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Everything posted by JerseyBrigantine

  1. Hrothgar and G.O.F., Thanks be for the replies and useful information. ODF has some very fine looking widow makers on its site, will be looking for into those.. I remain, until our sails cross some day- a deckhand serving under the sails of Captain Morgan, Captain Cuervo, and First Mate Midori
  2. Hrothgar, Mate, here be the period cutlass I was referring to in the first post.
  3. Arrgg mates, Found these two life takers and widow makers around. Any inklings if authentic repops of these were to be made if they would be period or right for the period? Check out the links and look forward to all the grumbling to come. http://www.antiqueswords.com/scs4.htm http://www.butterfields.com/areas/arms/735.../7350a-1078.htm
  4. Hrothgar, Arrgg, ended up finding me cutlass, be on an appraiser's site. Have to find a maker to model one up on this fine life taker. This Marinero be a right handed blood drawer. That officer's cutlass is too fine to want to use for but a couple more years, when it might be worn for real on this lad.
  5. Arrg mates, was marooned on an island off de coast of South Carolina named Parris, but it aint no Paris I'll tell ye that. Before me was marooned and finally graduated off that beach ther be a carribbean cutlass for sale that had a pearl handle. it was sold, but i fancied it and thought it nice touch for the kit. anyone seen any around or know where to acquire one? also, being authentic minded, what are the patterns and fabrics to use for a deck hand? fire an email at jdewsoniii@yahoo.com or respond to the post. -Motivated Deckhand Joe
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