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Capt. Morgan

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Everything posted by Capt. Morgan

  1. I'm with Jack... about 40 degrees, and a driving rain that I've been out in all day... I'm cold and wet...
  2. Oooo... now all you need is to put your feet up with a mug of Irish coffee, a fire in the fireplace, and an Aubrey / Maturin novel... Me, I just came in from listening to rain bounce off my helmet and Gore-Tex... brrrrr
  3. *GASP* Now THAT'S scary! Great minds, and whatnot, eh??
  4. I submit to my avatar for my response... HA HA HA!!!
  5. Awww, just gimme a plate of whatever your special is today, and we'll call it even! Besides, Bilgemonkey manned the starbr'd guns as we sailed away with the gov's wife AND niece...
  6. Er, I think I picked up the "scourge" title around 1500 posts, or after the time I stole the Spanish governor's wife... I don't really remember which!
  7. *drops to his knees and hails the big Guinness* Congrats, Will... here's to another several thousand posts, mate!
  8. Thanks for the info, gents! As always, 'preciate the historical input, Cap'n Gary... I'm trying to stick to as authentic as possible...
  9. *stifles a tear* *sniff* That's one of the most beautiful sights I've ever seen... a bunch of red pyrates in red ships, off to spill red blood... it's lovely!
  10. Those were good quotes, mate... they just happened to be from some of my all time favorite flicks! The first just yells Kevin Smith, but I'm not sure which movie its from... Jay and Silent Bob? Clerks? Hmm... Muppet's Treasure Island? :) Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels?
  11. Oooo... a good Indian curry... mmmmmmmmmm
  12. lick the peach, drink the juice (mebbe just a little?) :)
  13. bumpin' uglies! (this is going straight into the toilet )
  14. Ah, yer right... Robert Palmer!
  15. Peter Gabriel, "Addicted to Love" and mine... "I had a third world girl in Buzios With a pistol on each hand She always kept me covered As we moved from land to land I had a damn good run on wall street With my high fashion model wife Til I woke up dry beneath the African sky Just me and my Swiss Army knife"
  16. *GASP!!* I was referring to spending time out of doors, enjoying nature! I'm shocked!! Okay, I can't back that up . . . "shagging like hamsters"
  17. Tora, Tora, Tora, perhaps? Its gotta be along those lines, cuz Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto said this to his aides after the attack on Pearl Harbor...
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