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Bilgewater Browne

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Everything posted by Bilgewater Browne

  1. From the album: 2012

    Rock Hall Pirates & Wenches Fantasy Weekend 2012

    © Craig Patrick Browne

  2. From the album: 2012

    Rock Hall Pirates & Wenches Fantasy Weekend 2012

    © Craig Patrick Browne

  3. From the album: 2012

    © Craig Patrick Browne

  4. From the album: 2012

    Newburgh, NY Pirate Day

    © Craig Patrick Browne

  5. From the album: 2012

    The Pirate's Other Salty Ball

    © Craig Patrick Browne

  6. From the album: 2012

    Newburgh, NY Pirate weekend
  7. From the album: 2012

    Newburgh, NY Pirate weekend

    © Craig Patrick Browne

  8. From the album: 2012

    Newburgh NY Pirate weekend

    © Craig Patrick Browne

  9. Pirate day at NY Renn Faire 8/25-26

  10. HMM Meet-up site is ressurected and updated

  11. Reviving the old Meet-up site

  12. Next weekend, he will be singing to benefit a theatre group I belong to. I may have a chance to ask him directly.
  13. Here's something I wonder about. I often sing with a group that raises money for local charities. We always pay for our sheet music, but we don't consider performace fees. Are we violating fair-use clauses? This is a particularly senstive issue for me since I plan on doing a song at our next fundraiser that was co-written by my congressman.
  14. I have the navy blue version of that shirt. Are ye a Parrothead as well?
  15. Being a man of science, my gastronomical renaissance began when I started watching, "Good Eats," by Alton Brown. I also reccomend buying a copy of "The Joy of Cooking." It can take you from boiling water to haute cuisine. Treat the recipes as a starting point; don't be afraid to substitute and add things that you think will be tastey.
  16. I don't have any recipes, but I know black walnut husks were used for tanning and as a wood stain. It makes a color my wife would call 'espresso.'
  17. Alas, my freezer is stuffed with my wife's organic-soy chicken-flavored patties and the like. I never thought of canning, though. Thanks for the ideas.
  18. I have WAY too many zucchini, crookneck squash and mini-pumpkins. I have made zuke pasta sauce, various squash cassaroles, roasted pumpkins, and gnocchi with spinach and yellow squash sauce. I am running out of ideas. HELP!
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