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Everything posted by mcdrago

  1. Well, Mate, as long as one of us is out lookin' fer a fit vessel, that'll do fer now. 'Tis good t' have willin' men t' make this recuperation easier. We'll hope fer the best, whilst we wait fer good information. However, I believe our offers may have fallen on deaf ears! No one seems t' be willin' t' come forward. *rests her weary head on her arm on the table, wondering what to do next* Ye know, Mcdrago, MadL might'a had a good idea in that nap he was takin'. I'm feelin' a bit like meetin' up with pixies, m'self. Perhaps, we should call it a night 'n take ourselves up to our quarters. Perhaps, after a night of stewin' over gold 'n a cask o' rum, there might be some loser tongues a waggin' in the early dawn. *stands up, lays her hand upon Mcdrago's shoulder, giving a nod toward the stairway* So, whad'ya say, there, Mate? Ready to settle in fer th' night? We'll see what MadL come up with by mornin'. *Starts awake, having fallen asleep* Aye Cap'n....seems good ta me as well. *Gets up on unsteady legs, feeling a ship roll and toss where there is no ship. Allows Jezzy to go first and then follows up stairs where he makes sure she is settled in before taking a chair and placing it against the door, sets himself down in it* Yell if ya need anything lass....g'nite. *Falls asleep at once, dreaming of booty to be had*
  2. I bought a belt off Ebay, but the buckle wasn't big enough. I still need a square buckle for my 2 3/4 baldric. I tried Santa Claus belts, but the buckles are too narrow and cheap looking. There must be big square buckles like that somewhere. I would prefer brass if I can get it, but I will take silver looking in a pinch. Since I'm not doing Cap'n Jack, I don't want one o' his. That seems to be about all I can find. Anyone???? Help me.....
  3. *Keeping a weather eye out whilst his captain interviews likely crew or those who wish to share what they know for coin. Watches MadL awake from his dream and answer a question asked a while ago as though only a moment had past* A ship aye, I can find a ship... [he says] *He tries to sneak out th' door in search o' a ship, but since Mcdrago has been watching, does a very poor job of it* Git'way ye mangy flea bag...Go..Shooo! [he tells the cat who with a determined look on his bewiskered face, follows him out the door.] *Gets down from the bench, next to Jezzy, picks up his cup and drinks* Capn', our new bosun has gone a lookin' fer a ship and hopefully a crew as well. T'would appear like we be havin' a mascot as well, since his new puss seems unwilling to be left behind.
  4. "We needs t' be askin' around this pub first what everyone knows. And, seein' as there weren't one taker of m' offer to join our crew, I'd say there be a few in 'ere what knows exactly what took place, but they be keepin' there tongues in their heads fer fear o' losin' 'em! *places her hand on Mcdrago's and nods toward MadL, passed out on top of his smokey cat* 'dya think we should get the lad somethin' t' wake 'im, 'r leave 'im be fer th' moment? He'll be needin' his strength once we decide t' set out after the Dove. By the by, my good man. Have ye heard tell of any ships about what might be needin' a good cruise? *wink*" *Thinks for a moment, then knocks out his pipe on his boot sole* Aye, lass some one knows somewhat an' that's fer certain. Methinks somethin can be done fer that. *Looks over at where MadL and his new cat are sleeping peacefully on the table* Nay lass, let the lad sleep. He did after all try ter rescue yer unca bill. A good man he be fer sure. Nay, I dinna ken of any ships. Twas my main reason fer comin' here as ye recall. *Pats her hand and then get up and finds the barkeep* Here be a piece o' silver, me bucko. When me friend w' the furry companion awakes, tell him where ta find us. Does ye have a room so's we can spend the night? *Comes back over and then stands on the bench, then raises his voice so all can hear* AVAST THERE MATES! If anyone knows anything about what happened on the dock tonight, see me or the lady here. Twill be a gold dubloon fer ye as payment if yer information be of worth. *Gets back down and offers his hand* I got us a room fer the night. Ye can have the bed an I'll take a chair and sit with it against the door, just in case o' trouble.
  5. *Mcdrago sips his rum and smokes awhile thoughtfully* Lass.....do ya think yore Unca' Bill was the one who took off with yer ship? Why in Neptune's arse would they fire on another ship an' then sail off that way? A grudge? Thar be a mystery here we be needin' ta solve. Either way, lass I be yore man fer certain. Let's drink ta it! *Holds out his cup for her to toast thier new relationship*
  6. *Fills his pipe and then lights up* Firs' mate eh lass? Aye, that be foine w' me. So Unca Bill hove to w' yer ship, did he now? Wal we can get ye a new one. Either by hook or by crook ifn' ye gets me meanin'. *Turns to MadL and his new furry companion* Mister MadL, the lady needs a crew, an she made me mate. I be takin' it upon meseff ta offer ye the job o' bosun. With yer permission Capn'? *Turns to the lady in question, then back to MadL* Can ye and yer new puss find us a few good men? Apparently we already have a Ship's cat. First order of business then is ta find us a good cook, Ifn' we have that, then twill be easier to get a crew.
  7. The belt is 2 3/4. I am looking for a square pyratey type of buckle. I have a round one, but it just doesn't look right. I checked both places, but I couldn't find a square one big enough. I couldn't find the ones you showed from the second place either with or without pictures. Anybody else have any ideas?
  8. *Goes and gets the flagon in question and brings it back* Here ya go lass. *Hands her the flagon o' rum and waits till she has a drap, then takes a pull hiself* Ahh.....now that'll clear out the smoke. *Eyes MadL's rescued "uncle bill"* Avast mate, that there puss'll be yore friend fer life now. A man needs a good puss ifn' he caint get a dog. Take good care o' him now, ye saved his life an' now it belongs to yer. *Turns back to Jezzy* Now then lass, what were ye sayin' about me be a joinin' yer crew before all this here brew-hah-hah happened? *Cleans and reloads his trusty flintlock pistol*
  9. Does anyone know where to get a nice POTC looking square brass buckle for an almost 3 inch wide baldric belt? I don't want a Jack Sparrow knockoff though. I found a nice one on Ebay, but lost the bid cause I wasn't home. A little help please.
  10. {Me most sincere apologies, m' fine McDrago...I seem to have experienced a momentary time lapse. It must be m' own Scarlet Jezabel that's gone t' me head. I know I've been sittin' 'ere with ye, but it seems as though I've been gone fer days! Whoa...I best be leavin' that Jezzy Grog alone fer awhile. However, ye do appear t' be quite the scoundrel, but a hearty man at that, so, I am willin' t' take ye on as a fine member of m' crew, to be certain. Now, what was it I was a sayin'?} *That's cause we be havin' a conversation on another thread that looks like this one.... Perhaps we best be a doin' this on only one, dontcha think lassie?*
  11. "Mcdrago, what shall I do? What if I never find m' Uncle Bill ever again? Ships n' pyratin' and commandin' a crew is all I've ever known. No, I can't be thinkin' this way. This must be a bad dream n' I'll be wakin' any moment"... *sniff* *Watches MadL run into the smoke* "Crazy as a loon he is. Easy there Lass, will find yer unca Bill!" *Gives her a quick hug, pat her back and then stares at the panicing men runnning about, then pull his pistol points it into the air and fires* BOOM! *Everyone stops in thier tracks* "AVAST THERE YE BILGE RATS! Grab sum buckets and barrels and start puttin' out that fire before the whole dock catches fire! Smartly now, ya swabs...." *Pulls out his cutlass and applies it to thier behinds to get them moving. This appears to have the desired effect and crewman start forming a bucket brigade to put out the fire* "Now lass, let's find yer unca Bill. What does the blighter look like?"
  12. *Pats his pistol* Aye lassie, I kin hold me own. *Puts his arm around her waist* As I be sure ye kin tell! As fer signin' on.... wahl, ye seem a foine lass and a fair one ta boot, and ya do brew a bloody good drink as well. If'n ye needs a quartermaster, then I be yer man.
  13. *Buckles on his baldric and tucks his pistol in his belt* Aye lass, me'thinks there be trouble about t'night. *Grabs his coat as they head out the door* *Accosts the first person he sees outside* Avast there mate! What be problem? *The sailor points in terror then runs away* A bad feelin' ye have in yer chest says ya [and a nice one it be too lass], a problem for us all says I. *Still holding her hand, runs for the dock*
  14. *Laughs loudly at MadL's antics, then stands up* Aye lass, as I haven't signed on ta a ship yet, I am at yer service. Avast there, Barkeep.... my kit, ifn' ya please, I need ta escort a lady ter her cabin.
  15. *Comes to with a start, grabs for his sword....forgetting he stowed it with the barkeep per house rules* AVAST THERE!!! REPEL ALL BOARDERS!!! *Realizes where he is* Er....belay that. Blast yer eyes, ifn' ye don't make a mighty fine drink lass. Methinks I best be a drinkin' coffee for the time bein'. Ye remind me of me 4th wife, sassy wench she was. Handy with a fryin' pan, dontcha know. Barkeep...coffee ifn' ya please!
  16. *red-faced with some steam coming out his ears* The lassy ain't lying mates! That be some heady brew she be a'drinkin! Not recommended for the faint o' heart! Last time I be havin' grog that strong twas' in a swamp. A witchy woman gave me a cup o' somethin' ta drink. Her name be Tia somethin' or other. She fair gave me the shivers, mates, but I bartered this here key from her. Said twould' open any lock, course I didn' find out till later she meant any lock I didn' want ta get inter.
  17. *Peers into the goblet and takes a sniff, finding nothing untowards, takes a sip* Thankee kindly lass, Ah....tis a fine drink. Aye, lass you seem ta be enough woman fer any mon. Ye reminds me o' a lass that twas bein' auctioned off by pirates oncet'. The bidders kept a shoutin' "We wants the redhead." I kin understand why.
  18. *Takes another sip o'rum and notices something he had missed* Lassie, that be one foine hat ye be awearin'! I've heard o' some wenches who be a flyin' those colors. Be ye one 'them? *Squints at her and grins* That's a huge goblet ya there as well. I like that, a lass who kin hold her liquor.
  19. *Takes another sip o' rum* Wal now, my time in the King's service was wi' them flyboys. Didn' git in da air much, except ta hitch a ride from one port ta another. Me job was ta inspect those birds after they was swabbed. One of them blamed birds almost took me out, some fool forgot ta set the chocks. Close call, me shack got flattened though.
  20. *Grins at her flirty smile* Aye lass, I do indeed. I've a couple of whelps meself, from me first wife, or was it me second and I be sure it t'weren't me third. I misrecollect. Ah....those were the days, when I didn't have so much snow on me roof. Be warned though, there still be coals in the firebox. *Gives her a wink*
  21. Welcome Lass, I be new here m'self. Have a drink on me. I hail from the west coast as well. I be a lookin' fer a ship an' crew.
  22. *Squints at the pictures* The capn' seems a bit small don't he? Assumin' he be the well dressed bloke in the front. Nice one of yourself lassie. Ya was speakin' about sailors reaction to a woman pulling a pistol on em'. Wal now, they ain't never be in Tortuga....thats fer sure! We be used ta that, Taint no problem unless they shoots ya. Wal, they could clout ye wi' the butt end though. Smarts mightilly it does. Tis ok if they slaps ya though, it means they like ya. I hail from Glydenholt [Orange County, California], yer home seems to be a bit eastwards eh?
  23. *Speaks up from next to Jezzy* Guidelines mate? They be instruction fer those who don't what they're doin' wi'out being told ter do. Be ye looking fer a ship and crew MadL? I be in the same market as it it'wer. I too served me time in t' service o' good [relatively speakin' of course] King Nixon. Spent a few years in the company o' swordsmen and brawlers [sCA] and several more with Cap'n Grey on the good ship Sunrider [Rebel Legion Sunrider Base] as first mate. I crew mainly as quartermaster though, tis not as stuffy a post. No insult ta the captains and mates here. *Pauses to fire up his pipe and take a sip o' rum*
  24. Thankee Mate, I will consider this as a last resort. Since me blade [when it arrives, which it ain't yet] is brass and steel only, this might be the way ta go.
  25. Thankee Mate, I will consider this as a last resort. Since me blade [when it arrives, which it ain't yet] is brass and steel only, this might be the way ta go.
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