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Everything posted by thepiratecaptainmorgan

  1. And for those mateys that havn't a small fortune to spend, just to be piratical in nature,,,,, Good strong Cheap Cutlass
  2. AHOY! Allow myself to introduce myself, I be the Feared Captain Morgan, the last real pirate in the Omaha Region. Now why omaha? well its the last place that the royal navy would be looking fer me! Arrrr! At any rate, me new crew is only 5 strong, we have, an Executive Officer, or first mate, We have a Quartermaster, a Chief Boatswain, and 2 Crew men, not including meself. Anyways, if ya live in the Omaha or surrounding communities, we would love to hear from ya! IF YA WANNA BE A CREWMEN or simply acknowledged as a ROS member, either post a message here or email yer captain at: thepiratecaptainmorgan@gmail.com. I will get back to ya, Avast and remember: (The Actual Black Beard Quote) Take Everything, Leave nothing.
  3. The Finite Line between Brilliance and Madness. Or being in the Wron place at the Wrong time. It's all a matter of Degree Really.
  4. Lured me into piracy? Lemme think about that. Being poor, No Money, No Goods, No life, or: Stealing everything I want, WOMEN GALORE!, GOLD! ADVENTURE! THE SEA! a LIFE OF LUXERY! (I Really Dont know what Lured me into it,) Musta stood in the wrong Line?
  5. WHO WANTS TA KNOW! (Cocking a pistol)
  6. Er. Anything thats not from the Sea. I ave been eating that fer months now, How about a good old PIG in the ground? Tankards of Ale. WENCHES! DONT FORGET THE WENCHES! More Ale. MORE WENCHES! and Some Smoke. P)
  7. http://www.bigboyswartoys.com/cgi-bin/prod...item=SSHOW-5901 Check that out
  8. Aye Plundered Goodies.. Err.. Lemme think, 3 Digital Camera's, (All of which I sold fer Cash,) 4 New Fangled Laptops, again Sold. a Plethora of Swords, Keeping the best fer me, selling the rest, a Buch of pistols, all of which are gone, A Boat (Only Paid a dollar for it) Only thing I really bought. Hands full of Swag Jewelry all of which I exchanged for $$. Me Plundering goes on and on.
  9. READY TO SAIL READY TO SAIL! Aye, after 3 long months on the Isle of Jamacia, you decide Lets get going! This Pirate aint gonna get Famous by sitting on his Arse! and your Confidence has risen, even your crew has gotten larger (4 people) So now you have 19! and you get a Cargo! Yes Some foolish merchant has offered to Pay you to SHIP Goods just a short hop to the Ilse of Cuba! WOW! Making money and getting to go to Cuba! Your Provisions are paid for, and off you go! This time you know how to navagate, and your getting better at it. The Crew is in good Spirits! 3 weeks out, food is looking good, Spirits are high, and the wind is in favor, Now this is the life you dreamed of. The Next day, on the horizon, you spot a mast. slowly it closes on you. It seems to take all day, and it does, Night falls, the mast is but a speck. but slowly it gorws. all night long the thoughts race through your head, what is it? whos nation? English? have they found us! even Worse PIRATES? oh man, all night long you cannot sleep. the Morning brings relief. No mast, no ship, No nothing. WHEW! as you sail along, you begin to feel better. 2 days more, and that mast is back, this time she is closing fast. You are three days out of port when you see the vessels hull, she a brigantine! As she closes you realize your worst Nightmare, She a British Warship, and she is bearing down on you fast! Seems the Brits have been tipped off that you are infact the guy they are looking for. All day long she closes on you, at dusk she is in range, but she backs a bit off, Stalking you in the darkness. you can hear her behind you but she is not gaining. Another sleepless night. 0430 in the Morning. Cannon FIRE! Your vessel is under attack! Seems the british have infact missed this ship you aquired and they want it back. Quickly you get the crew mustered. Now you have two choices. One, you can make a stand and try to defeat the heavily armored vessel, or Two, you can dump your cargo, and outrun em. (I would Pick Two if I were you). So You Dump the cargo and make a run for it. Simple enough, and in no time at all, (3 Dead crew later) You have ample distance between the two of you. Before nightfall, you can't even see them anymore. Whew! You made it out alive! But what about the Cargo you were carrying? You only recieved 50% of the pay and were supposed to get the remaining half when you arrive in port! Oh well, only out 50% is beter than dead! Oh did I mention that the hull was damaged in the attack? and your Taking on water? Ok, Man the Bildges! you can keep this water out and the boat afloat!. "Ever Actually Man a Bildge?" It takes a lot of effort to pump sea water. and even the strongest of men can weaken quickly from it. The Food is also usually kept below deck, and Sea water and food dont mix to well. You will have to move the rations updeck. But this has an issue as well, Heat, Gulls, Theft, So now you have the following to think about: The Crew will realize that the food will spoil quickly, so they will be inclined to STEAL as much as possible to stay alive (No one really like dying). That which the theives miss, the Scavangerous Rats of the sea will get (Gulls) and that which gets missed buy them (NOT TOO MUCH) will go bad in the sun. All the while the ship is still taking on water (and moving Fast will only make this worse, but Slowing down may give the british time to Catch up. So its "Sink, or Swim" Literally. Remember those clouds? there getting worse, Storms are the number 2 killer of the Pirate. but According to your charts, there is a deserted Island round here somewhere. As luck would have it you find it. Carefully you make your way into the shore. Finally running aground (Anchor). The Storm is a mild one, not damaging too much, but it finally ends. There sits your boat, listing to the port, but still afloat. Now you need wood. Deserted Islands have plenty, Did you remember to bring the Carpenter? or even tools to fix the boat? Lets say you did. Ok, three week downtime on a paradise cant be that bad, Wondering if the brittish are still looking for you? Ok, Three weeks and your Boat is ready to float, You even managed to take on fresh meats and Supplies. Now all you have to do is wait for High tide and hopefully you will clear the bay. (Again Luck is on your side) and your afloat and on your way. Now lets discuss the Cargo that you dumped. Most Merchants belonged to a guild (Like the Mafia) And when ya messes things up they want either the goods, Payment, or both. Now you have new worries, The Royal Navy, a Merchant guild, and the reciever of the goods. (No going into the port of call now) Better find a bigger boat. Well you sail along for what feels like months. and then you happen upon her, an Old Dutchman. (Large Converted Warship) Listing to the Starboard. She seems to have been badly hurt in a battle, but the best news, there is flotsam and a british flag in the water. Seems like that old Warship that was chasing you found a bigger fish, and lost. There are survivors on the Dutchman. but not many. Your Crew dont outnumber them, but Your healthier, they dont look ready or eager to fight. So you elect to Board her and Perhaps get a bigger ship. GREAT! you Take her with almost no resistance. HA HA! The Scaberneous Dogs! Fixing the hull leaks on her is easy (Cause your Smaller Boat has lotsa Wood to offer!) Most of her crew are weak, and exausted. so you find the best of them and offer them a deal: Stay with me and join my crew, and get food and life, Refuse, and I set ya ashore (Being humane) to live out your lives on a god forsaken island. Some join up, the rest dont. so you strand them. Three weeks out, and the few that joined up have taken ill. Your Original mates have also begun to get sick. (WIthout the Advent of modern medicine you have unwillingly taken on Cholera laiden individuals. Without Vaccinees being availible, this was called the Yellow Death cause Death was garanteed. You Figure this out, but Perhaps its too late. 60% of your crew are infested. Your not, but the Ship your on is. You Strip the ship of all breeding area of the disease, and regretably you kill those that are suffering. (No Romance in that now is there?) Your Ship, now understaffed, NO FOOD or FRESH WATER, is sailing high and Dry as it were. You continue this journey from town to town, Port to port, and Sea to sea, all the time your health is in jeopardy, your crew changes fast, and not much LOVE, ROMANCE, or GLORY in it. Life as a Pirate Has become a Reality to you. You Learn Not to Love anyone, Trust even Fewer, and Hope to god (If there is one to you) That when your end comes, Its Quick and painless and not at the end of a rope. (These Facts Hollywood Have left out, because Face it, a Scurvy Cholera laiden Jonny Depp, or Orlando Bloom, just wouldnt sell Tickets. But a Handsome Jonny Depp, and Orlando Bloom will and did. (As for Women) You notice there were NO Female Pirate Captains Save for one, Anna Marie, and She was not one for long. There is a reason behind this, Sailing at sea is a Harsh life, Not many Comforts, and BAD LUCK to bring a woman on board. The Sea is a Woman, to Anger her is to face certain wrath. In the 21st Century, we have afforded Kindness to every aspect of our lives, But back then, Things Were Infinatly different. So Ladies, When ya thinks of a Pirate, Try not to think of Depp, or Bloom, Think more of TED Bundy, Richard Rameriz, People like those would have made Excellent Pirates in nature. Thanks for Reading Comments?
  10. Lets define south, true south is best defined as a bering of but not limited to 180 degrees give or take a few degrees, right? WRONG! Depending on where you sail from, True south can lie on or about 180 degree but remember the earth is a globe, so True south lies at a different range each time you plot it. (Real accurate Magnetic Compasses were not around yet) Hence the Sextant is Born! (FANFARE! MUSIC WINE!) The Sextant, Some guy figured out that to navagate the seas, you would need to be able to triangulate your position. Whoda thunk it? So In order to triangulate your position you would either have to be a NAVAGATOR or have a basic understanding of mathematics, Astronomy and Physics. If you did have that basic understanding, you would have been of decent upbringing and your family may have money! If this be the case, then why bloody hell are you out Pirating? Enjoy life! Ok, again, lets say you do understand all these things and by some bad stroke of luck, you were born poor and destitude. Ok, You know how to Navigate! TAA DAA! So you and your ten "Reliable" Mates set sail. Off you go! the Blue Sea! Your Sailing! MAN WHAT A LIFE! The open Sea, the smell of the ocean, Hey look its Dinner time! Dinner? you did bring food right? You actually Bought enough Provisions for a long journey? being at sea without an internal Combustion engine can take months to cross a Small ocean. Fishing you say? Ever eat fish for weeks on end? Ok, remember that Crew you took on? They will be getting mighty unhappy about this Fish menu. Better Get ready to become govoner of an island! But hey, YOU Did Bring FOOD! and WATER! WOW! your set! 3 Weeks into your journey you are well on your way to the Pirates life. Night after night you sleep in a wet soaked bed, The Bilge is starting to smell. Your Mates are starting to smell, Your clothes, hell everything smells! even the food is starting to get rancid. and No land in sight... 4 Weeks out and still no land in sight. Your Eyes are tired, so you wax them. 3 Weeks later, No Land in sight, the wind has all but left, and the food has literally walked off the side of boat. Slight clouds ahead, calm seas... Week, Ate, We ate the cabinboy. Just Kidding. Week 8, LAND HO! Someone actually spotted an island! GREAT! WERE SAVED! LAND = Food = Water! V A C A T I O N!. As you get closer, you notice a french flag overhead the Fort! GREAT! WE STOLE THIS BOAT FROM ENGLAND! THEY COULDNT POSSIBLY KNOW THIS! But Wait! Is England at war with France? Hmmm Assuming you know your local politics, and They are not, You Quickly hoist up a French Merchant Flag! And Calmly Sail into port. Upon DOcking, You Are Boarded by the French, They check to make sure your NOt Pirates, (And you Insist your not) And they let you go on your merry way. THIS CONCLUDES JOURNEY 1 (MORE TO COME)
  11. A Brief History of the Pirate I have been a "Pirate" for a great many years. I have done the research, lived the life and suffered the consequences for my actions. I am What many consider the Last true Pirate in the world. Living life as a Pirate is not an easy task. I have seen many discussion forums on this matter, and Lately I have seen an influx to the "Pirate" way of life, or how hollywood portrays it. I have decided to post this to share a little info. 1. The Pirates Life for me. Contrary to Hollywood or popular belief, Pirates were neither Handsome, or Rougish in nature. Most were underfed, Over worked, and out of life by the time they had seen their 3rd voyage. Scurvy ran rampant in the pirates life. A Lack of nutritional requirements made sure of this. Coupled with excessive drinking, a Loose lifestyle, and never seeming to find enough gave them a real short span of life. Most Pirates began life in prettymuch the same way we all did however, most were poor before they were 10 (And usually Parentless). Plagues and famine wrought havoc in the civilian worlds where pirates came from. The Sea Often times offered and escape from this certain execution from nature. But Life at sea was no cakewalk either. To get at sea you basically had 3 options. 1. Join the military, which meant a life of hardship and never quite getting to the top. You would be a sailor, never attaining promotion or favor. Squandering your pay (What little there was) on Booze and women. 2. Drafted into service by a merchantman or even worse, a slaver. EIther way your pay was less and your workload doubled. Most died at sea from a lack of compassion buy the sea or fellow crewmen. and 3, Steal a ship, get a buccaneer crew, and Become a Pirate. Not an easy task, first you need over 10 people that you can trust to assist you in the hopes of a better life. Hopefully they wont want your ship, life, or all. 2. So you wanna be a pirate eh? So you have elected to steal a ship. Great! Sounds easy enough. Do ya know how to sail a ship? Looks easy enough. ropes, sails, wind, wood. Rudder. Hmm this is getting complicated. Ok lets assume that you do know how to sail. Now Which type of ship? Small medium or large? (Do you want fries with that?) Ok. The differences are simple, Small: Not to sea worthy, may sink, but in great abundance all over the isle of England. Medium, hmm a bit harder, but can be found, Needs a greater crew to get sea worthy, lightly armored and gunned, easy prey for large Naval vessels. Large: Forget it, Military in nature, Very heavily armored, and gunned. Crewed by people that need a reason to live, (Killing you would be a great way to get promoted!) Not easily accesable, Next to impossible. Ok,for the sake of argument, lets say you manage to get a Medium sized ship. GREAT! a Barque. Ya need 15 men to run her, and you have em! GREAT! Lets get going! Going? Do You know how to Circumnavigate the globe? whats a latitude? longitude? How does a sextant work? Where in the World am I? I know I was just outside of england, and I was travelling.. um... er.... uhmmmmm southish? (MORE TO COME)
  12. Tis true about the wheel lock, But I have a Friend in Gunsmithing and he assured me its a Wheel lock, (I know its not to accurate, but its a movie full of inacuracies) Also, Depps pistol, is a Deuling Pistol, not the kind of weapon a pirate would have had, or used for that matter, (But who counts mistakes?) LOL TPCM
  13. That Fyne pistol be a Wheel lock, (Pre Flintlock) Dutch in Design (The Ornate Fillagree on the Handle, and the Ivory Handle. (Most likely Taken from a Dutch Captain.) Wheel locks were actually Favored over the flintlock, as Cocking, and Storing them loaded was much easier. (But Loading them was quite bothersome)
  14. Ahoy Mateys! I Ave been Overhauling me Vessel. She is a Fyne ship, but has a lot of hull rot down in the bildge. This coupled with my two and only Crew men, who insist on getting paid for their labours, has drawn me from this fyne establishment. Aye a Pirates life can be rough, but when the sun sets off yer bow, and ye have a fyne tankard of rum, theres nothing in the world that can compare to that! I shall try to be here a bit more often, but me Ship need work, and I ave a lot of free time between employs... The Pirate Captain Morgan
  15. Ok, lets see how this works out The Tricorn Hat
  16. Ok, I have Images, now how do I add the to the posts? Do they have to be at a website? *sigh* A Pirates work is never done.
  17. I dunno if anyone has ever seen these, but Here is the Code Modified Pirates Code 1. Everyone shall obey orders. 2. Booty will be shared out as follows: 1 share to every ordinary seaman; 1 1/2 shares to the captain; 1 1/4 shares to the master carpenter, boatswain and gunner. 3. Anyone keeping secret of attempting to desert will be marooned. He may take only a flask of gunpowder, a bottle of water, a gun and some shot. 4. The punishment for hitting a man is 40 lashes on the bare back. 5. Anyone being lazy or failing to clean his weapons will lose his share of booty. 6. Everyone may vote on all important decisions. 7. Everyone may have a share of captured drink and fresh food. 8. Anyone found stealing form another member of crew will have his ears and nose slit open and be set ashore. 9. Gambling with cards and money is forbidden. 10. The penalty for bringing a woman aboard in disguise is death. 11. No one may leave the crew until each man has made 1,100 pounds. 12. The compensation of losing a limb is 800 silver dollars. The Orignial Code 1) Ye captain shall have full command during the time of engagement, and shall have authority at all other times to conduct the ship accordingly. He who disobeys him may be punished unless the majority cote against the punishment. 2) If ye captain's vessel is shipwrecked, the crew pledges to remain until he has possessed himself of a vessel. If the vessel is the common property of the crew, the first vessel captured shall belong to ye Captain with one share of the spoil. 3) Ye ship's surgeon shall have two hundred crowns for the maintenance of his medicine chest and he shall receive one part of the spoil. 4) Ye other officers will receive each a single part, and if ye distinguish yourself, the crew will determine how much reward to be given to ye. 5) Ye spoil taken from a captured ship is to be distributed in equal portion. 6) Ye who shall be the first to signal the appearance of the vessel that is captured, shall receive one hundred crowns. 7) If ye lose an eye, or hand or leg in ye said service, ye shall receive up to siz slaves or six hundred crowns. 8) Ye supplies and rations are to be shared equally. 9) If ye introduce on board a woman in disguise, ye shall be punished by death. 10) If one brother steals from another, his nose or ears are to be cut off. If he sins again, he is to be given a musket, bulleets, lead and a bottle of water and marooned on an island. 11) If there is any doubt in a dispute between ye brothers, a count of honour is to decide the verdict. If a brother is proved in the wrong, the first time he shall be pardoned, but should he offend again, he shall be tied to a gun, and there shall receive from each of the ship's company one strike of the lash. The same punishment shall be given to ye among us, including officers, who shall get drunk, while on the ship, to the point of losing ye senses. 12) Whoever shall be placed on sentry, and upon his post shall go to sleep, shall in the first case be lashed by all the brothers, and should he again offend, his head shall be split. 13) All ye who shall plot to desert, or having deserted shall be captured, shall have ye heads split open. 14) Quarrels between several brothers whilst aboard ye ship shall be settled ashore with pistol and sword. He that draws first blood shall be the victor. No striking another whilst aboard ye ship. NOTE: Nothing about anyman who falls behind, gets left behind.
  18. Me Humblist apologies fer not acting fast, (Tis a busy life) I shall be posting images within a week or so, (Me Digital Camera was pirated) BLOODY PIRATES!!! anyways, I shall, but I can tell ya this about me hats. Made of the finest cotton (All weather) Materials, and garanteed to withstand anything ya be throwing at it. As for the leather, Special order Material, (Due to cost of Bulk Leather) and deliverable within 2 weeks from order placement, (Typically a Leather Tricorn or Bicorn) sells for 60 bucks From me, but ver good construction. I shall post images soon. (Yes I even duplicated Jack Sparrows) Avast me Mates!
  19. If ye Remember the Movie, And I Did.... "Had a Brush with the East India Trading Company eh, PIRATE?" In India, It is very common to MARK a Theif a Theif, etc etc.... Actually Jack Sparrow Would have been fortunate not have lost his Hand for his Theivery.
  20. AHOY! I have seen the posts concerning the Gadjest that Pirates carry, (much too much emphasis on nice shiney trinkets, ) And I am here to find out if there is any interest on or about, Hand made Piratical Objects, SUCH as: Cloaks/Capes Clothing (I ave a connection) Hats, (Of course) Swords (Crafted from the finest, ((Translated Cheapest)) Metals) Flintlocks (Again Crafted from the finest (Translated Cheapest) Metals) As a Pirate, I have been forced in the past to Manufacture me own weapons, although any sword is better than no sword, (I have made about 6 actual swords, sold all of them for a decent profit, and then the Flintlock Pistol, I have made 2, hand crafted, and sold one. Bartered the other for a nice Sabre. I was Curious about me mates, I know the price of these trinkets out here in the modern day and age are out right criminal! So I was considering getting back into the crafting myself. but Be warned! these Items are entirely Handmade, (No suing anyone who gets hurt using em) Basically you take yer chances ) just like in the old days! So Post requests or ideas here? (Sorry no Images yet, (Cant find me blooming Camera) ((Bet Captain Bacardi took it, Blighter!) Captain Morgan (Also Makes a Fyne bottle of Authentic RUM!)
  21. Aye, And Pictures there will be, But Ya must be givin me time, I just pulled inta port, Tis been a while fer me, (Now wheres that facy doodad camera thingy?) TPCM
  22. Leave us look at the facts.... COWBOYS: A Cool Football team, Have tried to rid a region of spaniards, Wear Boots, Wear hats, Smell like Stables, Drinks Whiskey, are as about as grammatically correct as my spelling, Have no real foundation or Belief structure other than a can a chaw, and some whiskey... PIRATES: WORLD CHAMPION FOOTBALL TEAM IN ONE SEASON Have Rid Regions of not only Spaniards, but Dutch, English, French, and anyone else In the way, Wear Boots, (Usually Stolen) Hats, (Ususally from Dead Dutch, French, Spanish, English Captains) Can Spell their names with one breath. Believe in the all for one, and one for me Principle, Have lotsa fun being what they are, Own many Islands or Boats or a combination of both, Know when to say when, Have Milk, and Live life to the fullest. No Comparison.
  23. Pirates of the whosey what>? Someone fill me in.... Been at sea toooooo long..
  24. Tis true, Ya can spend some dabloons, and get all fancied up, walk the walk, and talk the talk! I got me self all spiffied up by stealing it from various locations, (Tis True) Mostly from Salvation Army Depots. Some from thrift stores, and Others from me Ex Wenches. all Viable sources to obtain good "Pirate" Looking clothes. But Like I have always said, (And live for the past 29 Years) I Take what I want, I Take what I dont, I Keep What I want, I Sell what I dont. Captain Morgan
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