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Everything posted by MorganDrake

  1. Thanks :) I'm excited. And that's true. I didn't think about renewing vows at PiP.. lol Can't wait to see you guys in Hampton :) Oh and Mission, I have never claimed to be sane... nor do any of the pics prove that it either. LOL
  2. Alas I am from Ohio and not CA. But thanks anyway :) I'm hoping I can talk a certain "Papa" into it, but we'll see :)
  3. yay scallywags
  4. Can we stage some sort of a sword fight leading up to it?
  5. I'll try and do that more often :) I read just about everything on here, just not a lot of posting :) Yeah, that's why I stuck that in there. (Morgan, you should post here more often so's everyone who hasn't had the privilege of meeting you in person can share in your winning, sunny personality!)
  6. Oh yeah, thanks Mission. lol I forgot you got all my good sides. hahaha
  7. Well it seems like the Crewe of The Sacred Heart is in rare form these days. I would also like to announce that my loving Johnny proposed to me and we too, shall be getting married. Not this year at PiP though. Sorry. I think my family would have me hanged if I went where most of them would not/ could not follow. :) My mother specifically said, my grandmother was NOT allowed to walk the plank. lol I think it would be great though. So as of now, we are looking at next year in the fall. :):):):):) Just wanted to pass on the love. Can't wait to see some of you at The Blackbeard Festival (that's right, we are going) and the rest.. there is always PiP! Love, hugs, and rum Morgan Drake (Nicole)
  8. omg you guys are killing me.. Glad you got all your questions answered about me Mission, since I haven't been on here. Yes my real name is Nicole Andreyko <---- there is an e in my last name.. even though certain parties.. ahem.. will remain nameless in the misspelling of it. And I am Morgan Drake of the Sacred Heart Crewe. Johnny is my bf, still no pirate name as of yet.. any suggestions? Oh and as for our head scarves.... if you really want one, you can go to Nigel's page http://www.nigelsade.com/ and order one. He only has a couple colors up, but if you send him an email, he can make whatever you want. If not, I can always get some at our Ren Fair in Sept. before the next PiP. I also have lots more photos than what is up on callahandigitalart.com. So if anyone wants something in particular, let me know. I also have some posted on my myspace page myspace.com/8368236. Videos are also in the works. I miss you all and can't wait for PiP'09. Hugs and Rum Morgan
  9. I will always be there with my camera in tow. And so will Johnny. He's hooked for life. Although, next year I'm going to plan on being there longer so I can actually enjoy some time with my fellow pirates, rather than just running my butt off the whole time saying hi and things in passing. .....and I need a new hat. Hugs and Rum Morgan Drake
  10. O yes. I will definitely be there!! You can't get rid of me now. Arrrrgh! Morgan Drake
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