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Everything posted by Sheila

  1. 2003 was my first year. I went down with a vendor, Pierre Rose. We got to work in Mallory Square and ended up across from the Schooner Wharf. That is where I ended up meeting this reporter chick soon to be known as Diosa. We became fast friends and became joined at the hip for the rest of the festival. It appears that Sir Nigel got around that year because I ended up married to him too. I met a large chunck of my future crewe there Diosa,Hurricaine, Nigel, Sully(Studly), and Olaf. I also met many other great people including Stynky Tudor which I have a great picture with on the courthouse steps but I seem to be having trouble uploading that image. I remember that during the battle with the Disney ship I got to be on the Wolf with Spider who escorted me and we got to fire on the large ship. We were still on the water when they did the fireworks and it seemed that we were right underneath them. It was beautiful! I remember there were events all over the town and it always seemed there was something going on. I also remember a guy named Blade who was always wearing a kilt. In his real life he was an exotic dancer and he knew ways to shake that kilt that I had never seen. He kept all the girls entertained. I'm sure there is more and I will have to add my point of view for the next year but don't have the time right now.
  2. just had some lasagne and garlic bread
  3. Thank you! That is very helpful
  4. looks like the link is not working.....
  5. milk and cookies
  6. Thank you for the sources!!
  7. I am looking for some good sources on Grace O'Malley, I would be happy to have any suggestions. thank you!
  8. missing my pirate friends

  9. I missed the last one but do plan to make the 2010 PIP
  10. I know he followed us around ALL weekend!
  11. They are so much fun it is hard to let them go!!
  12. Animal used to have that one, got a bigger one I think , the animal is quite a thirsty boy
  13. I so did love hearing the cousins call out to each other, especially during the hanging
  14. The dice were a great idea!!! The sunset pic is gorgeous!!!!!!
  15. We're all adults - we know what you mean. But the last time I saw you - you were in my pants. . . I lost them at PiP 2003. You should be happy that I treasure them so. Really I look for any excuse to get into your pants....
  16. Hey what more do you want - you're already in me britches. I want to start a new tradition of getting a piece of clothing from you each year, then I can have a whole Stynky outfit
  17. Next time I am going to give these men a run for their money, it's time for the females to make a comeback!!
  18. oooo.....can I play with your pistol when I see you......ummm, wait that just sounds wrong
  19. Wait a second... that's #3 ye be talkin' about... Always looking out for me, That's why I married ya Harry
  20. I hereby nominate Stynky's hat...damn Buzby Berkley hat-dance producin' git! Except Stynky doesn't have a hat anymore because he sold it to buy mead on Sunday night...or Monday morning...I sort of lost track of time at some point. Stynky sold his hat for $20 and then didn't even spend it on mead because he figured out that he could con his fellow drunken pirates into buying it for him with the magic phrase, "Hey, do you want some mead? Do you have $20?" (This actually worked.) If I would have know I would have bought his hat. I vote next year we just sell him off piece by piece. I think I should get something free for the pain and suffering of my leg I really wish I could have gotten a good pic of it at the time.
  21. Thank you for those. I always love getting pics from the fort at night and this year I did not get to so thank you very much for sharing!!!!
  22. I had to take an inventory of my body and there is not much I did not manage to bruise or hurt. I say it shows how much fun I had. In fact Stynky and I made the big bruise on my leg into a treasure map, I had better make a copy before it goes away!! Thank you everyone again for making it a wonderful event full of good memories!!!
  23. Look forward to it Captain!!
  24. I plan on going for the win next year. Although it was interesting getting to rescue Spike's balls
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