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Scarlett Rackham

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Everything posted by Scarlett Rackham

  1. Ok, I just got home early this morning from Tux, and I must say that it was a great time... There were many pyrates there from various ships.... The Crimson Pirates were there with their new CD Putrid and Disgusting... There were crew members from the HMS Dragon, the Wayward Pilgram...( You need to check out their float in the parade and get Lei'd... And many others I know I am missing... The Queen even made comment on Sunday night about how the faire was over run with Pyrates... i had to laugh at that... The music was great... Wyrd Sisters are back ... The Rogue Show is a must see... Hoping to make it back for Labor Day weekend...
  2. you are a pyrate damit get your butt up there to NYRF : giggles:
  3. 35 hours 20 mins until Gate!!!!! I'm packed are ye!!!!!
  4. 2 DAYS and 10 HOURS til GATE ~!!!!!!!!!~ HUZZAH!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. :: cough:: 3 DAYS AND NO MINUTES TO GATE .... HUZZAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Doc, I shall be there on both the 7th and the 8th in pyrate kit on the 7th.... ( green leather bodice, black pants, black split skirt and my cavalier hat with lots of feathers ) If ye want to meet and buy, i mean share... a tankard call on Knightly Endevors and ask for Captain Tupper he will know where to find me more than like... Look forward to seeing ye there... And the count be .... 8 days, 40 min to gate.... Scarlett ...
  7. Ahoy... all I know I have been away for a while and I am trying to get back... But I would like to throw this out to any that wants to join our monthly gatherings... On September 3rd ( friday) At Frankies Restraunt and bar in Westbrook they will be having a father/daughter Irish Duo at thier bar and thought what a great way to end the summer... on the shore, rum, a quaint bar, rum and a roof top patio, rum, good food, and did I say rum.... Let me know if this sounds like something that would be enjoyed... It is located in Westbrook on Rt1 near Pilots Point Marina.... Any questions please email me and I shall be more than happy to answer... Thanks and see everyone in September .... Scarlett 'Your Friendly Cruise Director'
  8. Thank you all for the birthday wishes and the rum...yummmmy ooh sorry off track again... I shall be around more now so don't forget me... : wink: And off to the faire i go to be kidnapped by a fine group of pyrates... bye and thank you.. Scarlett
  9. Morgan Luv, Your link did not work..::Pout:: Please be careful and come home to us safe... Or I will join Merry and skin you alive... Scarlett
  10. I need to see if any of you out there can help with a possible date for the next gathering... Please feel free to PM me. Thank you in advance. Scarlett
  11. Ok so we have a bid of .05 so far. Come on I know there is more there, come on ye scurvy dogs plunder and pillage to get that lass here. And we will drink one for everyone that helps out...
  12. Ok for those of you that missed it we had fun, so now we start to collect for the next one... Lets see if we can get MerryDeath to Connecticut. Phone lines are now open...
  13. looks into the sky to see flying pigs. Scupper, Morgan I had know idea you to would be able to pull it off. Ok so now here is the next problem. A fund to get Merry to the Connecticut invasion... So please send all donations to help get our favorite landlocked piratess to the party.... The Cinderella Fund; c/o When pigs fly bank... acct 999988887777 Thank you for your support.
  14. I am in Middletown, CT . Hmmmmm I wonder why Scupper wants to be in Iowa.......
  15. Here is the webpage for the Tavern and Inn where we are going. Please feel free to take a look. http://www.innatmiddletown.com/
  16. Thank you for the laugh Nigel I really needed it. ::still giggling::
  17. Thank ye for the site on the hat blanks I much apreciate it. Hmmm now what to do with all those wonderful hats... runs off and thinks about what it would be to make a fine cover...
  18. The Place: The Tavern at the Armoury, at the Inn at Middletown, Main Street Middletown, Connecticut Date and Time:: March 6th 7:30pm Garb is encouraged.
  19. On Saturday March 6th at the Tavern at the Armoury in Middletown, CT there will be a gathering of any who would like to join us. The last one was fun and seeing as this is on a weekend the more the merrier. I just wish we could shanghi Merry here. Um...Scupper can you arange for some extra baggage. Oh sorry off topic... well if you are interested please feel free to pm me and I will get you more information. And garb is encouraged.
  20. Ok I got a huge tapestry to place in my hotel room across the window for invasions with the skull and crossbones on it. I got it from Hot Topic. The manager in the store near me is a client so she always sets aside items for me to look at.
  21. From what i understand the date is sept 18-19. I will post everything i get here for everyone as it comes in.
  22. I thought that some of you may be interested in this so try and keep the date open. Date Posted: 08:47:47 01/17/04 Sat Author: Elena, in Producer Mode: dina_elena_shanti@yahoo.com Subject: Calling All Pirates Ahoy Rennies! As you have heard, Pastimes is indeed putting on a pirate faire, and as a co-producer I would like to get the ball rolling (or the ship sailing, as it were) and find out who is available to officially be on board. Remember, Sept 19th is International Talk Like A Pirate Day! Right now I am getting a list together of Merchants, Variety Acts, and Conscripted Seamen... er... Volunteers. Merchants and Variety don't have to be *specifically only* pirate-oriented, just willing and able to adjust what you do or sell to fit the New World seaport of Salem MA. Mid-eighteenth-century is a good reference point, if yer wonderin' where to begin... think sea chanties and jig dances and merchandise from the Indies. Volunteers will be needed for site-related duties to be named later, once you sign on the dotted line and we get the irons clapped on ye. If you have yer own garb and are willing to do things like sell tickets and park cars, then give me a holler! Well that's all for now... any questions? Cap'n Elena Margherita Chianti (wearing her pirate hat today)
  23. Aye the bar has been forwarned as long as the weaponry is peace tied they have no problem i look forward to meeting you there. Scarlett
  24. Well lets see, it was Dark Rose that led me here to this port. But it is me love of pyracy and the sea that keeps me here starting all the way back when i was but a little lass in StPetersburg, FL and went almost monthly to see the HMS Bounty when she be in port. And of course all the Tampa Bay Buccaneer items me father had about the house. Then the movies anything pyrate I watched. From Treasure Island to Eryol Flynn (who is still one of me favorite actors). So that is pretty much it.
  25. I'll be there seeing as it be only 2 minutes from me house. Cannot wait te meet you all. And I will be bringing me camera to get some pictures for the site.
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