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Everything posted by Phoenix

  1. Add me to the wanting to see photos and buy list. Thanks.
  2. I'll be in Morehead City.....just look for the blonde pirate lass with the skull design cutlass!
  3. Aye they do....BUT.....Pirates have BIGGER balls!!!! ARRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. My kinda movie fer all these reasons and because of the cinematography (some great land/seascapes).
  5. Where can I find info on CC22? Is there a website?
  6. Many happy returns of the day to you, Billy!
  7. This sounds like an experience not to be missed. I'll be checking to see how feasible it is for me to attend.
  8. Thank ye Royaliste fer getting my birthday bash started an' thank ye Black Jack Shalaq fer joining in. Have some cake an' rum!
  9. Nice tatts.
  10. When and where????? I'll do my best to be present.
  11. Thank you, Sir. May Santa be generous to you.
  12. Aye....I wish ye all fair winds, smooth sailing, and plenty of rum and plunder! Happy Holidays!! Ho...Ho...Ho ...... errr I mean....Harrrr...Harrrr....Harrrrr AARRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. *raises eyebrow at Scupper* And pray tell, what exactly be it of Johnny's and Russell's that you be willing to hold fer us wenches to have a go at??????
  14. Looking is all fine and dandy.... but personally speaking, I be wanting to do more....like handle Johnny's and Russell's rounded orbs!! Gotta be touchy feely with them two! (heavy breathing) I'm next in line after Claire!!
  15. What battle were you engaged in? Here's hoping you were the victor!
  16. You're forgiven. Now, Sir J, tell me true.... it was my mastery of the pirate language that threw you, wasn't it????
  17. Glad to help. :) I'll take that tankard when you acknowledge that I am a MISS and not a SIR!!
  18. Sir J, it do look like Homestead be all pay now. Big bite in the arse on that. Other places I heared of be......Angelfire and EZBoard. I'll take a look see 'bout fer yer te sees wot else be 'vailable.
  19. I joined it 'bout 2 yar ago when it were completely free. I thunk it still have a freebie component ... mabbe not....mabbe that dun changed and ain't nuthin free now. Let me go check and see what's what......
  20. Homestead is a good one. VERY reliable and easy ta use. www.homestead.com Yer'll have te register but go the free page site route and donna git hooked inte their pay stuff.
  21. Yer pic don't show, Sir J. Hows 'bout tryn it agin? (I say it be ye but mabbe it be me puter.... or worse, like me eyes. )
  22. Aye....well deserving is he! I thoroughly enjoyed his performance.
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