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Captain Avery

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Posts posted by Captain Avery

  1. :ph34r:

    Oh, I likes him! Can we keep 'im? Hmm? canwecanwecanwe!!!

    ~Lady B


    I will try and stay but things do get a little bit tits up for me. Hopefully if I disappear for long periods I will be coming back. Hopefully.

  2. :ph34r: I'll have to attest and stand along side Ransom here concerning skirts and lady like nonsense and storms... THEY DON'T MIX!

    And I will also confirm Ransom be a she. :ph34r: Great lass.

    Hopefully, Ransom... a drink at said tavern WITHOUT the interruption of a Midwestern Hurricane. :ph34r:

    Hahaha... well said, Avery... well said! :ph34r::ph34r:

    Mental age of infant? Oh, come now. It can't be that bad. :ph34r:

    ~Lady B


    Haha now now whats wrong with skirts hey?

    And ohhh I dunno, I did manage to get booted from my old job for turning my bosses office into winter wonderland with the use of Styrofoam. (In all fairness he did deserve it).

  3. Aye, and don't they all say that! :ph34r:

    You seem to be fitting in quite nicely, Mr. Avery. We're all a nice, peaceful, law-abiding lot here — okay, so the peaceful and law-abiding is a real stretch, but we are nice, even when we're taking your shiny.

    So welcome to the Pub, and I'll have a glass of French bubbly, if you would be so kind.

    (BTW, to dispel confusion right off, which happens a lot with newcomers, I should let you know that I'm a lass, not a lad. :ph34r:   )

    Oh I know that the only way to have fun is to break as many rules and laws as possible. Course I'll follow forum rules, its no fun if I cant tell anyone about my rule breaking =]

    I'm only disciplined when I need to be. Other times I'm outrageously immature. Mental age of an infant <3

    (Ohh a lass 'eyy)

  4. Hmmm.... :::rubs chin::: So long as ye don't get caught, Mr Avery.

    ~Lady B


    Easily done, To a degree ;)

    Damn!  Jail bait..... :lol:

    Welcome to the Pub my young man. Hope you'll find everything to your liking and beware if you get pressed ganged here.....there's pirates there where you be.  :lol:

    Haha seems like a fun place =] plus If my memory serves me well I think I was a member to this place a while ago...

    Welcome to the pub Captain Avery


    Now this be one way of saying ..Keep yar hands off me Rum!  :lol:

    Hmm Excellent idea I shall have tanks protect my rum, alongside my giant pet crabs and camal spiders =D

    Welcome Avery..

    Hello there =]

    Welcome to the pub young Sir.

    Thanks =]

    Welcome aboard, sah.  Which part of Britain do you hail from?

    Midlands, the West Midlands to be precise. To be even further precise Telford.

    G'day t'ya mista Avery, n'tank ya fer d'tot uv rhum.

    Now ...I've need t'warn ya I am none too fond of English military men given d'current (late 17th early 18th century) political situation tween England and Ireland ...however ifin yer a pyrate at eart I'm tikin I ken accept ya as one uv our own.  ...know I'll be watchin ya lad!

    :D Welcome to the pub Captain Avery  :lol:

    haha you'll have no problem with me; theres Irish blood running in my veins.

  5. Oh, well now... if ye joined th' Navy... They'll send ye after we charming pirates. An' we don't want t' b ruffin' ye up too much now.

    Welcome to th' Pub m' fine British friend. Hey, there be nothing too terribly sad about PotC... it got a LOT of people turning heads and supporting piracy! Heck for all we know... many pirates in the past made MANY political statements! Many of them.

    And aye, tis good to see Avery has a supporter. :lol:

    So.. since ye be new... ye be "purchasing" th' first round. :lol: And I'll be havin' m'self some... hmm... not sure what I want. I'll let ye pick, m'dear.

    ~Lady B


    Well course we could use my being in the Navy to commandeer a naval vessel :o

    An aye, I guess I'm buying the first round... :o

  6. Now matie, did they naught tell ye that tanks to naught float? They plunge, plunge straight t' th' bottom they do!!

    But as a fellow tanker - WELCOME T' TH' PUB!!

    (aye, and they tried t' tell me tanks could naught fly either - We'll show'em lad, we'll show 'em all!!)


    Now quick, buy th' house a round 'befer one o' them short temper ilk arrive!


    Haha I'll prove you all wrong TANKS WILL FLOAT...Okay I know the Challenger 2 is still somewhat effect to a certain depth, but yeah I think I should of joined the Navy XD

    And ohhh DRINKS ALL ROUND. :lol:

  7. So I eventually got around to making an introduction. I keep on getting too easily distracted here.

    Anyways, I'm 17 and am currently serving in the British Army as a Tanks Driver and soon to be Gunner. (That is assuming I stick it I may end up transferring into the Rifles to be with my Brother).

    My love for Pirates admittedly came from watching the Disney Pirates of the Caribbean movies and as you can tell from my username I have a fondness for Captain Avery.

    Anyways erm...if you'd like more information then feel free to ask =]

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