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El Pirata

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Posts posted by El Pirata

  1. I can guess the first thing guys notice in a woman is cleavage! :lol:

    I resent that remark. There truly are more things to finding Miss Right than cleavage, most specifically looks can be waived for Miss Right NOW. Also rings on the ring fingers resembling an engagement or wedding types are also good indicators whether you may find yourself bloodied and bruised.

  2. I didn't know guests could even post? How odd! And what a nasty little.....person she be! Funny, she has to come all the way on to a pirate board, waste her time to post to us and tell us to grow up. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense, dealing with a real mind

    here! :D

    I agree completely.

  3. There is a drunkchicks.com? Hope I'm not on there.... :D

    Actually I was rambling of odd names I remember seeing or hearing over the years. It appears neither is an actual web site but the drunkchicks one does forward you to a site your mother would probably not approve of.

    About the best site I have seen on the net, which is now long gone, was www.helpmedivorcemyhusband.com. I saw it on some talk show or something and thought they had to be lying. After typing the address, sure enough there was a site. It had a paypal link for you to make donations so this woman could have enough money to afford a divorce. The part I found the most disturbing was people were willingly giving money to her for this endeavor.

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