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Everything posted by CaptJackSparrow
I particularly like the fact that the writers had woven into the story "The code set down by Morgan and Bartholemew" and that Barbossa addresses the fact that they are guidelings and not actual rules. This is a great piece of writing in that if one be so enclined? to look them up you'll find that there are many different prints of this code /articles written by the same 2 men and they differ slightly from ship to ship but remain basicly the same in the intent and since they were the first to impliment this kind of maritime "Code of Behavior" so to speak it and is losely refered to as "The Code" Jack
Well, I'd have to say any color that is hard to produce in that time period like Purple. I don't know off hand what the difficult/costly ones were but I know that purple has been a royal color for 100's of years prior. Jack
Calling all Pirates! Need Help if ye can
CaptJackSparrow replied to CaptJackSparrow's topic in Thieves Market
Thank ye all fer the response, I had hoped someone may have seen it. I did find one piece of fabric that IS it but the cloth and color are wrong and unfortunately the person didn't know the manufacturer it came from. I do know however it is an embroiderd fabric of a tight weave. It is embroidered from behind leaving small dots on the front and large dash-like figures on the back between the dots. This all I know so far. The piece I found was yellow on a ribbed fabric. Needless to say.......totally useless for what I need. If'n ye could keep a weather eye out for or come across said fabric I would appreciate it. I would buy the whole bolt if need be. Jack -
Ahoy, been a we bit fer me here at the Pub. Lot O' landlubber bizness to tend to of late. I have been scouring everywhere fer many a moon and a day to locate me some o this here fabric but hence no plunder fer me. So I pose the question ta ye. Has anyone seen or know what it is or where it......the fabric used on Captain Barbossa's Frock. I have also noticed (thanks to me sharp eye, no not the glass one) just recently that it is used in the film quite a bit. It appear to be the same type stuff, different color of course, used for TWO of Gov, Swann's uniforms and a background character. Need very much to find these fabrics if ye all have seen them about. Thankee much, Jack
No offence taken just passing along the info. I did not intend to come off in any other way. I be wantin any props from this here film for a low a kings ransom as I can get. Jack
Yer Musical Inclinations... What be they?
CaptJackSparrow replied to TalesOfTheSevenSeas's topic in Music & Shanties
Nigel: If I can remember that far back I believe it's a 1987. I recently got an Ironbird corpse of ebay and rebuild it and had it painted by a west coast custom shop. The damn thing plays better than this one. LOL. I sometimes think it might do more damadge that a boarding axe and not a bad idea at that, it has enough points on it to be somewhat deadly. As fer yer band aspirations......I feel your pain........I find it very tough to get people to do and think outside the box. Best of luck to you, I didn't have any. Jack -
To clear things up, I went looking for these to bring the price down to a reasonable range for me and me fellow pirates for a POTC collectible and/or a glory blade. That's as far as my criteria goes on these. The blades are made by Deepeeka as previosly pointed out in the another thread and it is indeed a match to the film sword in a photo comparison. Others here more learned than I can tell ye if they are of battle quality. I personally want "Barbossa's blade" and thats it. Jack
Ye means ta tell me after all no one be wantin these puppys......come on.......yer kidding. Got three to got, as three are spoken for, anyone else gonna sign up fer these??? Jack
Yer Musical Inclinations... What be they?
CaptJackSparrow replied to TalesOfTheSevenSeas's topic in Music & Shanties
Funny this came up, I was talking to a Pub member last night about this kinda thing. I thought the question was what music we listen to as fer incinations. Anyway...I play electric guitar does that count? Even though it isn't invented yet . This be me in civi life......sorta. Jack -
I'm a bit surprised at the statements made here about the "run screaming from the room" attitude when dealing with children comes up. Do children want to talk endlessly a pointlessly about fabric, caliber, wood type, weapon range, battle tactics, authentic jerky.....NO......and not very many adults do either in general. Those who do are hardcore living history people and are probably in another re-enactment group already to begin with and that conversation is the norm. Generally most "civilians" you will come in contact with are not "in the know' and do not deserve to be looked at as if they had an A-hole for head when they don't address you in proper timeline speech and lingo. Children are the best audience in some respect as this is when they will develop a great interest in the things they will carry with them later. I have nothing, I repeat nothing against the living history folks, I thoroughly enjoy it. The age piracy has one thing that almost no other "re-enacment" group has......the ability to be both accurate and romantic and everywhere in between. To me, entertainment value is key to attracting the intrest of someone who may not have been, after that you may be able to pass along the history and accuracy if they want to venture further. I myself try to sit on the fence and balance a little of both. Jack
I recieved an answer today regarding my inquiry into the Barbossa Sabers. I can get these at a reduced price in either long or short blade for those that are interested. The only problem is I do have to meet a minimum. The minimum is 6 pieces and priced at $76.00 +ship. PM me a note if you would like to speak fer one. I got the first one 5 to go Jack
I can only guess as to the real honest genuine reason for the 2 coins (that is another story) If you review now all ye piratey folks and you know who you are yer DVD's you'll see the singles appear in 3 shots or segments 1) Will Turner is rescued from sea. 2) Elizabeth removes it from the Drawer and can be followed through the film till she threatens to throw it overboard on the Pearl and finally the Barbossa speech (not sure which coin could be either one) From then on it is a double, the first scene after that is Elizabeth is to be taken to the cave and Barbossa puts in on her, it can clearly be seen to flip over while he putting round her neck It's a double skull from there on all coins seen in the chest and everywhere else are doubles. 3) last exception is Will bandages Liz's hand and it is required to lay flat on the table and not move around or "flash" at the camera. This could have been on purpose or an out-of-sequesnce shot. Sorry for the long post. Jack
Well, Cutthroat Island may not be the best film of all time for different reasons, But the the saving grace is that is has a high production value and it the only other seroius or semi-serious modern pirate film out there. It's great fun to watch for......well.....pirates. Frank Langella is GREAT as usual and it has all the quailty of set and costume dressing and design as POTC andthats not bad for a film almost 20 years it's junior. Jack
Another collector friend put me on to this a few weeks back, It seems it is second generation copy (a copy of a copy) ergo lower price I guess. My coins witll be first generation and can probably do them for around $25 fer the members....at least that is the plan thus far. I'm having the double skull coins made not the singles everyone seems to have that are seen a total of 3 times in the actual film. The chains are readily available and are not a problem I can get them anytime my priority is the coins at the moment. For all those interested....other items are due shortly. Still waiting for info on the Barbossa Sword (pricewise) Barbossa Medallion and Jack's Ring (also being cast up) Jack
I also own an original, both of them and am in the process of having some made up as they will not be offered on the open market or whored on ebay. If there are interested parties in the pub and other private clubs that want them no problem. I having copies made originally for my selfas I wanted a bunch for a chest of gold. Will post info when they are available. Jack
Need to be stichin me up a new coat
CaptJackSparrow replied to CaptJackSparrow's topic in Scuttlebutt
Thankee much all ya swabs fer the great information upon me subject of question. *tips tricorn in respect* Jack -
If ye be referin the shoulder belt to hang yer blade it be called a Baldric if ye be intrested in the proper term to wich be aiding yer search upon the web if needed. Great link fer dem buckles mate! Jack
Look who ELSE be nominated for a Golden Globe!!!
CaptJackSparrow replied to TalesOfTheSevenSeas's topic in Pyrate Pop
me thinks to taken seriously, maybe a ships bell with an engraved thankee for an outstanding performance, in recognition of type o'thing on behalf of the fans that think he deserves it. my 2 shillin, Jack -
Need to be stichin me up a new coat
CaptJackSparrow replied to CaptJackSparrow's topic in Scuttlebutt
Thankee all fer the reply, I have one other question fer ye. As I be finding mostly light weight linens, I don't think they are what I'm after also the colors are not to my liking I would love, besides black, grays, gray-green, blue gray, dark hunter, green gray, crimson red, and the like. Any specifcs on weight and thread count ye can pass along and maybe yer favorite ports fer acquisision, Thankx in advance, Jack -
To interface or not to interface.....that is the question. I want the coat to hold it's shape but be "worn" or "used" not brand new stiff, does it matter. Secondly what would be a better fabric for this broadcloth or linen I can't decide, I figger I'd ask ye all who are in the know. I ain't that happy with the the other coat I have. Jack
That may very well be it, but I have no further info as of yet. I will keep you all posted on what I find out. Jack
Look who ELSE be nominated for a Golden Globe!!!
CaptJackSparrow replied to TalesOfTheSevenSeas's topic in Pyrate Pop
And Geoffry Rush gets the pass!!! Curse them all the sinking black depths of Davy Jones Locker! I say we pool are swag and swear out a letter of reprisal on the heads of these scaberous dogs!! Jack -
Sorry fer dredgin up the likes of an ol thread ye be gone an past. But I've a lot'o catching up t'do. Fer what me shillin's werth t'yee I feel I can safely say I bee sidin with TalesOTSS on thisun here. I've also been soured on the re-enactor thing for the most part as the anal retention has reach record levels, or depths depending on how you look at it. The Pirate era caught my ineterest, or, renewed interest as it were by the very nature of the business you must find and use what you can, be it old or new. I do agree that care MUST be taken to keep it quasi authentic(thank god for POTC and Cutthroat Island). People for too long have have the vision of pirates as super neat technicolor idiots with an over the top accent. As we all know pirates rarely look like royalty all primp and proper with really clean linens. However I think that recognisability is a key thing with the public also but not at complete sacrifice of reasonable authenticity. Cause remember that public's view is a romantic one and we know the pirates true life was anything but romantic. I also have say I'm with the Faire folks as it is really about havin fun and the for the benefit of the people that come to see it. Before the faire thing got so specific I would love to "invade" the midway(so to speak) as my other alter ego Captain Black Jack Morgan and harass(nicely) the folk walking about. Specially the little kiddies... I would carry about a fistfull of doubloons and give them away to the kids and tell them "now you take this here coin and keep on ye always fer luck and the next time ya be threatened by any pirate ye show em this here coin? and tell em Black Jack Morgan gave ye this coin and ye bepertected always in yer travels" But , alas, this attitude has changed and if it ain't period.... it ain't...PERIOD. So here to hopin that the resurgence lasts long enough to have some real fun this time around. BTW: All the pirate in a bag costumes should be outlawed, now plastic hook, no wooden legs (less they are legit) No flocked hats and felt eye patches. IMHO. Sorry about the long post. Jack
POTC # 2 Ooooh, check this out everybody!!!
CaptJackSparrow replied to Rumba Rue's topic in Pyrate Pop
aye, tis me there Jack, on patrol o'thee Northern coast *salutes from quarter deck as ships pass in the bleekest of seas* Jack -
POTC # 2 Ooooh, check this out everybody!!!
CaptJackSparrow replied to Rumba Rue's topic in Pyrate Pop
fer me 2 shillings worth me thinks it would be outstanding for the all time greatest evil pirate to make a return to Pearl. But I do agree with the sentiment that it MAY cheapen the character, I refer to the handling of Spock in Wrath Of Khan. Next up for me would be Frank Langella (that he was in Cutthroat Island not withstanding, but it helps) he plays the sinister bastard very well. He was great in The Ninth Gate...... come to think of it Depp was in that movie too.....Hmmmmmmmm, me thinks I be onta somethin here, Patrick Stuart might be able to also pull it off. Other than that I can't think of anyone off hand that can wreak a good evil stench. Jack