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Lady Elaina

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Everything posted by Lady Elaina

  1. Hey paisley!! Just wondering which parades you will be going to, and if you be going to both? Here are some of the beads I picked up today... the bead box for 2 parades was 60 lbs, over 2,000 strands. Incredible!!! http://tinyurl.com/yvj3e Im not throwing that one, the captain be a keeper!!! Gabby
  2. I'd be going for sure looks like!!!
  3. I think with me it was in my families blood. When I lived up north my grandmother used to tell me stories about pirates and all her adventures in Florida. She also had a pretty big pirate ship collection, models, paintings, etc. Even Jewelry. Finally we moved to Florida when I was 7, and all I remember is how I fell in love with the ocean. You could not get me out of there unless you dragged me out. (Which happened allot). That's were I got the nick "mermaid girl" and later became one, but that is another story... I used to sit on the sand and take my grandmas binoculars and see if the sail boat way off shore was a schooner or tallship, I was obesessed. (and only 7). When I got older the attraction to piracy became stronger, and I began to read books like Peter Pan, Treasure Island, and all my fav movies were Frenchmans Creek, the Pirate Movie, etc. (I was about 10 at this point). I let it go for a while, but have always loved pirates. The time I had in Key West was amazing. My first sail was aboard a pirate ship. LOL Go Figure. I guess dreams really do come true, never give up on them. I never did. Gabrielle
  4. We will see... I dont know what the other krewes did... very interesting..
  5. Also, pls feel free to wear pirate garb, that pirate costume rule is for the snooty Ye Mystic Krewe for the parading krewes, not the audience :)
  6. Ok everyone, here is whatI have from the meeting, Yes the bleacher seats are worth it, you will be bombarded with beads and not be trampled by spectators (that happened to a freind of mine) There will be about 1 million or more people in the audience, pls be careful. The best bleacher seats are where I am putting my family, the Marina section. That way you can walk over to the pirate fest and listen to good music and hang out. (And not walk for miles). I have to go to a Bead Ball around 5pm, but will not stay all night, I will be exhausted, my krewe is not in the floatilla this year (thank god, we would have to be up at 7 am or earlier) and the parade lasts till 5 pm. I myself will be throwing 1,000 strands of beads and have to get belts to hold them all. Our float is the sinking Titanic. I will be wearing Kate Winslet's dinner dress in that one. We will all be on TV, even the audience so be on your best pirate behavior, no looting wthout me! This is the 100 year celebration, so it is going to be big. Our float position is 31, which is a big deal because there is 120 floats or more in this parade. My family and I will be staying at the Hilton, which is right in the middle of everything. If you need info about where to stay, pls feel free to contact me right away. I have lots of info here, and treasure, and info on where to park. If you need scans of maps, a place for us to meet, anything, send me a msg, I am here. Hugs and Cutlasses, Gabrielle
  7. Ok everyone, here is whatI have from the meeting, Yes the bleacher seats are worth it, you will be bombarded with beads and not be trampled by spectators (that happened to a freind of mine) There will be about 1 million or more people in the audience, pls be careful. The best bleacher seats are where I am putting my family, the Marina section. That way you can walk over to the pirate fest and listen to good music and hang out. I have to go to a bead Ball around 5pm, but will not stay all night, I will be exhausted, my krewe is not in the floatilla this year (thank god, we would have to be up at 7 am or earlier) and the parade lasts till 5 pm. I myself will be throwing 1,000 strands of beads and have to get belts to hold them all. Our float is the sinking Titanic. I will be wearing Kate Winslet's dinner dress in that one. We will all be on TV, even the audience. This is the 100 year celebration, so it is going to be big. Our float position is 31, which is a big deal because there is 120 floats or more in this parade. My family and I will be staying at the Hilton, which is right in the middle of everything. If you need info about where to stay, pls feel free to contact me right away. I have lots of info here, and treasure, and info on where to park. Hugs and cutlasses, Gabrielle
  8. Woohoooooooo!! POTC wins its first big award, so far that I have seen. Is it up for any more???? Nominated in the Oscar race maybe??? Too bad Johnny didnt win Gabrielle
  9. I loved Key West too, went there for the first time this year. I think of the place every day. You are a very lucky pirate to have lived in both places!!
  10. Nice to meet you!! I may be out to St Augustine this year for the first time,, I be lookin forward to it!!!
  11. Wow, I think whoever wrote that review from London is a "creep" , Some people have written some very strange reviews about Peter Pan, saying it was too risque for anyone under the age of 11. Wow I find that amazing, this is as true to the book as it ever was, what were they expecting?? Gabrielle
  12. Omg I remember the Pirate Movie, I was also into Frenchmans' Creek, a pirate love story of sorts, and I was only 10. LOL
  13. Elo there lass!! (Goddess in the Bodice) Welcome to the pirate world!!! The Pyrates of the Coast are a wonderful talented group of shipmates, the finest a lass can have in these parts. Hope to see ya soon lass!! Btw, have you tried Olaf's "magic rum" recipe yet?? "lifts her glass" Gabrielle
  14. Sure thing Paisley, I be going to a meeting on Monday. I'll be giving you all the last details we be needing for this Pirate Invasion. This is me first Gasparilla, so I am getting as much info as possible, (Virgin Gasparillette) Talk with you soon lass, Gabrielle
  15. Hi there, I think that I saw you at the No Quarter Given 10th Anniversary bash with your husband, congrats!! Gabrielle
  16. Hello fellow Bucaneers and Lively Lasses, Any pirate bodies from Florida?? Gabrielle Elaina
  17. Count me in, keep me posted dear Hurricane!!
  18. Well Ive seen it 4 times now, (yes I love it or him that much) Gabrielle
  19. Thats not me,,,,, LOL Thats my hero since I was 9
  20. Gasparilla be comin' arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!! Gabrielle
  21. Hi there I have many screencaps from the movie, which jacket you be talking about?? He wore several up till the end. I am starting on the red velvet one, it is the most striking. I can upload the one you want on to my site, it has several caps there already, just havent added them all yet. Gabrielle
  22. Here are some screencaps of the gorgeous Captain!! http://public.fotki.com/PiratePrincess/hoo...ook_screencaps/ Enjoy ladies!! :angry:
  23. With myself I took my part very seriously. I tried to know as much as I could about my historical figure, but also brought different garb to play someone fictional the last day of this past event. But when I was reenacting, I was trying to be very accurate, even down to the family names. Gabrielle
  24. Of Course the audience members can dress up, Its just the other Krewes that are in the parade that they are miffed about, and the pirate party afterwards is one not to be missed, I hope to meet you too Paisley, I'd be changing out of my Winslet dress into my true pirate colors at the hotel after the parade, and showing them that we are the real pirates!!! Just hope to get a head count of who all be coming for sure, and who is bringing black powder to make things interesting.. Gabrielle
  25. Yes maybe, they cant knock us to the ground and arrest us for being dressed like a pirate!!! LOL The original Pirate group is made up of rich docs and lawyers, that dress up like pirates one day of the year, and they dont want the other crews to steal the attention, how funny. They have no beef with us because we are a Titanic theme, but our freinds are having a hard time trying to alter their pirate costumes, I guess we will see Henry Morgan in jeans this year. Gasp!!!!!!
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