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Everything posted by Animal

  1. ***looks over at Cross, smiles innocently*** I valiantly gave up my spot on the hood of the truck so you could enjoy the full experience of PIP in it's entirety. ***snigger, snigger*** Animal
  2. Okay, maybe I buy the *His mom is my sister* part.... Me too, Bess. But about this "When we were grounded for doing something bad then everyone had to stay home but me" business. I'm definitely seeing something between the lines here!!! Animal
  3. Well hell!!! It seems that those of us not making it to PIP this year will have to meet here in the Pub and drink ourselves silly and try to make readable posts. Animal
  4. ***takes a side look at the Capt'n**** Are you drunk again????? Cozying up to dem damnable pyrate hunters like dat. You nos quites well dat we 'ave bidznes wit dem frenchies again. 'ave ye forgotten dat, Capt'n????? Aminal
  5. I read Fayma's post and I read Lily's post. It was quite clear to me about the fires. I have never known a campfire that wasn't a community fire. I believe that the posts properly explained the issue with no grey areas. Animal
  6. Our individualvote hasn't counted in a presidential election in years. I for one am all for abolishing the electoral college. One person, one vote. So what if it takes a month or two for the results are final? Then you would have an actual vote of the people. Animal
  7. Bump, because it's getting close to PIP. Animal
  8. Patrick, I really don't think there will be much confusion with the public. Unless they are really well versed on the history of the buccaneer timeline, I don't think they will even know the difference. I would answer questions about what is happening in the camp with general answers. I think keeping it simple would be the best way to go. I'll be there with you in spirit and working on 2011. I would like to see some images of the encampment (photo or sketch) when you all get back. I'll be hoisting one in all of your collective honors. Animal
  9. I just picked up my brother in law at Ft. Monroe and they were tighter on security than usual. They decided to search the car. Good think it was my sister in laws. Animal
  10. Notice the key word "was", Brennan???? No how about some o dem tall tales about yer Auntie???? Animal
  11. "Broadside Brennan"??? Me thinks ye 'ave yer name lad!!!! Ye can thank Callenish fer that moniker. Don be lis'en to dem Pyrate Hunters!!! Dey be a crew wots nos not 'bout havin' fun an' a good time. Hope dis post an others makes yer days better. Buck up, lad!! Ye be a pyrate now!!!! An' a most honorable profession dat no other can match. (send me some dirt on yer Auntie, iffen ye please. Me tinks dat she needs some stories told 'bout 'er) Oh an be sure to tell dem sawbones ter make yer right o dey will have the lot of us ter answer to. Animal
  12. I can see your point, Michael and at the same time agree with Hurricane. Last year went pretty smooth as far as I know. Agreed that Harry gave us a lot of leeway. I think that if all the crews are informed of what the expectations are and follow the guidelines, there will be no real issues. I think that you should all be aware of the public when it gets closer to closing time, it will be helpful. One evening, I saw a couple of "bikers" roll in just before closing and heading straight to the pub. I found Harry and let him know and he and some others handled it. Some of the public might get caught up in the fun and want to stay past closing. That issue should be addressed. I also saw so folks that showed up the last day and started an small cooking fire. I hadn't seen them the whole event. I informed Harry again and left it to him to deal with. I firmly believe that if the management sees the crews self policing themselves and following the base, unbendable, rules, there will not be any issues and fun will be had by all. The most fun is usually after the park closes and the public has left. Even though there will still be rules and regulations to be followed. Setting a chain of command within each crew, spreads around the tasks of making sure no one violates the rules and a good time is had by all. We are all mature people and if we act accordingly the management will probably loosen some of the rules a bit for next year. I really wish I could be there this year. Animal
  13. Hey Dutch, Grace and I will be happy to tie him on the roof rack... oh wait, we have a cargo carrier, he can ride in comfort... might be a bit hot, but if it rains, he'll stay nice and dry.... I can see Animal now, riding on top of the heap like Granny Clampitt.... LOL Good luck wit' that one, mates... Hey, I like Granny!!! She didn't put up with any crap and had a skillet and a shotgun at the ready at all times!!! Gotta love those kind of women!!! Animal
  14. need 2 shirts done, 2 pairs of pants, leggings, tent material purchased.........wait, I'm not going this year!!!! In the words of the infamous M.A.'Dogge ........"Oh, Crap"!!!!!! Animal
  15. Happy Birfday, Paisley my dear. Hope there are many more to come!!!! (looks around for the "cat", hmmmmm I wonder if Lily took it back???) Animal
  16. **holds out his hand for the "cat" from Lily** WHACK and 1 to grow on. Happy Birfday, mate. Hope the day was great and many more to come!!!! (I think I'll hold on to this cat as me day is coming soon ) Animal
  17. Hmmm, this might be doable. Dutch and Sterling, check you PM's. Animal
  18. In a way, I believe that PIP is set up that way. The only real division of crews is the pirates and the pirate hunters. Them bastids keep wanting to hang us poor fishermen. Basically the crews intermingle and form one large crew. Seems about the same as Morgans sack of Panama and other raids. The crews came from all over and formed up under one captain. I'm sure there were minor difference of opinions but the goal in the end kept them together and working as a total entity. Animal
  19. Dutch, I'm pretty sure I can make this. The Thursday-Friday part might be a problem. I'll know by the 11th if I have a job. Since I'm concentrating on the buccaneer period, can I kill a cow and pig for the event? Wait that might put some people off a bit. Hmmm, maybe a fire pit and a area to work on a hide or two. I'll try to get with you on Sunday. I'm sending a PM with new contact info. Animal
  20. I really like all the views being banted around by those who have my deepest respect for their knowledge and expertise as well as those who are relatively knew to the historical interpretation arena as I consider my self to be. I have decided to redo my kit as I wasn't happy with the way it came together. Back to the drawing board, but the conversation here has reminded me what I got into this for, doing it right, doing it correct and learning and teaching others from my experience. My humble thank you to you all. Animal
  21. I think that they are planning on combining anyway, Patrick. That's what it sounded like when I read their posts. If I'm wrong, please feel free to correct me or just shoot me. Animal
  22. Happy Birthday Cousin Robbie. Don't listen to your cousin Johnny, let the candles melt. They make the cake chewier. Animal
  23. OK, I'm gonna throw my two cents in here. I really think that folks need to sit back and wait for Fayma's posts. She and Spike are in the thick of, we're not. Some are helping behind the scenes and that is most appreciated. I'm taking a wait and see attitude. As it stands now, I probably won't be there but that doesn't mean I'm not interested it the developments underway. If I can go, I'll have the information I need to plan accordingly. Let's just wait for Fayma's input. Animal
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