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Everything posted by HanaRead

  1. Hehe aye sir! i wish i had me a hammock. lol haha Aye, ye mean Lake Okechobi? If I even be spellin that right. well that be norther than where i live. hollywood is where i be callin home. only problem is how i may get to key west for that pirate meet-ing and greet-ing thing-y. But, if i do find yer coin purse i will be sure to hold onto it for ye. lets hope i dont spend it, bein the impatient spontaneous lass i am. i dont recommend fightin those gaters though. not unless ye have yer cutlass with ye.
  2. Oh well lookee thar...another Lusty Lil, and I thought I had the only one! Ah welcome to the pub Lady. Tis an honour to make yer acquaintance! If ye do make PiP...come look up the Archangel Crewe... Will do!
  3. Thank ye much. Do any of ye pirates have a myspace? aye, and drinks for everyone on me!
  4. Aye...then it's not only me
  5. you guys are making me feel all mushy.
  6. Aye, I've only heard it a few days ago and yet I'm still singing it walkin home, sitting around, at school. lol
  7. aye, i wonder if anyone around here does pilfer and plunder...do ye???
  8. ha, especially the lipstick one. i guess they meant that it was a no-no for male pirates. lol and whats wrong with capris pants?
  9. Same here. I know that my system is a little old but the game is too jumpy for me. ah but what bothers me is that my computer is only a couple years old. it works fine, but it still freezes. does anyone know of any other really good pirate games- that are free??
  10. I just downloaded it a few days ago. the trial full screen thing is kind of annoying. with my computer it keeps freezing, and whenever i open a door or something or go in a portal of some sort, it takes a really long time to get to wherever im going. i hope the basic game is not as..freezy
  11. #56 is funny. Pastafarianism is the official pirate religion.
  12. aye i be gettin a tat as soon as i can. hopefully. maybe an anchor or a jolly roger on the back of my left shoulder...
  13. what do ye think makes a person a pirate? what are the qualifications?
  14. ah, sleepin and goin to the beach and feelin the spray of the ocean on me face. also, readin, sculptin, singin shanties, and lots of other things.
  15. aye in a pirate, i like me a man who is tough but shows his feelings when hes around me. one who is tall and good lookin even if he hasnt had a shower in god knows when. ummm one who is totally in love with me and no one else (the sea can be his secondary love ) and one who will let me play captain sometimes hehe
  16. aye...waiting for me lunch to be done cooking.
  17. addictions...aye. as soon as im 21 my #1 addiction...rum. as of now, my addiction be sunflower seeds. hehe
  18. right now, i be feeling dread at having to go to school tomorrow. wish i could act like a real pirate and skip. lol
  19. i think it's mandatory for all pirates to have seen pirates of the caribbean! lol who loves the song from the 3rd one? i think its awesome
  20. So far there's only one pic of me in me garb. its me avatar but larger.
  21. Lucky! I wish I could join something like that!
  22. Ooh, I would love to go to that. thanks for the invite
  23. Yes, she be my idol! well, ye know what they say, its best be startin out young. does ye have a myspace also, and if ye do, will ye be adding me? I like music, and lots o things. i hail from hallandale, in south florida. anywhere north, east, west, south, as long as im near me beloved sea... To be honest, what started me liking of piracy was pirates of the caribbean, and thereafter i be doin lots of reading and watching and plunderin. what about ye?
  24. thats a really nice one!
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