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Everything posted by captscurvyscrew

  1. this was just too cute not to share!
  2. Can't wait to start posting pictures of ethan in baby pirate outfits
  3. Thanks to all for your kind words. Ethan will be making his first appearance at a pirate faire during the pirate weekend at the Charlotte NC ren faire.
  4. After 27 hours of labor, with an additional 14 hours of hard labor, we finally can tip our hats to our newest shipmate, Ethan William Suttle Unfortunatly, my wife braved teh rough seas of vaginal birth for as long as she could before we had to have a c- section. Ethan was born at 10:58 pm on August 30, weighing in at 7 pounds 6 ounces. Thank you all for yourt kind words adn comments on the nursery pics I posted a while ago, and now we finally have our beautigul boy to enjoy his little nautical play palace.
  5. I could just say that the patchs are fr om the clothes of each man I ran through with my blade
  6. Captain Scurvys Carnival of Senseless Debachery is about to set sail once more, and we need some new crew members. We are based out of Raleigh NC, and focus mainly on stage shows and stage combat. Anyone who has an intrest in piracy that lives in the NC area is encouraged to call our office at 919-601-9672 for info on meeting times and upcomming events.
  7. I'll post some pics whne I get a chance. It's quite an intresting project so far. The diffrence in the weight of the fabric swatches is making hte sewing difficult.
  8. Well, one of my old roomates asked me a question one night while drinking about what would a pirate do if his coat got a hole in it. I thought well hey, if I was on a ship, I would patch it up with anything I could. Anything like fabric, old sail cloth, and so on. So I started collecting all the old fabric scrapes building up in my waistbasket in the sewing room, and began stichjing htem together, (while drunk, bad idea) By the time I was finished, I had a really huge piece of fabric for a pattern. I started to go at it, and gave up. LAtely, I got bored (and druunk again) and found the big ol fabric sheet and started again. By the time it's doen, I should have the most intresting patch work frock coat ever (wheither I would wear it in public or not is another question!)
  9. I don't know if ye have a Michaels arts adn crafts store near any of you, bu that's where I saw them, and Michaels usually puts out a 50 % off coupon in August, so I know when I'll be shopping. I love the ship. I've always wisjed htere were more halloween decorations centered around pirates!
  10. in't no better way to watch the movie than with a tall Rum and Coke. Speaking of which, am I the only one that has made numerous POTC drinking games?
  11. My favorie collection of pirate stories were written by a man named charles henry wheedbee. He wrote a series of books called "Outer Banks Tales to Remember" Most of the storeis dealt with Blackbeards Ghos and the Flaming ship of Ocracoke. I used to love living int he Outer Banks around Halloween because there are so many pirate themed parties. North Carolina as a stae is really a great place filled with loads of pirate lore adn ghost stories.
  12. No problem, just be sure to call in the order over the phone and tell them Chris Suttle sent you, they'll take real good care of you that way. I can't promise a discount or anything, but they love pirate reenactors.
  13. If ye want a great flag done to the size you need for a good price, contact eorge at Teach's hole pyrate specialty shop. I used to play Blackbeard for them and they gave me a great Blackbeard flag as a gift that's about the size you need. There website is www.teachshole.com I can't remember their phone number, but I know the lady that makes the flags will do special orders, for a really resonable price. Happy hunting.
  14. Well mates, it's time to unload some of me old weapons for new tools of the trade, diaper bags, bottles, pacifiers and sippy cups! So here's what I' selling (I'm not getting up my pyracy trade, but for now, I will be taking a small sabatical from the pirate life while I practice the art of being a new dad. ) I have two starfire blades, both in great shape, one with a scabbard (no frog though) They need to be filed a little (starfire short swords do chip a little, but they hold up wonderfully for stage combat) I will also admit that they have not been cleaned as much as I should (bad pirate!!) but a littel elbow grease will get rid of the build up. There are no rust pits thankfully, just a little surface dirt that comes right off with some metal cleaner. I can send you picks if your intrested. I don't want much for them. I know how hard it can be for us to find blades that are stage worthy at a good price, adn I have no delusions of grander abouththe blades, they are used after all, but used with a lot of tender care adn love. I would also be willing to trade the blades for a decent pirate coat, used or not. If your intrested let me know, and we can work out a price or a trade.
  15. We finally got some pictures of the nursery in progress. Here is a link to the photo album. We haven't had a chance to crop any of these yet, so be ye warned - most of 'em are a bit on the large side. Enjoy! Ethan's Cabin (in progress) PS: I did the paintings and my wife did the door.
  16. Alice Cooper as a pirate? Well, yeah it works. He does what he can in the music biz, then takes his fame, moves back home adn opens a resturaunt where he can overcharge for simple meals by promising the chance of seeing Alice int he resturaunt from time to time. He be taking loot every way he can.
  17. Me crew has laways gone ont he rule of put on a great show, entertain, entrance and educate, but keep it fun. The events we go to don't pay much, so our eating and lodging money come from the crowds. Personal opnion on the topic though? Do what a real pirate would do, break all the rules and do what you want. Take what you can and steal the rest
  18. When I lived in Ocracoke, the winters there are probably the closest thing to living as a real pirate. You can't really drive your car because the roads wash out almost every day. All the shops except Howards Pub close down, and for food, well, theres the ocean. Most of the locals take care of their own. There be many a night that my next door neighbor had taken care of my hunger by throwing us a tuna, and in return I would mend clothes for his wife and kids. There is only one way in the island, and the ferry out goes to swan quarter NC, where their isn't much else. If you needed clothes, well, K-Mart is about 4 hours away via the ferry, the bonner bridge and pea island nature reserve. There's no where local to buy socks, shoes, or any necessities other than milk and bread. Meat is scarce, depending on wheither the grocery store can get a delivery truck to come down or not. It has gotten better over the years, but six years ago, it was hell int he winters. We learned to survive htough. I loved Ocracoke. ANy island founded y pirates is a great place to live, and the place was filled with history about Blackbeard
  19. I got the title of captain being the only one in my crew that A. Knows how to sail (and actually has a captains licience from working on a charter fishing boat in the Outer Banks) B. I was the only one with an actuall costume when we started out seven years ago. C. I'm the stage combat director for our acting roupe, so I challenged anyone who wanted captain to a duel. Three showed their skill with a blade, and three failed.
  20. I, unfortunitly gave upo the beatifull beaches of Ocracoke NC for the sea of interstaes and land locked cities of Raleigh NC. If there are any other pirates in the triangle area, we are putting together a new crew. You can call the captain at 919-601-9672 for meetin times
  21. It has been a rough road, ut worth every bit of it. We've only had one scare, and the baby is healthy and happy and on the way soon. The only thing we have to worry about now is scare tissue in the event of a c-section, so were keeping our fingers crossed
  22. Ben a long time since I posted, but now that the computer is working again it's time to play catch up. Thanks to all who have wished us well. We are 7 and a half months now, so the baby is gonna be here soon. We have almost finished the nursery, as soon as we do, I'll post pictures
  23. Let's see, my love for piracy started at a very youung age. My next dor neighbor was my baby sitter, and while she was a sweet lady, she was starting to show signs of lossing her grip on reality. She gave me a bag of books one time as a present, and it wasn't until much later in my life that I realized they were all library books she never returned! Some over twenty years old! The one book that caught my eye was Treasure Island. I couldn't understand all of it just yet, but I worked hard to get through that book, looking p words I couldn't understand and taking notes to ask my teachers at school. As I grew up, I got into movies like The Princess bride, which led to my love of fencing. I started fencing around age seven, and got to be quite good. As I progressed through high school my fencing instructor suggested putting me into a more proffesional training school for olympic training. I never thought I would get as far as I did withthe sprt, but I won numerous awards and took first place in not only NC state tournaments, but VA and MA as well. I started to think about college and took my first year at a cimmunity college so I could save up money to transfer to UNC, due to their fencing program. I got a invite to try out for their team, but before I could make it up there, I had a terrible accident. I was walking home fromthe beach (I lived on Hatteras Island at the time) and a drunk driver swerved off the road and ran me over. I ended up with three ruptured disck in my back, torn cartilidge in both my knees and severed hip muscles. It took me over a year to recover and learn to walk all over again, but I did it. It was a hit and run, they never caught the driver. By the time I picked up a foil again, it was over. I couldn't fight anymore. I got winded to easy, and my speed was no where near what it was before. A friend of mine was taking an acting class in Wilmington and suggested I go with him. It was a workshop on stage combat. I fell in love right off the bat. Her was a way for me to still fight with a sword, but in a much more low impact way. I decided to start training on a way to incoperate fencing and dancing ino armed combat with rapier and cutlass (not at the same time of course) and I got really good. I started a stage show where me and m friend Judd dressed up as pirates (we lived in HAtteras Island, a historical pirate haven) and fought for the tourist. We were basically nothingmore htan glorified pan handlers, but we were good adn people tipped accordinly. We made on average about $250 a day, not bad. To make a long story short, (I know , too late) I found No Quarter given on line, and found hte calander of events. After one festival I was hooked, and it's been a wild ride ever since.
  24. I was one of the ones who had piracy in me to begin with, but had the stereotypical Arrgh! stuff thrown into my job. I used to play Blackbeard the pirate for Teach's Hole Pirate Museum in Ocracoke NC and loved it, until the tourist kids wanted me to be a more "storybook" type pirate. I love entertaining the little ones, but not all pirates had a peg leg, plus an eye patch, plus a parrot, pluss said Arrrgh at the end of every sentance. Tell your friend to do what I did, find a middle ground. Being a pirate is acting out a character that you want to be. It's living an adventure of your own mind creation. Don't let her feel that she has to be like every example hollywood and storybooks have made of pirates, but b whatever type of pirate your friend wants to be.
  25. I prefer a combination of cutlass and flintlock, just because when your done firing yor one shot, it's make a great beatin stick until you can reload. Especially a relly expensive Queen Anne type with lots of heavy decorations on the butt. My first weapon of choice though will always be psychological warfare
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