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Cap'n Coyote

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Posts posted by Cap'n Coyote

  1. hrm lemmesee...oh yeah, i collect dragons too

    Artemis, I love dragons! I have about 25 so far (no two of the same material). My favorite is a dragon that serves as an oil lamp. He holds the wick in one hand, and has his head in the other. When the lamp is lit, he is staring into the flame. I also have one made out of folded leaves. I try not to light that one. :ph34r:

    I saw a picture of one in a Thai restaurant that was comprised of butterfly wings. I am on the lookout for one similar.

    I also collect Wile E. Coyote stuff (hence the name), and have a large shrine to him at my office.

  2. Well, 'ere 'tis. Twice as long as the first 'un. I 'ad not intended it ta be so involved, but th' backstory demanded tellin' (you writers know how it goes when characters start doin' th' most unexpected things).

    Now th' damn thing's turnin' inta an epic. :ph34r:

    Another stormy night has come, I duck inside the bar

    And check out all the sailors who have come so very far

    Surely one can take me out to where my fortune lies

    (But I’ll not go with that one, for I do not like his eyes)

    My mother always wanted me to have some gold set by

    “Rely not on a sailor, for he’ll leave you high and dry”

    A voice full of experience, my dad had by then left

    His wife of nine long years, with me upon her breast

    There was no word for many years, we waited here in vain

    Until the day the map arrived, a letter sent from Spain

    I opened it in Mother’s name, for she was in the ground

    And read it through while crying, for this is what I found

    “My dearest wife, I miss you so. Allow me to explain.

    Our ship was taken captive, our captain quickly slain.

    The rest of us were pressed aboard a black-sailed Pirate crate

    And kept in chains below the decks, there to await our fate

    Most our crew did walk the plank, the Articles refused

    But as I was a carpenter, it was my skills they used

    For nineteen years I’ve wished to look upon your face again

    And watch our dear girl Brandy grow, and hold tight to her hand

    I know I’ll never walk again with you out in the sun

    For I am gravely wounded from a Navy frigate’s gun

    We had anchored off an isle, pursuit was coming soon

    Our hold was full of plunder: silver plates and gold doubloons

    The frigate soon arrived and then the battle loud and hot

    I felt a pain beneath my heart, and knew that I’d been shot

    I never knew how long it took to kill the Pirate band

    For I was being pulled onto a deck by Navy hands

    I told my tale, they patched me up, and took me back to shore

    But now my strength is fading and I cannot linger more

    I hoped to be a good man, both hardworking and true

    But though I can’t be there in flesh, I have a gift for you

    On the back of this last letter is a fragment of a chart

    Where the crew did meet their end, and the ship was blown apart

    The waters there are not too deep, but deep enough to hide

    A sunken ship of treasure for a man to give his bride

    I hope that I will see you soon upon that golden shore

    And hope that you forgive me, and we can walk once more”

    And now I prowl around the bar appraising drunken louts

    And look for likely candidates to make the voyage out

    And one does beckon to me from the table by the stair

    His brought his ship in yesterday, the proud King Neptune’s Lair

    A faster ship could not be had in this small of a town

    I straightened up my bodice, then walked over and sat down

    Before too long it was quite clear he could not hold his brew

    And by the time we went upstairs, I knew what I would do

    I worked him over good and rough, until he was quite worn

    And stole away in darkest night, he’d sleep ‘til late that morn

    The sun came up and lit the sea, the wind whipped through my hair

    I set my course with firm resolve, and I would soon be there

  3. by far too tame for this scurvy lot...you know about the dread and dangerous old and toothless Egyptian pyrate? His barque is worse than his bite.

    Or the milkmaid that had to choose between her Spanish Pirate boyfriend or her job...

    That's right, between Juan or th' udder.


  4. Another modified tale, an' includin' some o' me new mates.

    A pirate walks into the pub with an octopus on his shoulder. All conversation stops as he makes his way to the bar. Snickers are heard, then some laughter, then outright roaring and spitting of grog.

    The pirate just stares until everyone quiets down. He says “I know what yer thinkin.’ What self-respectin’ pirate would give up ‘is parrot fer a slimy creature o’ the deep?

    Well, me ‘earties, it jus’ so ‘appens that this is me first mate, an’ can outdo any o’ ye rummies at any shipboard tasks ye care to name. I’ll stake me ship on it!”

    Of course, that kind of wager was not about to be ignored.

    First up was Seaskull: ‘I got a mess o’ plunder in me ‘old what needs to be stowed in me chests. I could do it in an hour.” So everyone climbs on board and watches as the octopus does it in 15 minutes.

    Royaliste was next: Me cannon need polishin,’ an’ it takes me near 6 hours to do it properly.” The octopus does it in 2.

    Lucky Penny Hawkins challenges with: “That’s all well an’ good fer deck-swabbin.’ But ‘oo ar’ ya’ gonna call on when yer coats need mendin’?” Quick as lightning, the octopus strips off her coat with two arms, picks her sewing kit out of her pocket with a third, and proceeds to sew every tear closed perfectly. It then repacks the kit, puts it back in her pocket, and helps her back into the coat. It does all this without dropping a single needle.

    Now, Mad Maudlin McCrumb steps up to the bar, and places a set of bagpipes beside the octopus. “Let’s ‘ave a nice round of sea shanties, if’n ya’ please.”

    The octopus looks at the ‘pipes, picks up one arm and sets it back down. Picks up another arm and sets it back down. Picks up another arm…

    The pirate looks at it and says “Well? Ain’t ye goin’ ta’ play it?”

    “Play it?” the octopus replies. “If I can get its pajamas off, I’m goin’ ta f*** it!”


  5. As fer me, I don't know a jib boom from a boom box, but I hope ta learn. This seems like th' right crew ta pay attention ta.

    Me gran'pappy was crew on the USS North Carolina, signalman and gunner, so I know sailin' is me blood somewheres. Avast, growin' up in the NC mountains doesn't avail many opportunities for hittin' the seas.


    On the other hand...er...hook...I paddle a mean canoe! :(

  6. hehe

    thanx Cap'n Coyote


    the welcome page is so big and work calls far too often fer me ...so... welcome aboard!


    Yer welcome, lass. 'Tis a fine thing ta meet a wench whose wit is as sharp as 'er cutlass, and 'er 'umor as black as me 'eart.

    I be likin' the new avatarrrr!

    A pirate named Cap'n John Nair

    Rushed to a milkmaid fair

    He was quite excited

    For he'd been invited

    To come feel her dairy air

  7. I'm a proud piratical reader of Mr. Potter...an' proud t'call m'self one 'ell of a Slytherin!

    Avast, Lucky Penny!

    I'm sure ye'll be excited ta' know that Jason Isaacs, ol' Lucius Malfoy hisself'll be playin the part o' Hook in th' new Peter Pan.


  8. Avast, me beauty!

    A finer group of rogues and wenches you'll never meet!

    They're quick ta welcome aboard new mates, as I found out meself, and as you've discovered to be sure. Buy 'em all a round. They LOVE that!

    Smooth sailin' lass!

  9. "Songs to Throw on a Quickie Pirate CD When My Computer Isn't Being a Bilge Rat".

    Can you actually fit all of that on the spine of a jewel case? :ph34r:

    *makes mental note for next software release*

  10. Dark City

    The Crow

    Anything by Terry Gilliam

    Alien 1-4 (yes, even 3)

    BTW: Alien, the Director's Cut is being released on Hallowe'en this

    year. Limited play, though. Check your local listings.

    13th Warrior


    American Werewolf in London

    Escape from New York/LA

    Evil Dead 1-3

    Near Dark

    Thir13en Ghosts


    Blazing Saddles

    Young Frankenstein

    Murder By Death

    and many, many others

  11. Here's one I wrote for a friend of mine to set to fiddle. He never did, though. You're welcome to if'n your talents lie in that direction.

    The storm will rage outside the pub, we’ll rage inside, ‘tis true

    And a droplet from the goblet claims the next round is on you

    And wine is fine and dandy if you want to sip a bit

    I’ll take draughts from tankards, and won’t remember shit

    The flame and smoke of grapeshot truly burns and stings the eye

    But pour a shot of grapes and we will raise our glasses high

    Rum and mead and a whiskey bead, all have cursed my head

    But the Devil Himself did curse me when I took Brandy to my bed

    A fine young lass full o’ salt and sass, I beckoned wi’ my flagon

    We shared the ales and made up tales to keep our tongues a-waggin’

    I praised the fates that put her there, that night that I espied ‘er

    And prayed to Fortune, too, that I could soon be deep in cider *winces*

    We rose up shaky from the grog we drank there at the table

    And made our way upstairs just as soon as we were able

    The pounding of the surf outside did echo in our ear

    I took her there upon the stair behind a cask of beer

    She was a lusty wench I found with ample treasure chest

    She raised my mast and scaled it fast, and you can guess the rest

    The mornin’ came without the rain, a shaft of sunlight hit me

    I staggered to the bar to get the hair o’ the dog that bit me

    I ambled down upon the docks and there beheld my slip

    The poxy whore arose before and made off with my ship

    The storms still rage outside the pub, I rage inside, ‘tis true

    I watch the door with sharpened sword, and wait, Brandy, for you

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