACK SHALAQ Posted November 13, 2003 Author Posted November 13, 2003 thinkin'....this just might make a rather interesting "make better" episode on Bravo.....could call it...."Queer Eye for the Pyrate Guy".... Try imagin' those Fab 5 runnin' around cryin' "Arrrrrrrr"...and flying a pastel Jolly Roger. Arrrrgh....I think I need sleep. Ryann lassie, Ol' Black Jack wears BLACK or nuttin' at all (just like Johnny Cash). And then it's HAIR....Lot's of it. I think I'll even chase da queers away (I'm NOT sayin' I wants them ta hang around either)! At least me tattoos on me back are nice n' warm. Black Jack YER ANKLES WILL LOOK LOVELY BEHIND YER EARS LASSIE! HAR! HAR! HAR!
Perkeo Posted November 13, 2003 Posted November 13, 2003 Having the title of deck swabber.....I choose the last one.... Help Pyrate Minicity grow, click a link below! Pyrate Population Pyrate Transportation Pyrate Industry
captweaver65 Posted November 13, 2003 Posted November 13, 2003 Ol' Black Jack wears BLACK or nuttin' at all (just like Johnny Cash). now that's a pirate after me own heart an I join yeh in yer views; I wear black or nothin at all... cept maybe cocoa butter.yum! naked cocoa butter wrestlin,tied by a wrist to each other with a leather thong. ...well...some of my pirate clothes are a bit more colorful... Capt Weaver "No man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into a jail; for being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned. A man in jail has more room, better food, and commonly better company. " Dr. Samuel Johnson Capt Weaver's Pirate Perversions
Rosalinda Posted November 13, 2003 Posted November 13, 2003 thinkin'....this just might make a rather interesting "make better" episode on Bravo.....could call it...."Queer Eye for the Pyrate Guy".... Try imagin' those Fab 5 runnin' around cryin' "Arrrrrrrr"...and flying a pastel Jolly Roger. Arrrrgh....I think I need sleep. I think that episode has already aired. Was that YOU they were doin' the makeover for, Black Jack???
RyannMacGregor Posted November 13, 2003 Posted November 13, 2003 rock! I shiver at the thoughts of your talents being used for EEEEeeeeeeeeeevil. Captain of The Morrighan.
Capt Grey Posted November 13, 2003 Posted November 13, 2003 Rosalinda, that be howlin' funny! Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie. Rumors of my death are entirely premature.
Rumba Rue Posted November 13, 2003 Posted November 13, 2003 Rosalinda, now I know why you have a bullseye for your avatar! RumbaRue **When no words can express this mess**
BLACK JACK SHALAQ Posted November 13, 2003 Author Posted November 13, 2003 Rosalinda Ye naughty lassie! LOL....Hey, That's not me though. Too much hair on the lads head n' not enough else whars. Nice dig on Ol' Black Jack though, I like it! :) Black Jack YER ANKLES WILL LOOK LOVELY BEHIND YER EARS LASSIE! HAR! HAR! HAR!
Rosalinda Posted November 13, 2003 Posted November 13, 2003 Nooooooo! Black Jack, that's not you in the ad, that's one of the Fab Five... the stars of the show. The do a makeover of a different pirate each week. Some pirates NEED makeovers. Some DON'T.
RyannMacGregor Posted November 13, 2003 Posted November 13, 2003 [quote name=BLACK JACK SHALAQ' date='Nov 12 2003, 06:43 PM Ryann lassie, Ol' Black Jack wears BLACK or nuttin' at all (just like Johnny Cash). And then it's HAIR....Lot's of it. I think I'll even chase da queers away (I'm NOT sayin' I wants them ta hang around either)! At least me tattoos on me back are nice n' warm. Black Jack[/quote] ye said. Hmmmm....nice pic. Guess blood red is ok too? did say tattoooooosss.....MMmmmmm. Captain of The Morrighan.
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