I hear what you are saying, Pat. Last year at PIP, when I was in camp, I worked on a leather sheath for my machete. Most folks who walked by steered clear and the few who did stop by kinda gave a deer in the headlights look when I explained to them what I was doing. There was on boy who sat down and watched for a while and listened intently as I told about the life of a Buccaneer. A few minutes later his father came looking for him and gave him a chewing out. I explained that his son was interested in learning a bit and dad told me that, "that's what school is for". The boy gave a shrug and I gave him a coin I had and he followed his father. It seemed to me that dad thought he was a Disney and had to keep moving. I chewed on the situation a bit and found myself getting angry. Here was someone who wanted to learn but it wasn't in "dads" interest. I think that unless you have some kind of demonstration going on, most of the public see you but don't see you. I was watching the rope making demonstration Dutch and crew were doing at Blackbeards in Hampton last year. It was a real good set up and people were able to participate. Needless to say they drew a good crowd. I'm rethinking my portrayal of a Buccaneer and may skip camping at the fort for a year or two. Work on a good presentation and see how it goes.
Don't know if all this makes any sense or not but it's how I feel and my 2 cents.