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Bloody Charity Kidd

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Everything posted by Bloody Charity Kidd

  1. Splendid. Thankee Lass
  2. Hear Hear! LETS HAVE A LOOK....
  3. Thank you my dear Pynch. Most appreciated. Now pass the tea, please.
  4. I agree - especially since I need all the good ju ju I can get.
  5. Great job. I really enjoy the way it turned out.
  6. Are you going to do it? I think it would be wicked!
  7. WOW - Stunning. Cheers - I like it!
  8. Interesting. Thank you and I await your response.
  9. Um - what are you talking about? I never indicated that I thought you meant my post. I was clarifying that my relationship wasn't that kind - had nothing to do with you.
  10. I am not talking about him being P**** whipped into shape. I am talking about a person who is all take and no give and never takes responsibility for anything thus forcing me to be the boss or the responsible one - SAVVY??? It has nothing to do with bossing him around. It has to do with - as I said - Him being USELESS as far as being a partner, a father and a human being.
  11. Why yes I am (or was). I am currently separated with plans to divorce the useless dog.
  12. I didn't know that. It makes sense - but why is it an old rule?
  13. Tis lovely - Can ye make me one in black?
  14. I agree - you look splendid!
  15. Thanks - I cant wait to show you wne my version is complete!
  16. AND - I am finding more and more that some little snippet of my garb is appearing on my daytime work wear..... I can't seem to be without a little treasure of some sort....
  17. HAH! Splendid ye be. After my own heart ye are! I think the same way!
  18. THAT IS GORGEOUS! What other alterations to the pattern did you have to make? Anything hairy and scary?
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