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Bloody Charity Kidd

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Everything posted by Bloody Charity Kidd

  1. You are all so very kind! Thankee so much! T'will be my 5th piece of ink - and a foine piece it'll be! Many thanks again - Charity
  2. Be thar any rabble rousers out there who can send me a decent likness of that Jack Sparrows tattoo?? Or pint me in the direction of its likeness??? BCK
  3. Aye! Thanks to ye for the updates - they be most welcome!
  4. Aye! and I be right happy to hear that Capn' Jack will be returnin'. I was worried they'd try to do the second with out him if he didn't jump aboard!
  5. You might wanna check out Very Merry Seamstress Webpage[/url] She has pirate garb for lads n' lasses! She made my wench garb complete with the jolly roger on me waist cincher and her wrist bracers are surperb!
  6. Try this: www.verymerryseamstress.com and tell Heather that Corrie sent ye! She made mine and she be the best!
  7. Many Thanks! Have a drink with me - or on me ...
  8. I'll drink to that... Come to think of it I'll drink to anything.
  9. I got mine on eBay - it had a Disney Parks sticker on it - I have searched everywhere and can't find it anywhere else. I adore mine.
  10. I'd have to sail all the way from Utah - ARRRRRRRR!
  11. That's what I had in mind - but have no idea where to begin.
  12. I heard that they didn't want to hand the oscar to Jackson three years in a row, so they were going to wait till after the return of the king and give him the best picture prize then - and Yes Andy should have got it for Gollum! My Precious Yo Ho!
  13. ARRRRRR!! Many thanks. I like me ship too, Matey!
  14. I can't wait for the DVD to be released and I will buy it - mayhap 2 (got to keep one in good condition he he - Me family think me mad as well.) Perhaps I be the most stupid here abouts - but I have no idea where a buxom lass should go to fetch herself one of these internet downloads in the meantime to tide me over......... anyone?
  15. A Bloody Pirate Party in the works, there be!
  16. AYE! Yer so right - but sometimes it's hard when the bloody charity kidd jr. (2 yrs old) doesn't appreciate (yet) Capn' Sparrow the way we do!
  17. 3 wrong that time - wouldn't be fair fer me ter take it again...
  18. Only six people? Tis a shame! I imagine it'l only be out a while longer with the DVD release date already set. I'll be happy then to be able to watch it at my leisure...
  19. I can't get anybody to go with me again.
  20. I'm gonna wait and be at the store - so I don't have to wait for shipping! YoHo!
  21. I took me offspring to see it again this past weekend I did - and this time we sailed our black ship into the drive in ter see it! The little landlubbers fell asleep (scurvy little mongrels) and I finished it out by myself as is right n' proper! I've got to see it a few more times before the season it completely gone!
  22. Well - this be the best news i heard about fer a long time mateys!
  23. I can't wait for the DVD to be released! You can already pre-order it - but I'll wait and pick it up in me foinest wench dress!
  24. Well now - that was right FUN! Claire - fancy running into you here! (Corrie Walker I be!)
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