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Aurora Fearghaill

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Everything posted by Aurora Fearghaill

  1. Thank you for the welcome Sir. My Alder speaks very highly of your talent with the quill. Allow me the honor please, of extending a round of your beverage of choice.
  2. Aye Mcdrago, indeed, I am new to tha Pub, though it seems many a reunion take place at this oasis of concoctions and camaraderie. Rumba Rue, tis a pleasure to share the company with one who is likewise distracted by what my Alder playfully, even if despairingly, refers to as, the “sparklies.”.
  3. Aurora bows toward her mate and capriciously winks. Thank you my dear. You are ever my champion in every setting. Thank you to those of you I have “bumped into” online and those here who have made me feel welcome. Ray, the next round is on me. Aurora
  4. Very nice image Oderlesseye. I am feeling more welcome already. :) Johnny Tarr – no apologies necessary. Thank you for your welcome. Indulge in the beverage of your choice. . .Ray, the honors please. Silkie, you are delightful. It is no wonder my carpenter speaks so highly of you.I expect Alder will be about when the wood stain that is vexing him begins to comply. I am finishing the grading of the amusing writings of my students before I retire. It's nearly summer and I'm looking forward to having more time to meet more of you fine folks and get to know my way around these parts. Ray, goode man, a nightcap before dreams call. Aurora Elin Fearghaill
  5. Thank yea for the fine words of welcome Black Syren, Lady Barbossa and I trust you are enjoying your beverage Mister Tarr. Fair enough, Merrydeath, though I expect you can forgive my preference to get my feet wet rather than just diving the “drink” if you will. O.K. who I be. . . I am an elementary school teacher by trade. There is nothing else I would rather do. I am newly married. I met my groom at a friends wedding. He caught the garter and I caught the bride’s bouquet. The fates were not at all subtle on that day. I have traveled a bit as an Air Force brat but have no real longing to travel further. I do enjoy anything out of doors. I camp every chance I can tear my husband away from work. I am looking forward to meeting the folks here. Alder has shared great thing. With that, Ray, I would like to share another round!
  6. A statuesque lass enters the pub with some trepidation and is greeted by the sociable barkeep whose efforts far exceed the necessity of his position. “Wat’ll it be lass?” he promptly asks as his rag sloshes past her and puddles the leavings on the bartop. The stranger scans the room but she evades an immediate reply. “Yer new ‘ere” the pub’s purveyor declares scanning her well crafted wardrobe for means to pay. “Aye, goode sir,” sheepishly comes her reply “Fearghaill . . . Aurora Fearghaill, ya may know mah ’usband. . . Alder, tha carpenter?” With a grin, a nod, Ray asks again, this time in a gesture of open hand across to the offerings that line his shelves. Somewhat more comfortable, the newcomer sits more upright and points to a nearly full and quite ornate bottle of finest rum that rests on the topmost shelf. As Ray pours the delicacy, Aurora exchanges compensation and a generous tip and awaits the opportunity to offer drink and shared company as she has heard is customary.
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