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Captain of the 'REVENGE'

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About Captain of the 'REVENGE'

  • Birthday 02/04/1950

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  • Interests
    Sailing, history, maritime heritage and all things related...
  1. Edited for firing one well over the heads of the crowd, as it were....Aye
  2. As for the Pyrate Ship ROYALISTE, we're most likely booked thru 2012 for reenactments into September, so Sept. or October would always be better for us........... ROYALISTEOur Guns are Ready, Let's Hook it up........
  3. May 30,31, and June 1 It be a ways off, but what be the scuttlebutt,mates?
  4. Actually, you can fabricate a decent naval carriage in a workin' day's time...I had a lot to do with the makin' 'o the carriages aboard Royaliste, and each carriage was pretty much an afternoon creation. The four pound carronades sit on slabs of Purpleheart, and the three pounders are bedded in stacked white oak 3x3's that are thru bolted, period like....It's all in how much the need for said carriage is weighed....Several years back we took three of the carronades to Ojai, and one of the carriages was made in several hours before we loaded them into Raul's truck...... ..On another tack, after hearing of the auction results, on behalf of Captains and crew, a tremendous pyrat thank you for all of the time, effort, and generosity you've shown over helpin' resolve the winter's camamity. The auctions proceeds will go directly to the haulout fund for the coming repair effort after the shoot for 'The Privateer' is over. Specifically, the Captain earmarked the swag to cover the Travelift cost to pick up the ship, and place her on the hard. We'll keep you updated, but once again, many thanks on another job well done in the pirate community...just like the old days, says I......
  5. Aye, Might be time ta take the 'Republic' off the chart!..Hard to disguise a deckful 'o heavy iron as anything else but...heavy iron! :)
  6. My best guess is, 'why start fires as a sailor?...I'm quite sure that the cook's fire seldom went out. When it did, I'd guess that the flint, steel, and a touch 'o lamp oil fired the stove right back up..don't forget 'fire-glasses' either (magnifiers, eh?) Methinks we covered the lamp oil on another watch
  7. Just an update for those of you folks in Southern Ca. on the 'Adventures of Buccaneer Blake and the Pirates of Pier 39' Movie feature for the Make a Wish Foundation..We sneak previewed the event, and it is truely a spectacular feature for a young boy's wish. Captain Jack you know who and asst'd evil denziens attempt to foil the Pirates on the Royaliste, and I'll say no more, as 'Dead men tell no tales'.........Soon to be in a theater near you for the gala premiere............Ya get the picture :)
  8. As the glow of the setting sun spreads, the first day's battle has taken it's toll, casualties on both sides, heavy cannonfire, bodies falling on the shore, Tallships battling down Raccoon Straits, and it rages on..............
  9. And, with due respect, this has kinda turned into 'thread stealin', so..If'n ye wanna hash this some more, that it to one 'o the 'ROYALISTE' threads.. ..Just a thought,eh?
  10. :) I believe that there will be a bit of a void when his Doctors release him in the photo dept. around here......I remember the original intent. Repair his ship, repair himself, 'Sail on, Brother'.........
  11. Careful when drinkin' water around Apache Jct., they been cookin' crank for so long out there that the water table is saturated with the chemicals!!..Hafta count everyone in the bar to find a full set 'o teeth!
  12. Still, here's a tankard for you on your birthday!...Skol!.......
  13. "Always room for gunpowder, eh?...I'll spot ye a pound or two!"
  14. "Hmm, seems to be a lot of that type of thing happening as of late..Rum, anyone?"
  15. Aye! :) ''Tis a fine shot 'o the Lady Liberte' figurehead!................
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