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About Mr.Bubbles

  • Birthday 10/19/1988

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  1. Aye those all be mighty fine wenches, But you completly forgot Trinty (Carrie-Anne Moss) I still think she's the best.
  2. Nay, she's Trinity of the Matrix series, if that was your question.
  3. Arr that be a fine joke, I'll hafta be telling my ship mates that'n. Here's another genie joke... So there's 3 british "capt'ns" stuck on a island, they find a old jamp and out pops a genie, he says "I'll grant each of you 1 wish" so the first wishes that he was back on shore, the second also wishes to be back on shore, and the third says "I want my friends back"
  4. All fine wenches but the best has to be Carrie-Anne Moss, she woulda made a fine pyrate back the day.
  5. Who be the 10 best wenches of all time? Famous wenches of course.
  6. I'd hafta say that any old zombie movie fits. Take yer pick they're all crappy and entertaining.
  7. i'd say that Rage Against the Machine and Led Zepplin would make for a nice muscial score but only if it was a modern day pirate movie.
  8. woops sorry everybody
  9. El mono diablo, the devil monkey. An appropriate name for a ship fulla clever pirates.
  10. El mono diablo, the devil monkey. An appropriate name for a ship fulla clever pirates.
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