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Posts posted by imadrunkenpirate

  1. yo ho yo ho a pirate's life fer me!

    i'd pick pirate meself, but fer history class... we had te make a song, so i based mine off captain slappy's. (with alteration)

    (this is me cowboy song fer school)


    A cowboys life is free from strife

    his journey to begin

    without a troubled nagging wife

    keeping him from sin

    i've got my saddle

    i've got my reigns

    a compass and a mule

    a partner i call big bad fern

    and my horse is like a jewel

    im a cowyboy!

    now dont give me no lip

    or i'll cause some trouble to yer camp

    and then u'll have a fit

    lol... so i passed that...

    thanks Cpt. Slappy!

    Cabinlass Maggie :lol:

  2. Well Well... you look right handsome lad!

    A fine coat indeed.

    Methinks it'll make yer plunder'n all the more fun! (and make you much easier to spot!)

    Great coat EP! ;)

    aye... very nice. :(

    love the coat, mate! looks like ye made a FINE choice!

    Cabinlass Maggie :(

    living room could use a bit o' cleaning... no? Just TEASING!! :(

  3. actually.. i remember goin to W.W... when i was about 4 years old. evil mermaid made me cry... lol. i also have pictures of me and me four-year-old-ness, with a beautiful mermaid and a handsom prince. maybe we'll go again! ;)

    Cabinlass Maggie ;)

  4. hmm... as many pictures of Jack that I have, I have naught a picture of him AS the skeleton, moonlight form. sorry, mate. try google... Jack Sparrow moonlight.

    Hope it helps!

    Cabinlass Maggie ;)

  5. first of all, zorg, i must say... i've been up te me ship's sail with the snow, as well as ye. Paisley, thank ye fer the boat advertisment, I think I'll check that out sometime. Actually, I have been te Tarpon Springs, its right next te where we're staying. Any pirate events/places te visit thar?


    Cabinlass Maggie :ph34r:

  6. Me, me ma, and me brother are spending spring break in FLORIDA! -yay-

    I haven't been thar since two years ago, so it'll be WONDERFUL te go back. I'm really lookin forward te seeing me aunt and uncle (live there), and me grandparents (vacationing).

    Of course, we'll be sharing thar vacation house with me grandparents, but it shalln't be bad.

    Any of ye down there (Holiday, FL) during April 10th-18th? If so, lemme know!! :P


    Cabinlass Maggie :P

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