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Everything posted by mcdrago

  1. For brass go here: http://www.constantines.com/browseproducts...g-Solution.html
  2. *Snatches the dagger out of the air and wiggles his finger at MadL with a no-no gesture* "Nay laddie, I don't. I did me time in the service o' the crown and we be a doin' our drinkin' by the pitcher, dontcha know? Ya don't think I got this grey in me beard fishing do ya?"
  3. That's funny mate, ye be lookin' like one o' them! Me eyes must be a playin' tricks.
  4. MadL.....S. Chum?? Chum be what yer use to lure sharks an' such. I be hoping that S. don't stand fer shark. *Pulls out his cutlass and starts sharpening it* Graydog....Thankee mate fer that great soundin' receipt. If Cookie happens upon any hedgehogs fer the crew's mess, I'll be mentioning it ta him.
  5. McDrago watches in horror as the cat he had rescued was shot. Then sighs in relief when nothing happens. "Wal that explains why the poor thing didn't drown." Walks over to Jacky. "Mate, I takes offense at yer shootin' cats alive or dead ifn' they aint yourn. I be insulted an ye have insulted me friend MadL ta boot. I challenge ye here an now ta a drinkin' bout. Firs' man ta pass out loses. Unless ye be man enough ta admit yer error an apologise ta me, him an o'course to the puss."
  6. What in blazes is a hedgehog anyway? Do they make good eatin'? Hogs do...bacon...chops....ham....yummmmm! Laddie, there be no serpents on ships fer the ferrets ta hunt. Yer cat be better suited ta this. Have yer thought of a name fer em? He kinda looked like a drown'd rat when yer first gottem, so Bilge Rat would be a goodin'. What think you?
  7. McDrago uncocks his pistol tucks it into his green sash and signals to the barkeep. "A brew fer the puss and some pickled sausage ifn' ya please." Slaps MadL on the back. "I knew that mate, I jes wasna sure that the puss knew." Draws a wicked looking wavy dagger from his belt and starts carving off chunks of sausage and feeding them to the hungry cat. After a few pieces, the raggedy looking feline puts his nose into the mug of beer and begins to lap it up. "Any luck findin' a ship fer us lad?"
  8. "Click, CLICK!" Tis the sound of a pistol being double cocked. A voice speaks softly into MadL's ear. "I think not, mate. Ifn' ya do, I be havin' yer guts fer garters!"
  9. Aye lass, tis the very one. I jes couldna remember the name. Thankee.
  10. Tis a cat that adopted MadL in another thread. He has tried to get clear o' it, but no such luck. The feline in question is a scrawny calio with a strange looking white mark on his/her chest. This rat-catcher is now the ship's mascot [when we kin find a ship] and is fond of sausages and beer. Seems to be a bit tolerant of rum as well. Heyo we need ta name this here kit, anyone got a good pirate handle to hang on em?
  11. Laddie....be explainin' would ye about this sureburt stuff? Sounds vera interestin'.
  12. McDrago enters the bar as if drawn by the sound of sirens singing. A wistful look shows on his whiskered face. He carries a bag which moves a bit from time to time as though it contents wanted out. "Me ears must be playing tricks on me," He announces stomping up to the bar. "Sure and tis a harp I thought I be hearin'" "A boilermaker if'n ye please lass." He then notices the harp and the harper. "A bard by all that's holy!," He exclaims. He walks over and sticks out a grimy looking beringed paw. "Well met! Me name be McDrago. Be ye from Erin, me lord?" He then notices MadL and then does something every sailor dreads.....he lets the cat out of the bag. "Here be yer pussy mate. I found em in this here sack floating in the bay. Tis bad luck to drown a cat, so I brough em back ta ya!" The bedraggled feline jumps out of the sack and lands on MadL's lap and begins to lap up his drink.
  13. Aye lass, see me post above.
  14. Damn yer eyes MadL.....Kin ye not read? We will have a real Pirate ship attacking the Pier, which will be defended by local citizens and our very own pirates, cannons and sword fights galore. A limited number of Pirate ship rides will be available. There will be a kids treasure hunt, a pirate costume contest, and a beach fun zone. I'm thinking this will be limited to powder monkeys, ship's boys and the like. O' course this could mean "limited to the size o' yer purse!" Being pirates we may just have to "liberate" a few rides fer ourselves.
  15. Beggin' yer pardon mate, but I would be seein' those items if yer can post pics of em. I be interested in yer hat and yer baldric. Thankee.
  16. Aye lassie....that I was! I misrecollected the name. Nobody move....I've lost me brain! Probably suffering from oldtimers disease! There be another german resturant in Anahiem, on ball near the 57 fwy. Different name though.
  17. Aye lad, ye can call it a blunderbuss ifn' ya kin tuck it into yer sash or ifn' it be mounted on a stock and kin be shoulder fired...otherwise tis a cannon! O'course ya could mount a stock on one, but yer would never git me to fire it!
  18. Avast there, twas not a mackeral. Twas an eel! [see Koronaburg thread] Blamed furball's can't see worth a damn......unless it be tracking a movin' object! Mayhap he needs spectacles!
  19. Aye lad, I ken what yer mean! If'n ya make it ter Koronaburg, I'll by ye a pint ter sooth yer feelins.
  20. Aye MadL....ye should know mate. Did ya ever get rid o' that cat ya picked up in ta other thread? Ya know once ya befriend those beasts yer have 'em fer life. *MEOWRRRR!!!!* Down ya blasted flea bitten fur ball....Belay those claws! OWWWWWW!!!!!
  21. Avast there ye swab! There be a fine german resturant right here at the port o' Anahiem. One o' me mates took a group of us there I recall. Don't remember the name, but if'n ye want I kin look it up fer ye. Sure and twon't be as good as bein' there fer real, but it should do in a pinch.
  22. I have one o' those meself....but in green! Civil War reproduction. They are nice, but I wanted a really long one, so I made meself one out of a green celtic tapestry/table cloth.
  23. The pictures mate! Where be the pictures?
  24. I be a goin' ta this one on the 24th. I be bringin' me lady and me sister. Be warned ye sea dogs.....keepin' yer paws offin' either o' them. At "Cutthroats" I had ta draw me pistol when some bilge rat tried to get a wee bit too friendly w' me lady. MadL....here's hopin' ta see ya there.
  25. Nope. Wouldn't fit me 47 inch chest. I wanted it in a faded blue color anyway.
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