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Bos'n Arrow

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Everything posted by Bos'n Arrow

  1. Ahoy, Cap'n, I don't suppose you'd be agreeing to scanning in some sort of pictorial image of this legendary baldric o' yers? Cuz the rest of us scum sucking bilge rats would dearly dote on layin' our eyes (plural in some cases, singular in others) on the likes of it. Anon, Bos'n Arrow
  2. Ahoy! I've been a piratin' fer a number o' years, and am one of the guilty parties fer stokin' the fires of the first pirate-raid party, "Pirate's Night Out", at Pennsic, many a long year ago, and am a sometime crew member of the Winona, outta the Lake of Erie. I seldom sail as much as I'm wantin' to, anymore, but tis a fine thing t' be porin' over yer site like a well-calligraphized treasure map. Anon, Bos'n Arrow
  3. Rules?! Well, bugger me for a cabin boy. Y'are makin' rather a brash assumption an' all, assumin' that yer general breed o' pyrates can read. However, as some o' us is even literate t'th' point o' Melville* tucked in our bunks, (although old Herm hisself woudna' be able t' understand artickle 8 with th' aid o' fifty lawyers and a schoolmarm) I think for those swabbies that can fathom it, it works about as well as a cracked four-pounder in a typhoon. *not hisself, but his writin'. Bunkin' with hisself would be rather disgustin', as he's been bone-butted dead fer some time now. Anon, Bos'n Arrow
  4. Ahoy! I had a suspicion you sailors might enjoy some of the dulcet tones of a group called Clam Chowder. They did the convention/SCA circuit for a while, but have recently re-released a few of their hard to find songs on CD. I think Spindrift and Salvaged are a bit better than High Tide, but they're all right fine, and have several versions of excellent shanties. Anon, Bos'n Arrow
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