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    Northern Illinois
  1. thank god its called the wandering maroon & not the wanting spoon reeeaallly, i was dreamin about my darlin gwenentine! (see the archangel topic called "for brig & mae")
  2. uuuuummmm, yes brig, i'm a "wee bit" (pun intended on "wee" ) disturbed by billie's smilin' as uuummm, i know personally what brings him to smile as such when he's been in me company... unfortunately, i arrived late on the scene & didn't witness what happened just prior to the picture being taken... no tellin' how long they'd all been on the blanket together... for the record,i was a smilin cause i was a dreamin o my darlin,o my darlin gwenintine.
  3. Thank you for a "wild" time in the old west this weekend! xo

  4. Who you callin' a maid??!! As in...he needs somethin' milked?! ; )

  5. Is your Maid coming with you to this weekend's event, Gunner Billie?

  6. Thank ye, M'Love, a delightful day with ye, I did have! And better t'choose feather over hoof, I say! xoxo

  7. Enjoyed lookin' for booty wit ye tday...perhaps we'll have better luck in a couple o' days?!! ; ) xo

  8. Until we walk the wildnerness again... thank you for today. xo

  9. Aye sir I have! I've been trying to incorporate it to other weapons too. Like a spear or somethin.

  10. Did ye get yer ring back yet?

  11. Billie! Hope you're doing well and we get to see you soon!

  12. Thank you for a wonderful Valentine's weekend... Love you! xo

  13. Hey Hon!! Glad you figured it out! As always, happy to be your #1... xo

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