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Grinnin' Mary

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Everything posted by Grinnin' Mary

  1. I agrees with Charlotte! The likes of our brethren centuries ago was the victims o' the werld, but they were a brave lot, and made their own wealth out of nothing but their strong hands and stout hearts. That were worth summat says I. :)
  2. The name of me own ship be The Maid of Madagascar :angry:
  3. Yarrr...Me heart be breakin' summat awful. I wishes I could go, but I got no car and no money, bein' but a poor pupil in the higher educational system of this here country. I'm only in Atlanta too. So close. 'Tis a sad day when a brazen lass such as I has tears in her eyes, 'cause she can't go cavortin' about with her own like...there ain't hardly no other full time pirates 'round here.
  4. Ye must be jokin'. An easier question would be who AIN'T wearin' the official garb o' this here pub. As a member of a minority of Captains of the female persuasion, I can't imagine not showin' me true colors when I has the opportunity.
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