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Everything posted by morgan_thelimey_grimmway

  1. That's what them "Celtic" types call good ol' whiskey... To each Lovely Lassy her own. I'm sure ye wouldn't be faultin' our fine Ladies fer choosin' their own poisons would ye? It'd be a terrible shame to slight any o'these fair an' beauteous women . . .
  2. I've tried the custom corset generator. It's very easy. The pattern is so-so. I highly recommend that if you use this pattern generator, you put bonned tabs along the bottom of the corset, for extra comfort. I also think it would be better with shoulder straps, but all in all, I like it, it's great if you haven't much time. I'm interested to check out some of the Simplicity Corset patterns. I also adore victorian era clothing, and their corsets look good. I found a great bebsite for resources for this the other day, but can't for the life of me remember. I'll see if I can post the link later.
  3. I love the Van Helsing boots on that-there second link! But, alas, I don't think I want t'spend that much swag on boots, though, the option fer rugged soles on the first link is very 'ppealing. Yer mates always tend t'laugh when ye slip on yer arse in the mud...
  4. I find a good evil look and a reminder of period fighting techniques usually shuts the period nazis up. I know, at least in the SCA, the rules only say that you have to make your best attempt at period. Apparently, the period Nazis have ignored this part. I can't stand people like that. You know, I do ren faires to have fun, not to have to deal with the likes of the nit-pickers, and frankly, I feel sorry for most of them having to stand in burning midday american sun in the summer, when the gown they are wearing was made for English weather... That's not very period now, is it? Sorry, I'll conclude my rant now, and yes, it is a mighty good idea to dip the ends of the fishtape. And never use rigaline... it has no support, and no matter what you do, it will eventually work it's way through the fabric, usually into the skin of your under-arms or hips... >.< As for the benefits of fishtape in making a farthingale ( hoopskirt ), I found that it's the best thing! You cut just over the lengths you want, then with a pair of good pliers, take some relatively thick wire, and bind the two ends together really tightly, in a spiral of wire. Mine's still holding up, and has survived many an arkward trip to the port-o-castle. ^_~
  5. Aye, I've heard tell of SCAboots bein' very good., an was considerin' them. I wanted more imput form others before buyin' them though. Thankye very much. I also would not ( and cannot ) buy boots from walmart. Extreme sensitive feet.. I need somethin' soft an' leathery, also, I'm jsut toolazy to add the bucket tops meself.
  6. If ya need bonin' real quick-like, go to Home Depot. Ask fer "Fish Tape" ( This is what them landlubbers use fer threadin' wires through walls. ) ( Usually somewhere around the 10 dollar mark if I recall, and it will go a looooong way ) Ye'll need someone who's handy with some kind o'small saw. ( I used a dremel attatchment) And cut the boning to the length ye want it, from the spool. This be fine fer boning, as it's sturdy and keeps it's shape well, also, it's inexpensive and easy to find if you need it quick. Just make sure you sand down any sharp edges. Also, beware when takin' the fastenin's off o'the spool, as it has been known to suddenly unravel itself very violently...... not that yours truly has ever made such a mistake......... As fer busks ( if ye need done fer yer corset style) I reccommend a paint stirrer, or a stainless steel carpentry ruler, with the ends sanded down, and holes drilled. I've been usin' a stainless steel ruler in me elizabethan corset fer a busk for years now. Just make sure ye paint it if yer goin' t'be usin' it fer long, as it may rust and spoil the fabric. Also, take it out when you wash the corset o'course. I find fishtape is also excellent fer makin farthingales. ( hoop skirts) or bustle cages fer more victorian styled threads.
  7. Har indeed!. Ayyyyye!
  8. I think it's both, and I just have to add... :: gag :: Ok, I'm done now.
  9. I just thought I'd ask around here on the best place t'buy pirate boots. I am women's size 7 1/2 or 8 ( not sure what that is in mens) And I wanted t'find a decent pair o'bucket top boots, Though somethin' not to tall, or possibly changeable between tall or mid-calf. Somethin' durable what can stand up to pennsic mud and flood without leakin' too much or fallin apart. I find that alot of women's pirate boots have heels, which is ridiculous, so possibly I'll be lookin' at buyin mens boots if they make 'em small enough. Just because I be of the feminine disposition doesn't me all me shoes should have heels. Have the makers o'those boots ever tried scalin runestone hill, pissdrunk in the middle of the night? I doubt it.....
  10. I once get ripped off on e-bay pretty terribly. I paid for an SCA approved crossbow for target archery, as me household at pennsic be the leaders of the dread mercenaries "The Bastard Brigade" I wanted to score us some points, and fancied meself as looking rather sharp with crossbow slung over shoulder and big hat... as you do, So I paid out for this crossbow that I never ecieved. We contacted the prick hosting the auction, and got no reply or refund. He got kicked off of e-bay and paypal within that same week, hence we got nothing back. However, I did track downhis name adddress and barony information, an' will be contactin' his baron and baroness ( since he's apparently a knight...! ) Never can trust them tin-hat types. Needless t'say, I will be finding out about him through me various influential friends, and may have t' throttle him if I e'er lay hands on him.
  11. Ahhh... hah. Scratch that. That's what I get fer postin' before readin' the whole post.
  12. How fortuitous! I will be in Baltimore on vacation that weekend! Of course, I don't know any of ye, and would hate to be the arkward quiet one. I'm arrivin' in Baltimore on the Thursday night.
  13. I moved over here to The Americas ( as it were) in.... errrmmm... 2001 I think it was. I moved due to job opportunities for my step dad ( with whom I moved, as well as my mum ) My dad and stepmum are still in england, along with my older brother, and various family. I also have family in Holland, and sparse family in Australia. My mum's side of the family is pretty much exclusively in canada, to which they moved about 25 years ago. What do you want to know about England, there's a lot to say really, almost everything is different. People assume it's the same becuase we speak the same language ( barely ), but it's really not.
  14. RumbaRue, Ye'd be surprised how many curses get placed on me head everyday fer the mere fact o'my accent. "Damn you having such a cool accent!" etc... Though I can speak in a clean English, I mainly grew up in Lincolnshire, so I've a bastardised sort of english. It's not the Queens english, but it's not horrible, "Oo-arr, ye combine 'arvester" type of accent either, and it's far from Jeordie. Bein' english, I find it easy to sound and appear innocent and good, though there be no doubt among me friends that I can swear with the best o'any of the English lads. ( 'course, I grew up with me brother an' his friends cursin all the time ) I can also drink with the best o'them too, much to the amazement o'some of me mates, since I am only 5'3 and 105 pounds. It runs in the family. I find the main problem with the americans who insist on speaking british at me, is their use of words. We do not say bloody all the time. I very rarely ever use this term, though I do exclaim "bollocks!" fairly often, which me friends laugh a me for. Bloody is reserved inmy vocabulary for when something "Really Bloody Hurts!" though it's often preceeded with various other explicit terms. I can fake a Liverpoodlian accent very well. One o'me best mates growin' up was a Liverpoodlian. I babble to much.
  15. Bein' from England and still holdin' me accent well t'begin with, most people don't notice me addin' in a few extra phrases or droppin a few extra letters. Most o'me friends are accustomed to it, but I still find that I get strange looks from folk when I use words like "Reckon"i.e. "I reckon it's going to rain today.". Apparently they don't use the word up here in the north east. Though, the fact that I already drop me arrrs make sme fit in with the bostonian crowd easier. As far as me own pirate speak, generally I don't change me accent at all, since I recieved a fair education in England, and I always imagine me pirate self would've don the same. It took me a while to force meself to even type pirate-speak, and ye'll notice sometimes me brain corrects the grammer and spellin' without me noticin'. Because, really, I should just be typing the Queen's English. I think my English teachers would have a fit reading anything I've written on this site. <-- ( Spoken in hoitey toitey Queens English accent. )
  16. Curses! Now I'll be pinin' for that which is inaffordable... at least until I can afford it... Damn me curiosity!
  17. I also encountered your problem M'Lady. I wanted something personna fitting yet danceable. What I came up with was sort of improvised gypsy/pirate with jingles. This was for a household yulefeast, and so I kept a colour scheme too. I layered various ruffley skirts so that each layer showed ( you can't see in the picture, but they were green) And pulled them all up slightly in one side ( adding a wenchy feel but also increasing mobility) The bodice was a store brought spur of the moment bodice, but happened to have extremely flexible boning that still held a good shape. ( some sort of plastic ( possibly you could get away with a bunch of rigaline, though I find it pokes through the fabric eventually)) Then I layered a contrasting shawl around the waist, as the tassles accentuate movement, and then a couple of triangle jinglies over that. And of course, the hat to finish it off. You could find a nice soft soled tall boot or even some mocassins to go with it. I hope this helped you.
  18. Billy Bones? Online store or offline? If online, do you have the link?
  19. I suggests ye buy one maties. ( namely because I want one and he still has to get three more buyers... think of the children, won't someone think of the children!) Anyway, aye, they be show pieces, but fine fer faires, an a pretty piece indeed t'be showin' off on yer wall or at a peaceful event. Bein' unaccustomed t'fightin' round these parts, an' too poor at that, a sword like this'd suit me fine. I've no need t'be crossin' blades with anyone... besides, i got's me a couple o'late 1600's english flintlocks fer just such occasions...
  20. I 'ave been known t'sing a few tunes in me time, but mainly I plays th'Djembe with me drummin' circle. It's always a barrel o'fun when ye've had too much t'drink an everyone 'as their own beat inside of their 'eads.
  21. PS: One o'me favourites be "The Coasts O'High Barbary" 'cept fer the terrible fate o'th pyrates o'course.
  22. If ye can stand th'dread midi music, then this be the site fer ye! The site be alarge collection o'folk music, but there be a section devoted t'shaties an' the like. Take a gander. The best part about it is that ye get the tune an' the lyrics in one, an then ye can learn t'sing with th'accompanying music. Dread' Midi Folk Site Enjoy.
  23. Ouch. I finds me pockets too bare after the past weeks o'drinkin an' kahoodlin' to e'en think about them jackets. Oh, and what be the problem w'people makin' all these coats 'n things only fer strappin' men? Us lassies'ave got t'look respectable too! Fortunately, I got's meself a dear friend who works with leather or fabric vary well. He makes 'is own leather coats and trousers and hats and... and.... I sweet talked 'im into makin' me a new jacket fer goin' out on th'towns, so t'speak.
  24. I believes it be farther down the plunder page under genuine barbossa sword.
  25. Want..... sword..... Count me in mate. So make that four t'go Lovey.
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