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Desert Pirate

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Everything posted by Desert Pirate

  1. I have a Leather Factory her in town so that is where I get all my leather for me garb. Did me tricorn from a half sholder I picked up for 40 bucks.
  2. Bounty is another game that might fit the bill . It has a price of $30.00 here is the web site Bounty
  3. Sprint users can download "a pirates life"
  4. Thanks to you endkaos but $625.23 is to steep for me you need a kiln for that stuff. but thanks anyway
  5. Haven't made up my mind bout goin up Sat. or Sun. We will try to go Sat. Endkaos might see ya up there and I'll buy ya a round
  6. Any one going on the 20th or 21st????
  7. I would be lookin for one made of pewter if I had the choice . So if anyone knows someone who might be able to cast one please let me know and how to get a hold of them. Thanks
  8. Thank You Scupper .
  9. Dark Rose's PM box is full any other way I might get a hold of him???
  10. I am looking for someone or someplace that can make a custom baldric. I need it to also hold my replica french bouble barrel pistol. Any help would be appreciated.
  11. Maybe.... here is a link to som bottle stoppersBottle Stoppers
  12. Land locked in the desert. Tucson AZ
  13. Does anyone know where I might find a Skull & Crossbones wine bottle stopper ? or where I could have one made ?
  14. SAVE SAVE SAVE and SAVE some more.
  15. I love the movie. I found it on DVD for $6.oo a couple of weeks ago had to buy it the vhs was just about dead.
  16. I have had the fortune of beating the game . Took me about a month of playing ,and starting over due to the white scren of death. Good luck to ya and if ya need some advice Im here.
  17. I have a pair of boots from House of Andar and they are comfortable. I like them and they will fit a 21" calf for us bigger Pirates
  18. got mine from walmart.com and got mine yesterday
  19. Found some cool x-mas tree ornaments they are Ship in a Bottle Ornaments Ship in a bottle ornaments Thought they were worth shareing
  20. I talked to Belinda today and she said that the boots will fit a 20'' calf and will streatch a little . I ordered a pair and should get them by next Fri. So I'll let you know how they work out .
  21. Has anyone ever heard any thing about the boots fromHouse of Andar? great price if they are any good.
  22. Does anyone know when the Vest Pocket Pipe was invented??
  23. Vicious Ned The Ripper!
  24. Got it yesterday. One of the best pirate games I have got. Each one of the cards has pirate or nautical facts on the bottom . Great game. It needs to be played with more than 2 players to get the most out of the game. But over all the best One I ve seen yet.
  25. I've been playin sence the release and have beat if 4 times and still love it . you cant beat the water sceans.
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