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Jacob Cook

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Everything posted by Jacob Cook

  1. I think he meant to type "harmonicas." Anyhow, I'm adept at guitar, which is really all you need to play folk music. I'm also pretty good at harmonica, just need a better set than these plastic beginners. I play drums alright, so I'll throw that in, too. With banjo and piano, I know chords and can play the same stuff I can on guitar and more... And then there's stuff I just kinda mess around with. I had a bodhran, but it broke after someone beat it too hard... I have various odd things: tin whistle, toy accordion, etc. Well, I think that's pretty good for me being just a kid.
  2. Looks nice. In the third paragraph under the "Hat Embellishments and Lining" section, the first sentence reads "Linings are very simply" as (probably) opposed to "simple." In the second sentence under "Sources of Cocked / Tricorn Hats," you type "Goggle" instead of "Google." The fourth sentence in the same section should use "It's" as opposed to "Its". Other than that, quite a good page! Just fix those errors (and the ones that others spot, if they do) and you're set.
  3. Hopefully the pyrates never made that mistake... eww...
  4. Does anyone have any (estimated) measurements for the size of the brim (diameter, circumference, what have you...) and crown? I might be able to get a ballpark figure if I could figure out if that striped stick is there for reference, and if so, how to read it.
  5. I plan on attending as a period seamen if I get my kit together in time. Maybe there's a crew who I could take along to? I'll start the sewing as soon as I can...
  6. It is written strangely, but that might be what I like about it. It kinda reminds me of a loftier version of Vonnegut. Oh, and I have a annotated version, so things like referring to his "Auntie" as "Dante" are actually explained as opposed to being inferred. It helps it progress.
  7. I just finished reading To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee for school (standard 9th grade curriculum in New York, I believe) and, to those who haven't read it, I recommend it. As a classic novel, you just can't not read this. I started Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce but haven't gotten too far yet. I like it, though.
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