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Posts posted by Mae

  1. Also, for those who wish to keep track of such things, I placed a countdown script on my Pirate Fest page of my Fort Taylor.org web site.

    Harry, that countdown timer is such a tease :unsure: Can't you 'adjust' it a little? I think PiP '08 in January sounds lovely! :unsure:

  2. (Too bad, too, because I really wanted to try that amputation technique...cut through the outer layer of skin using the point and the inside blade, then flip the knife around with the point remaining beneath the skin. Run the point of the blade along the circumference of the arm being careful not to cut the first layer of muscle beneath...peel back the layer of skin...cut into the outer layer of muscle...hmm...Oh, we may stumble along the way, but-civilization, yes!...I think I could do it...gimme a chance...hey, Jim?)

    Oi....you DO have a way with words, Mission! Any more of that and I'll be looking for the nearest ship's railing to hang my head over. Well done. :rolleyes:

  3. Brig and I heard someone playing Pachelbel's Canon in D as well as Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring on a violin in the fort on Friday night as we crossed the green to the tavern. Any idea who the musician may have been? It was beautiful! Props to them.

  4. A big thanks to my hubby, Amanjiria, for all the work he put into our kit.

    Another special thanks to Captain Sterling and Silkie and the Archangel crew. Billie and M.A.d'Dogge were kind enough to let Mae and I monopolize them at the pub Friday night, and they made it a great time for us...I now know where to go if I ever need an oversized dress or a lighter. :D

    Couldn't have said it any better than my pretty scrap of a sister did. It's a little odd to have your brother-in-law stitching your PC underwear, but he's so darn good at it!

    And yes, the Archangel crew was amazing, as were the rest of the colorful folks we met. Billie and M.A.d'Dogge quickly became my favorite pair of mermen, thanks to their good humor and M.A.d'Dogge's offer to let me play with his honest-to-goodness princess-bestowed jingly bits.

    Love and good thoughts to you all, is it time for next year's PiP yet??? :D

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