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Barbados Jack

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About Barbados Jack

  • Birthday 05/14/1956

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  • Location
    Vancouver, WA

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  1. Merry Lass; Ye be of kind heart and good will, though I was a might suprised at the having me naked part, until I took the patch off'n me good eye and reread yer message. ((((( hugs to ya lass))))) !
  2. Mates; I be touched by yer good hearted wishes on the celebration o me birth. A tankard of yer favorite refreshment to honor such fine lads and lasses!
  3. A new powder monkey be boardin soon. My best to ye and yer misses.
  4. I agree, pictures if ye will
  5. Lass; My compliments to a very talented seamstress. Just one question if ye will, how did you get the actress to model the finished product for you?
  6. Vancouver, Washington, formerly of Santa Ana CA, wwhere I spent 38 years o me life growinup next to Disneyland. Spent five years cruisin on a Navy ship around the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
  7. How bout a rigging knife, fid or belaying pin. They were sailors.
  8. This has been a very intereting post and i thank you all for your comments. I also hear that Geraldo will be doing a special there soon.
  9. Well lass; I've checked all me other treasure and it still seems to be attached. As fer yer comments on the livestock, I used to call me dear ol father daaaaddy! ARRRR
  10. Red Bess lass; Ye truly are a talented poet. I believe I saw Merry swipe a tear from her eye as she read it. Though I can't be sure as she was attemptin to liberate me coin with the other hand!
  11. Happy Birthday Merry luv; Unfurl yer sails while your in the windy city and kick up a storm, we'll watch the pub for ye and it'll have trays of Godiva, cases of Guiness and several other presents that can't be mentioned here waitin fer yer return. A kiss and a rose for you until ye get back.
  12. all right me mates; I be needin the help of those of ye in the Portland/Vancouver area. I have a young lad who wishes to impress a lass o his with the charms of a pirate dinner for her birthday. Do any of ye know of such a place in the area.
  13. Alright mates; I've searched this here forum and other sites on the net and have found very little reference to the origins of Davy Jones. My personal experience comes from the Naval service, and the traditional "crossing the line ceremony". The story was that Jones was a ruthless and notorioius pirate whose crew mutinied and threw him over the side. In retaliation Davy jones now preys upon other pirates ships by rising up on a great whale and scuttling them to the bottom of his realm, where he plunders their riches. I would be interested in anyone else's information about this legendary person we all refer to.
  14. Masterfully done, a very nice piece.
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