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Bilgewater Browne

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Everything posted by Bilgewater Browne

  1. The Half Moon Marauders may soon be featured in Hudson Valley Magazine

    1. Jas. Hook

      Jas. Hook

      Bilgewater - Sounds good... keep us informed.

      Jas. Hook

    2. Bilgewater Browne

      Bilgewater Browne

      We will be in the September Issue. Lady Brower and I have been in contact with the editor.

  2. It be common courtesy, but pitch in and help the organizers when you see they need a hand. And keep a weather eye out for anything that they need to be aware of to make the event sail smooth.
  3. Gunpowder Gertie be right. I was in need of joining a pirate crew a couple of years ago, and when I discovered there were none to be had in the Hudson Valley, I started my own crew, "If you build it, they will come."
  4. Gentlemen of Fortune is one of the best sources for people interested in authentic pirate garb.
  5. I must agree. After going barefoot in the area for a weekend, my ankles looked like they belonged to a plague victem. I still bear the scars after a year in frozen northern waters. I'm surprised I don't have encephalitis.
  6. I am an officially an older Johnny Depp. I just won second prize in a Jack Sparrow look-alike contest at the Newburgh waterfront.

  7. Bien venu! Ma Francais est mauvais, mais je suis un Francophile. Encore, bien venu!
  8. A Tremont Patriot Pale Ale. I should save some for the season premier of "Deadliest Warrior," tonight, but I don't think it will last.
  9. The caot associated with pirates is the justacorps. A great site for the details of pirate clothing is Gentlemen of Fortune
  10. You poor land-locked lubbers might want to view, Pirates of the Great Salt Lake. It's an indy DVD that proves you don't need an ocean to have pirattitude.
  11. I hate those centipedes, too. I used to smack them and throw them in my fish tank. I hated the way the legs would still wiggle after they were supposed to be dead. Then I read up on them and discovered they kill alot of nasty pests like fleas. I still don't like them, but I've reached a detant and kill them only when they violate my personal space.
  12. Arrr... I be proud of me brethren. Sea Rats, I be looking forward to to joining forces with you again (and I'd like to know which one of you got the breeches I left behind in Albany.)
  13. Well, that's why I started this thread. I'd long ago thrown out my original research. Capt. Johnson's book wasn't in my local library, but another book that referred to him frequently was. Since the author cast aspersions on many of Johnson's claims, I assume he had other sources. After two years of renovation, that library has re-opened; I may try to rediscover my sources.
  14. I agree, Mary Read had a far more interesting life from birth. Anne always struck me a a spoiled brat. I think Anne's father was more of a character than she was.
  15. Shiver me timbers! I always thought Anne Bonny got all the press. I'll have to think of something more original.
  16. In the early nineties, I wrote a screenplay about Mary Read and sent it to Stephen Spielberg’s house in East Hampton. I received a very nice rejection letter from Amblin which I have kept as a memento to my chutzpah. I want to retire from teaching next year. While exploring possible career changes, the field that jumped out as number one was the performing arts, with an emphasis in writing. I want to re-work my screenplay into a stage play. Back in the early nineties, I was restricted to my local library as a source of information on Mary Read. I would be grateful to anyone who could suggest 21st century sources of knowledge that would help me write a accurate account of her life.
  17. A Manhattan. Not very piratical, but I can't help it: I <3 NY. Happy Valentine's day!
  18. I should have had a hot drink after spending the day outside with wind chills in the single digits, but I'm swilling Tremont Freedom Trail IPA. I've fallen in love with the brews of Tremont: Better than Sam Adams, but a buck or two less in cost. I can only find it at Hanaford's grocery stores.
  19. There be many tunes, but the one I recall transporting me to the deck of a ship was the great Jimmy Buffett's, "Son of a Son of a Sailor.": "Haul the sheet in, As we ride on the wind, That our forefathers harnessed before us." I could taste the salt air and feel the roll of the deck the first time I heard that lyric....
  20. The maraschino cherry in my Manhattan as I watch the Yankees try to clinch a playoff spot against the evil Red Sox.
  21. Lady Brower, you need to post the recipe for the two hens you baked yesterday in Albany. That was scrumptious.
  22. As a microbiology professor, I concur. I'm reading Running a Bar for Dummies. I can't teach forever.
  23. While drawing water from the deck of the Half Moon (a replica of Henry Hudson's ship), I managed to splash some river water on a museum display. Anyone for a game of nine-pins?
  24. This is true. Believe it or not, Southern England was once a great wine producing region.
  25. I believe I already informed Ol' Chumbucket, but me and me crew will be at the Long Island Pirate Festival: LI Piate Festival
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