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Everything posted by Trapper

  1. Hey, Animal! Hurricane be tellin' me that ye'll all be tryin' t' get there. That'd be ideal, since I be figurin' if ye plays, ye can probably get a regular gig out of it. Savvy? Sure'n the crowd would love t' be terrorized by the likes o' ye. Scupper, no hard feelin's, eh? It's not easy t' tell that I'm a female with a name like Trapper. Check out coventry-music.com and ye'll see that Animal and me be tellin' the truth. Hmm. A silent auction...must give some thought t' that. Fair winds and a full tankard, Trapper
  2. Saturday, October 11th, from 9-12, at the Highliner Pub and Grill (Fisherman's Terminal), we'll be having a benefit for the Wawona. She was built in 1897, the first ship to ever be listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Despite that, she still faces eviction from her berth if we can't raise the money to do some serious restoration. There's no cover charge, but we'll be passin' the pitcher all night and havin' an auction t' boot. Tom Lewis, famed British shantyman, has kindly donated a complete set of his CDs, including the as-yet unreleased one, tto be auctioned off. The Pirates of the Coast, famed, talented plunderers of the Seven Seas, will be auctioned as well. Music includes: Broadside (all women shanty group), Coventry (Celtic folk/rock), the Halibutts (Ivar Haglund tribute band), Steve Lalor (of the Daily Flash), the world famous Sanger and Didele (famous for their rendition of Puff the Calamari), and if we can twist their arms, Pirates of the Coast. Come lend support to keep a grand old lady from bein' kicked out of her home.
  3. Come check it out under "raids" for more details. I'll be postin' more about the benefit there. Fair winds, fair lads and full tankards!! Trapper
  4. Hard question. With so many great chanteys t' choose from, hmm. I'd have t' say Sally Racket is up near the top o' the list: Little Sally Racket haul 'em away She shipped aboard a packet haul 'em away An' she never did regret it haul 'em away T'me haulee high-o, haul 'em away Little Kitty Taylor Said she'd never touch a sailor Til she was harpooned by a whaler Little Kitty Carson She slept with the parson Now she's got a little bo'sun Little Nancy Riddle She broke 'er brand new fiddle Got a hole right up the middle Little Sally Skinner She says she's a beginner Prefers it to 'er dinner. Little Nancy Tucket She washes in a bucket She's a whore but she don't look it. Little Sally Racket She stole my brand new jacket And then she pawned the ticket.
  5. Sure 'n the next chantey sing on the Wawona will be the best! Though it'll be in the carpenters' shed next to the boat. William Pint and Felicia Dale will be leadin' the sing, an' they're one o' the best singin' performers around. Festivities be startin' tween 7:30 and 8, Friday the 10th o' October. Mad Maudlin: Of course I knows Howling Gael! Bobby Kotta was one o' me closest friends 'til he passed away a few years ago. I know Robin, Patrick and the older version o' the band wi' Mary Benson. She sings wi' me in Broadside. And mark ye well on yer calendars, October 11th, at the Highliner (Fisherman's Terminal, Seattle), there'll be a benefit to save the Wawona, Seattle's last tall ship, from gettin' evicted from 'er berth. We need t' raise money fer 'er restoration. Come on out an' support a good cause! What could be a better cause for a pirate than restorin' a ship, eh? Fair winds t' ye, Trapper
  6. Ahem! And don't be forgettin' that the all woman chantey group, "Broadside" will be playin' on the main stage, Saturday, September 20, at 5:30. After the performance, we'll be in the pub area, celebratin', and we also invites all t' come party with us. Trapper Diva of the Dockside
  7. Thank ye kindly. We have a great good time singin'. Though ye'll have t' be hearin' us live to hear some o' the "good stuff". We'll be performin' at Pt. Townsend Wooden Boat Festival in September, if ye be in the area, mate. Fair winds, Trapper
  8. I'd be makin' meself known as bein' from the fair state o' Washington, meself, Seattle, t' be exact, but there's no man livin' that'd dare call me a wench. Trapper
  9. Sure 'n yer welcome, Suliel! It's a fine, motley crew that gets together on the auld Wawona, and we're always happy to welcome another voice to the mix. About the "Fifteen Men on a Dead Man's Chest": Bobby Kotta (formerly o' Howling Gael and Copperfield) used to do a wonderful version o' that song, but he changed the words a bit to make it more, well, compact. I'll dig it out an' post it, if ye like. Fair winds, a handsome cabin boy and a full tankard o' rum to ye, Trapper
  10. Hmm. Y'know, it sounds like a CD I bought several years ago at a used CD store, thinking, "Oooh, a Pirate CD!", only to be disappointed. That band was actually called "Jolly Roger" as well as having a cover rather similar to what you describe. In a word, brrrrr. Fair winds and a full bumper o'rum, Trapper
  11. Well, if yer wantin' ready-made, I'd suggest www.jastown.com and www.hamiltondrygoods.com. Hamilton has some very reasonable breeches, and jason townsend has some very nice, reasonable shirts. Then at a minimum you'll be wantin' a vest if not a coat. Check out Pirates of the Caribbean. The pirate outfits really aren't bad. If yer close to Seattle, email dressmup@aol.com. That's JoAnne at Costumes Period. She does a bang up job, and will work quick if that's necessary. I also haunt ebay looking for stuff. Hopin' it helps. Fair winds and a barrel o' Nelson's Blood to ye, Trapper
  12. If you know someone that sews, give a look to www.jpryan.com. They carry excellent patterns of the period: shirt, pants, long waistcoat and coats that should be t' yer likin'. If yer up Seattle way, I'd recommend Costumes Period. JoAnne has some lovely stuff t' be piratin' in, and is a brilliant seamstress as well. Fair winds, Trapper
  13. And here be the other song. They're from our CD, and if anyone wants more information, ye can email us at broadsidedivas@yahoo.com, or email me here. Thankin' ye most kindly, squire. Trapper Rosabella.mp3
  14. Thank ye most kindly for the offer of havin' mp3's, Cap'n. I'd like to be offerin' 2 from me band, "Broadside", an all woman chantey group (all puns from the name intended). If you don't mind, I'll be doin' it in 2 posts to make it a wee bit easier. Fair winds, Trapper Boozin__.mp3
  15. Oh, and a wee note as well to any and all that be out Seattle way and lookin' for chanteys. The second Friday of every month, we be havin' an informal gatherin' of chantey singers on the schooner, Wawona, on the south end o' Lake Union, from around 7:30ish to 10ish. All be welcome, as long as ye bring yer singin' voices. Trapper
  16. I'd be replyin' t' yer post regardin' Pint and Dale. Their website be http://members.aol.com/pintndale. 'Til the end of the month, they be at the Bristol Renaissance Faire, in Wisconsin. A rare treat, if anyone's out that way. Fair winds, fair lads and a full pint of porter to ye. Trapper
  17. Thought I'd add me tuppence to the discussion of sources of music. The book, "Shanties of the Seven Seas" by Stan Hugill (the last great chanteyman) is a great collection of chanteys, with sheet music to most. It be available through amazon.com. Trapper
  18. To reply to Crow's post about "Oh Lord above, send down a dove...", that song was written by Tom Lewis, a British chanteyman now living in Salmo, BC. All of his music can be gotten at his website: http://www.tomlewis.net He'll be at the NW Folklife Festival this Memorial Day weekend, if any of you are up Seattle way. The Festival's theme this year is Maritime Music, so it'll have more sea chanteys than ye can shake a hook at. Both of my bands, Broadside (all female chantey singers) and Coventry, will be there, and any pirate who cares to make the trip will have a warm welcome. Trapper
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