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Everything posted by mcdrago
Ummm, I wouldn't say that. Although I must admit, JT, I can't really picture you in bright red crop top, haram pants, and all covered with coin jingly/danglies. I'm thinking more like, a nice pair of jeans and no shirt kinda belly exposure. Sorry MadL, this Jacky is all male. Avast there! Me lady was wearing a red sash and coin belt! But not the short red top, nor harem pants. Wearin' a brown layered skirt, she was. Gypsy she be, an' a mighty nice one at that! Mayhaps too nice. I had ta pull me pistol when some gob tried ta get a might too friendly w' her. Thanks fer the kind words MadL, we enjoyed meetin' ya and strolling the faire wi' ye. We be keepin' a weather eye out fer ye at the CHOC pirate event. We will be a comin' back to Koronaburg at the end o' the month ta hang with our Pirate meetup folks. Tis' another late night faire and we be lookin' forward to stayin' late this time. Hope ta see more friendly faces then....and possibly less fire and smoke. Er...MadL? Didn' I see ye lightin' up a stogie last Saturday? Are ye sure ya didn't cause that there fire? Just kiddin' lad, I know bettern' that.
Yeah, me ex-skipper ain't dead yet fer sure. Saw Cap't Grey Sunday at Griffith Park. I've been wantin' ta get wit' her for a pirate event, but that ain't happened yet.
Aye lad.....drink all ye can, give nothin' back! Well, mayhaps in the privy....
Laddie; Tis the Corona Jail ye mean! PM sent.
Thankee lass; Me lady works for CHOC Health Alliance. She is excited to be doing a pirate for this one.
Do there be an anchorage fee fer attendin' this here shindig? Me lady tis feared that poor pirates are not welcome without shillings for admission.
Tis me home port! I'm in fer this one as well mates!
I'm out. Me lady's corset ain't done ter her liken. Me sword and buckle still need to be antiqued. Me hilt needs to be wrapped. I'm fer Corona in 2 weeks. See ya there MadL and we will hoist a few for the brethren.
It's funny that I didn't hear about it either. My wife works for CHOC Health Alliance. Of course she has only been there 8 months. Well, at least doing this one has her wanting to dress like a pirate. A Hollywood one of course, LOL! She just ordered thigh boots. I bought her a cutlass and it almost brought her to tears. Her first sword....sigh. I ordered her a pistol as well. She will look quite fetching in silver, black and red. I will be wearing my more formal pirate kit. Neckcloth, vest and silk sash.
I was a goin', but w' the change in the weather, I dropped anchor to wait fer more fair winds.
Aye laddie, but that be usually fer signin' the ship's articles.....and then it be mixed inta the rum.
No proper leather gear at faire??? Tis' passing strange, as I be always seein' good leather goods there. What kinda weapons do ye be needin'? P'haps I could help ya. Not been to any meetups? Sorry mate, I thought ye had. I have ta rise early me'sef ta crunch figures fer me company.
Rye laddie???....I'll bring rum! Just remember ta keep yer powder dry....don't spill any rum on it! LOL
I be crewin' on the good ship Bonaventure [Westin Bonaventure Hotel in Downtown LA]. I sail fer me home port [Anaheim] at 4 bells, though I mail put ta sea early cause of the festivities. I be plannin' on going ter the "Cutthroats of Corona" as ye do. P'haps we can palaver then dependin' on when ye go.
I will be doin' this one as well!
Avast mates; Ye be dropping anchor in me home port [Anaheim]. I be plannin' on goin'. Keep a weather eye out fer me.
I be in fer thisn' too! Twas the first I hear'd o' it. I be surprised that our pirate meetup didna know. Me lady would want ta come too, but she wouldna' be ready by 5pm. I would be runnin' a tad late meself, since I be coming from the port o' LA. MadL....keep a weather eye out for me lad. I will be the pirate w' the green sash.
IronBess: Thankee kindly lass for clearin' that up fer the new swabs. Since I been goin' since Agura, I knew 'bout that already. Thanks for postin' 'bout the pirate days though...'twas anawares which they be. MadL: I been goin' fer 2 month now laddie. Didna' see ya there. Missed the Feb one, dropped anchor in the wrong harbor. [Went to the wrong Zitos] Be ye comin' ta the next one?
Avast mate; Which o' them "meetups" didya fall inter? Dress code ye say? Mother Careys chickens, ya mean ta say they have a dress code? Pirates don't be wearin' no dresses 'cept in them there "Hollywood movies" I went ta one o' them too, but they didna say anything bout that. Try that one wi' me and it'll be a long walk off a short plank fer 'em! Me frenchie pants aint done either, so it'll be some tight brown cords me lady found fer me. They aint period, but she like me in 'em for some reason. Hope ta see ye there mate.
I be plannin' ta drop anchor there on the 12th mates.
Ahoy mates: I be dropping anchor at the Escondido Faire on the 12th of April. Keep a weather eye out for me, I be wearing a bright green sash that used ta be a celtic wall hangin' till I cut the knotwork on edges out ta make one outa it. I will be havin' me lady w' me. She looks a lot like Tia Dalma and the crab locket she be wearin' sorta enchances that. She will be wearin' a bright red sash and scarf. Hope ta see some o' ye there.
Thankee Cap'n. If'n I don't get one from Chip, I may jest take ye up on yer offer. I will let ye know.
Trust this wench, mate. She knows booty bettern' most. I say weigh anchor for Escondito! Thar's a pirate faire there!
Give Chip a call. He answered me personally. He said he would make an exception in my case and just sell me a buckle, but he doesn't normally do that.
I gots one!!! Go here for really good pirate gear: Leatherlore.com