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Redd Oktober

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Posts posted by Redd Oktober

  1. Ahoy Pirates,

    Any of you plannin' ter attend this year's Baycon? Fer infermation...

    GO HERE!

    Maybe we can all raid in unison, or just drain the hotel of its supply of RUM!!!


  2. AARRRR!!

    Thank ye all so very much! Been tryin' ter keep me chins up...tis one of the roughest (and frankly dullest) B-day's ever...but ye all are the backbone of the "Good Part" of it.

    A salute from me Queen Anne pistol in Battleground, WA.

    B) x 30

  3. 'Ere! I thought we wuz done wif da Lady-bashin' 
    Me thinks we gots some slow learners here.

    Still be some rocks bein` thrown by thems wot lives in glass houses .

    Arrgggh ! Some of ye needs to wise up an` recognize that ya don`t know e`rythin ya think ya do .

    So ease off tha Lady an` tha Chieftain an` any other ship ya don`t think lives up to yer shallow standards of what ya think deserves yer respect .

    Most good sailors don`t give a tinker`s damn what ya think about their ships . They just be sailin` along , makin` a livin` from tha sea whilst tha rest o` ya here jez be playin` on it .

    So get o`er it already an` just play wif them who be willin` to engage wif ya an` don`t fret o`er the rest .

    I been makin` my livin` off da sea too damn long to claim one ship be finer than tha other . So long as a boat be maintained proper an` treated wif da respect it deserves , it IS a fine ship an` damn tha fools that say otherwise .

    I'm going to back up Desert Pyrate, Pyrate, and Black Hearted Pearl...As I read it...they were merely stating a fact, and hoping all was well. I think the only people in "glass houses...throwin' stones" are those who seem to be finding the slightest offense the moment the LW and HC are mentioned in any capacity on any post...as of late.


  4. Methinks the Bay Area has become to costly to be able to maintain any economical support for Tallships to call 'home'...Just a thought, eh?.....

    Then Methinks Me not want ter stay in a coastal region that be too expensive fer tall ships...!

  5. I've had the good fortune to meet the lad who designed the action figures. They are really cool! No Jack Sparrow, unfortunately...at least, not yet. They're based mostly off of the ride. But who knows!!


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