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Edward O'Keeffe

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Everything posted by Edward O'Keeffe

  1. Or, are you trying to start a rumor? Just ask, I was there.

  2. Will Do. Am I picking you up again? Maybe we can get back without spilling the coffee this year.
  3. Quite frankly, I didn't know it was covered by insurance. As I said previously, I don't care a whit. Ya' gotta go somehow or another... (It would be cool to hear someone say, "He was killed by cannon fire." Ok, 'hear' isn't quite the right word, but...) Mission, I generally stay out of topics like this, but this must be addressed. This is the most bone-headed comment I have ever read. Lets try it again with proper name inserted in place of the undefined He... Not amusing in the slightest. Think before you type.
  4. And the same many times over to yourself.
  5. How bout this, just leave it on your desk when you go your last night. Dear Sirs, I have run off to join a different circus. Sincerely, Name
  6. Thank you all for the birthday wishes, I was a bit alarmed at the enthusiasm over the lashes though. I did finally crawl out of bed around 7 PM, after 10 glorious hours of sleep. But in my defense I did just work 26 12 hr night shifts in the last 30 days.
  7. Galen and I will take the Sat morning ice run.
  8. The hinges came fromAmerican Heritage Crafters in PA. Here is the link to the pair I used... http://www.americanheritagecrafters.com/default.asp?action=level3&catid=6&cattypeid=40&itmid=4100&page_cnt=2 They are hand forged and made custom to the back dimension of the chest in question. Mine required a bit of discussion back and forth as the sides are 7/8 and cant in at 7 degrees. They were very careful to make sure the fit would be right. Great company to work with. E O'K
  9. Happy birthday Cheeky, all the best in the coming year. Sorry for such short note, but I'm off to work. E O'K
  10. I get mine from a local lumberyard. It goes about $10 / pt. Great stuff to work with, you can mix to the desired consistency and get just about and effect you want from light color wash to thick bold paint.
  11. OK here are the pictures of the latest sea chest to roll out on my shop. It belongs to Miss Lily Alexander. This one is solid cherry with wenge cleats. The finish is straight linseed oil. I have been letting it sit in the sun for the last few days to let it darken. All I need to do now is get some beckets on it.
  12. Aye! so ye see the dilemma i'm havin here, wonderin what a darlin's to do campin with him again... but down at PiP this time, mind ye! will he only b'spoonin me?! altho, i must say ~ he's the one here bein spooned! remember...tis KEY WEST..... ... .... That is the the other end of Duval Street.
  13. Or there is always this one.....
  14. Here's mine.... Now that's a ride
  15. Wrong, just wrong, and on so many levels.
  16. Thanks everyone for your concern, I am fine. I can't even call in sick to work tomorrow. The whole point of the post was to serve as a warning to folks who might not realize that oily rags will burn from their own heat if you leave them on the floor
  17. I just thought I would post this since most of the folks who do projects in this thread have used linseed oil as finish. I just got really lucky. I have been using the standard boiled linseed oil as a final coat for years. Until today I have never taken the warnings in the can seriously. I was putting a coat of oil on the inside of a sea chest, and tossing the paper towels on the floor of the garage as usual. About 10- 15 minutes later I went to pick them up, and burned my hand on the paper towels. There is a warning on the can to spread out oily rags to dry, I can now say heed it. I'm dam lucky I didn't burn down my garage with all the sawdust out there. Here are pics of my finishing towels after I hit them with a hose.
  18. Sniff. It's beautiful. I can't wait to drop it, tip it over, spill things on it, and trip over it in the dark. May it taste as much of your blood as it has mine.
  19. Here we go, I am finally posting pics of William's sea chest that has been lurking around my garage for the past several weeks. It is made from pine with poplar trim. I am also building one out of cherry for the dear Miss Lily Alexander. Mr Roberts....Yours is on the schedule
  20. Happy Birthday Poppa, and may you have many many more.
  21. Finally made it home last night round midnight, still working out the kinks in my body. What can I say but a huge Thank You to everyone who came out and played in Hampton. It was great to see so many old friends and make so many new ones. Pern, thank you again for the sail, it was great to spend some time getting to know you better, you and your whole crew deserve a huge pat on the back for all your work on a great festival. Dutch, I still cant believe you got away with our flag and my bench in one fell swoop. Bone Island, what can I say, it's always a blast playing with you guys, cant wait till next time. I would try to mention everyone but this post would go on forever, and I have to get rolling on unpacking the trailer. Till we all meet again.. E O'K
  22. Not to mention, it would make a great sling for a Treva-Shay.
  23. So, you finally caught up with us up here. Welcome aboard, great to have you with us brother. Nice to see all those years I spent encouraging your bad behavior have finally paid off. Take some time look around make yourself comfortable, you will find some of the most helpful folks lurking about in here. But hurry up buyin' that round, my mug is empty, and I'm getting a bit parched. E O'K
  24. Lets go through some of the claims from this article: " dump our nuclear waste in their seas." first of all, US Nuclear plants store all spent fuel on site, so not one pellet had ever shipped overseas for disposal, and it is all accounted for. "European ships started appearing off the coast of Somalia, dumping vast barrels into the ocean." Secondly, European nations re-process spent nuclear material into usable fuel, they do not discard it. Thereby reducing the amount of spent material they must maintain on site. Why dump something in the ocean when when you can use it to generate energy. "hundreds of the dumped and leaking barrels washed up on shore." If this were the case why were these alleged "leaking barrels " washing up on shores just on the coast of Somalia, not all over the region. And finally, if the side banners on that page any indication, and one can only assume they are. That "news" site is nothing more that a hard core propaganda page. I mean come on, they are looking for donations. That is not what I would consider a reliable source.
  25. I am curious about this "nuclear waste" washing up on Somali shores, there is no mention as to what levels are involved. Technically smoke detectors and banana peels are "low level radioactive waste".
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