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Everything posted by andelew

  1. opps sorry it took so long to respond to my response. I just went out and looked at a little "hunter" over the weeknd, I dont remember the exact model tiny boat though maybe 10 to 16 feet. The cost of the boat trailer and everything was 3500. The advice I got from the sailing shop was read a book and get out there. Keep in mind I live by a lake not an ocean so Im sure sailing is a bit different on fresh water. But unless I get any warnings against it i think that is my plan for now. Capn Gary maybe next time Im in your port I could tag along on a sail on the royaliste and see what the big boats are like.
  2. Ill plan on that weeknd then, weather and seas permitn, you say you will only be there saturday right? Oh and who will be in pyrate garb.
  3. Congrats on the 2nd edition of your book. Im sure it is a fine one indeed, actually I am excited about the oportunity to win a signed first edition of what Im sure will be a must for every pirate, however I am unable to navigate your cyber sea succesfully. could you point an x to the spot the treasure of winning your book might be.
  4. Im in for the trip to hang with fellow pyraticals. Let me know the exact weekend. And I'll bring my dingy inta port.. Its about a 6 hour trip for me so I need plenty o time to prepare for the journey.
  5. Aye Pirate Hunter, the true story of Capn Kidd, was a good read full of historical fact and geography. Highly recommend it
  6. Ye be bringing the Rum Aye Red??
  7. "my fave pirate book is my made up pirate book called the um girls. " Capn Rum Lady where do I get a copy? The closest thing Im reading is sailing for dummies. One must know how to sail before one can plunder.. Andrew AKA Texas Terror the Flat Land Pyrate
  8. I noticed that this topic has kinda split between Scuab and sailing which brings up another question. For you seasoned Salts, what do you recomend for someone who hasnt been sailing in about 20 years who wants to get back into sailing. I might also mention that when I did it was on a Nacra 5.2 catamaran. Any advice on begining sail boats schools, ect. Andrew AKA Texas Terror the flat land pyrate
  9. Have guitar will travel, you can count me in. Late 2005 early 2006 would be best for me and me mates. Andrew AKA texas Terror the Flat Land Pyrate
  10. Ahoy mates, Just got the email about the august 14th sail. Since I dont port in California wont be able to watch the sail on cable. Would anyone be willing to tape it and send me a copy? Andrew AKA Texas Terror the flat land Pyrate
  11. Thats understandable Ace, just to let ye know you made quite an impression on my little one and she has been singing your praises er since she met ye andelew AKA Texas Terror the flat land Pyrate
  12. Aye, The indentured servants will be holding ya to that.......
  13. Ahoy, Saucy be a fine name and a fine disposition, it be a pleasure to meet ya.
  14. Thanks it was truly a fun experience and next time I am in town I will look you all up
  15. It's a pleasure to meet you Siren, have a tankard of Rum on me. Texas Terror the flat land Pyrate
  16. Ahoy, I be a pyrate based out of Denton Texas and would love to hook up with other pyrates in the area.
  17. Ahoy , Just wanted to say thank ye for all the hospitality twus showed whilst in yer port. Quill you were the best, oh and Iron Jack I agree that yer cannons were great. the indentured servants and meself had a most memorabnle time and av near been plundered by a better crew than that of the seven seas. Andrew AKA Texas Terror the flatland Pyrate
  18. Thank ye kin'ly for the links ace, ey would love t'be on ye mailing list. I be flying in, but I find meself in your port at least 2times a year. So would love to be up on the hap'nins.
  19. Is there a place that I can go to find a schedule for the day of the 4th? or could some one email me with all the particulars?
  20. Looks like plenty o'Fun was had by all invloved
  21. Well Mates, it be just weeks fore me flying ship leaves dock for Sacramento and then to join ye on the 4th. Any hints on what I should plan on a pakin' ? :)
  22. Thank you for the most generious invite. Truth is I have had a place in my heart and a Fascination for all things maritime and pyratical for my entire life, however I am just in a position to rekindle my love for this interest. I saw your posting and if I can work it I would love to initiate myself in such an outstanding way. I will also work on my pirate speak sos me dont sound like such a landlubber. until next time...Aarrggh
  23. Ey Avast, I am going to be in the Sacramento area around the 4th If so I would love to come out and watch the show!
  24. well in true poser fasion and since my birthday is also September 13th I had to rush right out and buy the shirt when I got off work and i am proud to say I am wearing it right now
  25. Well harbor Master that is a fine goal indeed, You say that you will be preparing the beach for a sea wall and Scuba diving. How does one find himself in such a lucky position, and were can I sign up. At this moment I am only an open water diver and my greatest adventures have been the local lakes as my purse is not as full as i would like it to be The most interesting things I have set me eyes on have been toilets and telephone booths, no clear water diving yet but if'n me plunder be big enough someday then I will be having Rum filled tankards with ya in philippines soon enough..
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