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Everything posted by CaptJackSparrow

  1. How dare you impune me honor bo....err,umm........pardon me my barbossa is showing. Please take this in all courtesy, as I make part my living locating and selling hard to find items like this and high quality movie prop replicas, etc., I also hold current accounts with most of the bigger replica/weapon makers, it is to say slitin me own throat to just tell people were to get the things I sell. I'm sure you can see if buy things from a distibutor the distributor isn't going to tell me the retailer where he gets his stuff because, guess what, you don't need the distributor then do you. To digress out of business mode for a moment I try do deal as close to the manufacturers as I can sometimes you can, sometimes you can't I'm waiting on more info into minimums as they have to be imported, if people are interested here in these items and can meet minimums then I have no problem passing them on to you for cost + shipping from me as is. I will be dealing them as an item in thier "Barbossa condition" (weathered and patina) these I must sell at full price. Can't help that. Please take this diatribe as it is intended and that I'm not being a hardass about it. Hope you all understand Jack "......and really bad eggs......Yo Ho"
  2. aye, what ya be lookin at here in these pics Is a French Heavy Cavalry saber. And it is 36 - 38" long, historicly. Cavalry sabers are suspended from "sword belts" for thier length. Don't wanta be gragging it on the ground.Barbossa is wearing a Baldric that rides rather low on the hip, Check yer DVDs ya swabs. I have found out that the Barbossa sword is a "cutlass length" piece around 26-30". I have discovered that this too may be historic as the French Light Heavy is the same sword but with a 30" blade. I have located through all the people I have done and do business with over the years that to date only 1 manufacturer is producing the "light heavy" and I am working with the supplier through a friend of mine to get hold of these. Anyone interested, speak up and I'll see what I can do. Jack
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