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Davey Dog Crusher

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Everything posted by Davey Dog Crusher

  1. Welcome aboard! Been doin' the CW thing meself fer the passed seven years or such. Bein' a Rebel, the only nat'ral next step was to go a bit farther off the map. Funny thing, the parents used to hafta haul the kids in so's we could tell 'em we was an honourable sort that didn't eat their dead, and now it's the little welps draggin' the parents in to hear how we're a surly sort that don't take to society's norms. Fair winds and fine sailin' mate.
  2. Thanks fer the encouragement mates. A round o' the best spirits to all o' ye. None o' them champaign cocktails tho'.
  3. Ahoy mates. I'm a new member here and hope to do a bit more than trolling through the posts. I've been on the account for about a year and I'm looking to attend a few more events in the mid-Atlantic region during the 2008 season. I enjoy the "Living History" experience and I'll be checking the "Events" calendar often. I have a decent "kit", some hand-made navigation equipment (Octant, Quadrant, Astrolabe, Nocturlabe {Nocturnal}Cross-Staff, Traverse Board, &c) that I can reasonably use/explain, and a desire to do something. I'm not necessarily looking to join a crew right now , but if you have a berth open at an event, please keep me in mind. Regards, David
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