Nyre The Black Rose
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Everything posted by Nyre The Black Rose
Hmmm A top-it in a vest? Interesting. I don't use e'm meself. But I think I do need ta pick up this pattern ... and then learn ta sew Ace me lad... the top-it is dificult but I think I got it figured out. The Cap'n uses a top-it more for storage during walk-around more than the traditional use. Had a little medical issue with my neck 'n back and have been confined to bed but an feeling better so on with the vest. We have a show 9/18 'n the Cap'n needs it then. I have been able to give my vent a costume finally. It is an infant baptismal dress I made in twill 'n cotton. Other than it looks new I think it turned out great. By the by Handcock Fabrics had a sale on Simplicity patterns this last Monday I got 25 historical & doll patterns worth $375.00 for $.25.00. What a deal I'm in costume heaven. If'n your interested in having me make you something let me know. It's my new homebased business. For one o' ur smiles I'm sure we can make a deal. (Don't tell the Cap'n)
Wal-Mart is where I get most of the fabric I use to make desinger/heirloom fabric out of. I usually only spend about 2-3 dollars per yard. Sometimes Jo-ann's has fabric on sale but you need to look for it. If you sign up for Joann's newsletter you get great discounts for the store. If you have a Handcocks near you they have great home dec fabric on sale most of the time, and that's what I use for a lot of my stuff. It can give you a very "english" look without a lot of the work. since my husband and i are magicians the heat held in by the garment is a consideration and Home Dec fabrics can give you the look with the weight. Hope this helps. :)
If you can't find it at Joanns try Handcock's. I got mine there and their patterns are always 50% off. I am trying to make the vest for my Cap'n Jack (Bartholemew that is). Being as he also uses it when he is performing, it needs lots of pockets added for storing walk-around illusions. Anyone out there know how to how to incorporate top-it's?
Yeah linen is the best fabric but can be pricey. Because it is cool it's best for fair's and such. You could try what I just learned using muslin.You will be creating heirloom fabric and it's really cool. 1. Cut out the pattern piece, sparay it wirh wash-out fabric stiffner. 2. If you can it's best to use a double winged needle, I just thread the 1st thread to the right of the tension and the 2nd to the left. Use a 2 ply white thread in the top and bopbbin thread in the bottom (make sure the thread you use in the bobbin says it is bobbin thread). I use Mettler thread (keeps your machine cleaner and doesn't ball up or shread as much. Top tension should be the default and so should the bottom. Use a stright stitch. 3. Using a washable maker make the first line. Now sew on line in the fabric to the end. 4. This is the tricky part so go slowly until you get the feel. Turn the fabric until you can sew back the way you came. One of your needles will still be in the last hole. Sew back to the other side. 5. So the first row will look like this (as you face your machine): ...................... Left needle ...................... Right needle The second will look like this: ...................... ...................... Was the right now is the left needle ...................... Right needle NOTE: the second row only shows a total of 3 rows. Let's assume you turned the material so that the needle is on the left. You must make sure the needle (in this example the left one) goes in the previously sewn hole to the left. It is a great way to make the pattern and fabric your own, it is heirloom sewing at it's easiest. If the directions are too dificult to understand or you have problems please email me and I'll try to help. I enjoy taking the fabric and turning it into something no one else has. Muslin is cheep and easy to work with just use wash-out fabric stiffner and it becomes easy to work with. you can die it. and it frey's for fringe too. Hope this helps. :)
red these be fine arteeest drawin's. I'd sure like something but while I love the quality I can't see me a hangin' um in me house. Now I not be lookin' for the pastorial, I just don't like witches un such. Can't wait to see what ye come up with fer us. By the by I really love the sea's logo. Got's me an idea, I be gettin a fancy embrodery machine, me thinks I can scan in the logo an stitch it onto a shirt. If'n I can I 'll show it to ye.
Everyone's pics are great. Red yer wife be a right fine one keep her right close to yer heart. In fact all the mates of all the pyrates be they male or female be they travenin' with us or not are quite the cat's pajama's. We all seem to have fun and smiles and that's what life is all about. We met new friends, old friends 'n pyrates all. :) Here's to more fine sails
Then ye best be a tellin the harbor masters. They be the ones who told me. :)
The Cap'n 'n I happen ta be on vacation this week 'n we spent enough time with the off-spring. Got a gig with um tonight then as far as I be concerned the rest o' the time be fer sailin. Capt'n ifin we ken get this thing ta gether think it might help with RR other plans. Might be a good way ta get whot we need two? I ken bring whot 'er ye need. Pot Luck seems ta be the best. We got us some mighty fine cooks in the crew! :)
Mine be gun powder 'n rum tis not just fer breakfast anymore. Me second favorite be the smell o' books kept in a tall ship fer years. Tis all that learnin that be leavin the smell. Me likes the smell o' minds tossin' ideas like rum shots.
Ah the voice o' wisdom. Lad do both. Have a crew that be a rainbow 'n add yer self to any crew ye ken find, 'n bring yer friends with ya. I got a cousin in Dallas (no idea o' his perswashun, as it were, 'n REALLY don't care), sure would like ta see him in ta Pyracy tho. It'd make 'is day job more legitmate in my eyes (works for one o' those up-town pricy Dallas stores). 'N if'n ye don't find a crew 'ceptin o ya right off, keep a lookin. 'Cause real pyrates don't care 'bout "perswayshun" , it's all 'bout yer swag
Havin just spent 5 glorious days wif me off-prings off-spring, I ken kinds relate. that is till they say or do sumthink funny, sad, irreverent. reverent or just come up to ya 'n say I Love You. Belive me lad those are the days ya live for. These days only happen when ye are a lookin' fer them. If'n yer not interested in bein a dad, don't be (cause it really f***s up the powder monkey. If'n ye are, go for it wif all your energy. Now for the serious Pyrate Mommie thing, no matter what the level o' involvement ye want ta have, ye have a financial obligation lad. It still takes two ta tango (even if'n one only supplies a turkey baster). Here be a few ole sayin's fer ye ta ponder: If'n ye wants ta play, ye must pay. The piper must be paid. The ONLY failsafe birth contol is an asprin placed firmly between the wenches knees. Never trust a wench who says "I'll take the responsibility for protection." Ya know what they call pyrates without raincoats? Daddy! and finnaly as Paul Lynd put it so well: The ONLY household item good for birth control is a stapple gun. Think long 'n hard afor ye set adrift what ye have created. Children are God's proof that he trusts us to create a future. My lovin thought are with ya 'n the lass lad.
'N by the by Qill reached out into the digitalized world 'n found a Pyrate Magi 'n his life partner. She offered to share (with the Cap'ns permission o'cource) a sail on All Hallow s Eve. Now Nyre being a longtime lover o' the sea almost fell out o' the bed when Cap'n Jack asked her if'n she wanted ta sail, 'n with a mighty hoop she said O' COURCE YE SILLY MON, WHOT DO YA THINK? So pyrate clothes in hand, on the appointed day, they ran their PT as fast as her little turbo hourses could go. Thus begun Cap'n Jack Barthmew 'n Nyre the Black Roses love o' the Royaliste lifestyle, her incrediably knowledgable Capt'n, crew'n friends.
Ya know we all should defend the Lady's of our hearts. I'm really disappointed that when the other two ships (who set the rules) don't feel they need to follow them. Has anyone (other than us) thought about how much fun we could bring to our own lives as well as their customers? We have the chance to improve our sailing and gunnin ability. Can't we all just get along? Or was I missing when they gave all the rest of us the notice the The Hawian Chieftian and the Lady Washington own the bay? I may be a newbie but I know that we would all have more fun fightin each other than fightin on this forum. By the way not a one of us have a problem with the Lady's, just their hardheaded whoevers.
Now both the ships ye be talkin about be fine, BUT NO SHIP is as good as the Royaliste. She is quick, forgiving o new hands, has good canons and a swivle gun. As fer her crew we can't be beat (oh and by the by we haven't been). But what makes a good ship n' crew anyway? The Captian and ours is the best hands down. More pictures of the Lady to follow. By the by how does a tall ship sail forward with her sails backfilled?
I am looking for recomendations on Tide Table information/predictions for the West Coast. Would like to find a Tide Predictor program for the West Coast. I've searched Google and Ask Jeaves got 2 books and 1 tide predictor program. However, the predictor program is for Europe and the East Coast, and I can't get any good info on the books. :angry: Those of you who use them what do you recomend?
I be grateful I can use a friends boat ta sail. 'N sail we really do. But I also be a tryin' to get me own someday to sail away 'n see the world.
Somehow me thinks Nyre The Black Rose be much more better than The Evil Mermaid Prudence. Now I not be mindin the Mermaid or en the Evil part but Prudence sounds like a bloody Brit 'n I be a Zelander.
Post photos you want blasted from a cannon on here
Nyre The Black Rose replied to TalesOfTheSevenSeas's topic in February
A special thanks to the Aldebaran. We'll have to return the favor, I think Jack n I have some of you. I'll go thru the ol video and pics. Not to toot our own horn but... Dont we look NNNNNNNNNNNNIIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCCCCEEEEEEEEEEEE :) :) Three cheers for the encounter and Three for the next!!! Hip Hip Hip Hip Hip Hip Hip Hip Hip Hip Hip Hip Yer right Cap'n you can never have too much gun powder -
I'm working on a story line and am looking for a little help in melding the idea of a tattoo on my back that is actually one half of a treasure map. The other half of the map will be on my beloved Jack's back. The idea is I can read his, he can read mine but we can't read our own. For anyone to get the treasure, the maps must be placed side by side. The location of the treasure can be real or imaginary, but I'd like to use real latitude and longitude lines for the directions. The tattoos can be complex or simple and of course the designer and artist was killed to protect the location of the treasure. Please remember he was a real artist so the tattoos will need to look like pictures on skin. Words can be added to clarify something if desired. After the artist's death Jack and I were separated, when I was abducted by the local pineapple gang. Any ideas? As we are all aware you all have some great ideas and that's waht I'm looking for, ideas I can meld together. Not ever having had a tattoo (but seen some really beautiful ones) I really don't know where to look. Not looking for a handout but a handup. :)
I agree. Our Cap'n be right nice, friendly, and willin' to share. So tell me Sinclaire do you have a posting complex? Not askin' in a mean or nasty voice just a askin'.
Love um and want them all!!!! They are way too coooooooooool
The idea of a female captin is great with me. One of my favorite PS2 games is Black Kat. It's pirats and a female. Not the most demanding of games but it has it's moment. What we gamers need is more blood, guts, pirates (any flavor) and violins. More powder black and other wise!! :)
Red, Larry (Capt. Jack) told me of your new adventure. I have done theatrical make-up and have some make-up as well as access to more. I have theactrical stage experience with props, sets any job needed to present a theactrical production. I am willing to do any assisting work you have and am good at script continuity. Also can run lines. What ever ya want when ever ya want. Here's to a fantastic project.
A Pirate Parade Float In the Making!!!
Nyre The Black Rose replied to TalesOfTheSevenSeas's topic in Thieves Market
Just saw the pic's AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Y'all did a great job. She sure is a winner. Looks like all involved in the battle had a fine time. Can't wait to see it in person. :) -
A Pirate Parade Float In the Making!!!
Nyre The Black Rose replied to TalesOfTheSevenSeas's topic in Thieves Market
My o my o my... Just got a look at the pics, she is one great look'n ship. Hope all went well today for her fist outing. Looking forward to the next one.