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About dickosfortuna

  • Birthday 03/21/1979

Profile Information

  • Location
    Melbourne, Australia
  • Interests
    Pirates, hip-hop, revolution (mutiny), acting
  1. Damn! Yep... Dem Kitties be a rare fine gem gem aboard any old ship... Good eatin'
  2. Favourite movies indeed.. lame-asses... BUt if ye must know: :) BEYOND THE VALLEY OF THE DOLLS :) !!!!!!!! Anyone seen it? Russ Meyer at his best!!
  3. Cowboy: Pistol Pirate: Pistol Rapier/Sabre Workin Knife Do the Math. Oh yes: Cowboy: A horse Pirate: A fleet of boats, and a hearty crew
  4. arrr... that be a paradox, ye foolish land lubber!! What reference have we to period? A concrete truck driver in the golden age of piracy ain't be havin' no access to a concrete truck, and surely the rogue would run through the unfortunate earths-man. But, be the rogue in the modern age, he may well find his rapier deficient in the face of twenty tons of rig. Inevitably, the swashbuckler would be dressed about a thousand times better, handle his booze more aptly, and say things like "Arrr... the wenches be fine here in the caribbean, but I must to the ship fer the last of me grog", rather than "Hey Steve, back up about fifteen inches... no... yep... no... that's the ticket... bang on! Open 'er up! Hey, what do you have for lunch today?" Arrr di har har
  5. What a boon!!! You can expect to hear some of these incorporated into my music sometime (hopefully) when I get my website up(hopefully)
  6. ATTN: Webmaster RE: This subject Please delete this thread, started by me. It is both embarrassing and revealing, and I regret posting it. How bummed out am I? What a sucker! Oh well... at least I have an imaginary pirate republic. I'll have to get back to you on the real one
  7. Really?! See! I knew I was onto somethin' with this dream fandango! Man.. It's so late... I board at 10 a.m.... Pillaging from 2-6. That's if we even make the coast of Bermuda by lunch-time... I hope to dream of a fine ship, a loyal crew and a rugged wench.. And a nice shot of rum/gunpowder.
  8. Upon swearing meself to a life of Piracy some years ago, I dubbed meself 'Dickos Fortuna', basically with the Dickos as a shortening for Richard, and the Fortuna sounded nice. Last year I searched the word 'Fortuna' on Google, and discovered this: "The Pirate Republic 1680 marked a second radical change of course in the history of the Islas Fortuna y Aflicción. In that year, a pirate fleet lead by Captain Davidson sacked the Fortaleza Bella Vista and converted the island into a base port for incursions and swashbuckling across the Caribbean. Fortuna has remained a pirate republic ever since. While nominally a part of the Commonwealth, it is now self-governing." I was amazed!! I don't know if any of you sail the seas of spirituality, but they be me realm, and this blew me away! Has anyone been to Isla Fortuna?! Or have any historical knowledge of it's capture and control as a Pirate hub?
  9. Same goes, I would love to... but I'm in Australia at the moment, so I'd have to plan it a long way in advance
  10. I want to audition fer a role too... Hey Iron Bess.. Are you seriously werkin fer em? I'm a kiwi actor specialising in classical acting, I can do a pirate to a tee! I'm trained and have a curly moustache in readiness fer any potential role in a pirate film! If you have any idea who I would contact in the Biz to promote meself, please let me know. I'm stuck in Melbourne representing myself... so I need these fortuitous links! I MUST BE ON THE BLACK PEARL!
  11. Cap'n Lasseter: I would be hella keen! Request any info y'need to assess me with, and I'll be more than obligin!
  12. Whoa... The royaliste is sooooooooooooooo cool! I would seriously love to work out a time where I can come aboard and learn the ropes too! Perhaps we could arrange to meet in Port Royal! A real...(pant pant pant) pirate... (pant pant pant) ship... (pant pant pant)
  13. I'm shocked somebody in Wellington didn't already know about it. FYI(& theirs) it started as part of the Cuba St Carnival, which is actually run by Whopper CHopper cru.
  14. Arrrr yeaah! I haven't much in the way of pictures, but in other realms... I write music (mostly starting out as vaguely psychedelic dubby hip-hop), I'm not sure if it'd be up any of yer alleys, but the theme to all my music/life is the undertaking of a pirate's life I go under the guise of "kazaamBLAM!" I don't have a website up yet, but on monday night I am designing one with a friend, and hopefully in the next week or two you'll be able to plunder some of me tracks for free. If in the meantime ye want to try one on fer size, try and hook up with me in MSN messenger. I'm only too keen to hook y'all up with the new pirate sounds! A pirate friend and I hooked up last year and recorded an album with some manky lo-fi pirate numbers on it: "X marks the treasure To get to.. Without a scale to measure You get blue.. Don't need a compass to navigate this trip scout! Look down treasure found, First mate dig it out, dig it out!" Arr! What a piratical chorus!
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